Genetic Screening Flashcards
When does genetic screening start
One in 1st trimester (11-13 wks 6 d) and other in 2cd trimester (15-16 wks)
When do you US for genetic screening?
11-13 wks 6 d for nunchal translucency
What is the quad screen?
AFP, human chorionic gonadotropin, unconjugated estrogen (uE3), inhibin a
When is the quad screen tested?
15-18 wks, But can be tested 15-21 wks
Who do you offer quad screening to?
All women who present before 21 weeks
What does the quad screen tell you?
Reports risk for open neural tube defects, trisomy 21, and trisomy 18
How do you counsel in genetic screen?
Screen vs diagnostic test
Risk of down based on maternal age
Offer genetic counseling
When do you not do the quad screen?
If pt is going to have an amniocentesis
first trimester screening and tests?
Down Syndrome Screening
Uterine Size & Gestation
Ultrasound (fetal heart tones)
Chorionic Villus Sampling
what is included in down syndrome screening?
Free B-Hcg
PAPP-A (Serum Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein-A)
nuchal translucency
what is a free b-hcg level indicative of?
Abnormally high or low may be indicative of abnormalities
what does a low PAPPA possibly mean?
fetal down syndrome
what does an abnormal nuchal translucency mean?
US @ 10-13 wks → ↑thickness is abnormal
what if uterine size and gestation abnormal?
If abnormal, Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis can be offered around 10-13 wks
when can fetal Heart tone be detected?
10-12 wks by doppler
5-6 wks via US of fetus
when does chorionic villus sampling need to be performed?
when can chorionic villus sampling be offered?
May be offered to women including those with a prior child with chromosomal abnormality, maternal age >35 yrs, abnormal 1st or 2nd trimester maternal screening tests, abnormal US, prior pregnancy losses
+Advantage → Allows for option of early termination of pregnancy if abnormalities found
+Disadvantage → Performing increases the risk of spontaneous abortion
when is triple screening done?
15-20 wks
what is triple screening?
α- fetoprotein
what disorder does a low AFP, high bhcg, and low estradiol dx?
down syndrome
what does a high afp mea on a triople screen?
open neural tube defects, or multiple gestation
what dose a low AFP, low Bhcg, and low estradiol mean?
trisomy 18 (often stillborn or dies w/in the first yr of life
what is inhibin A?
high levels may be indicative of chromosomal abnormalities?
what can US be used for?
check amniotic fluid level, fetal viability, and growth for gestational age