genetic diversity and adaptation Flashcards
what determines the phenotype of an organism
sequences of bases on the DNA code - determines proteins made in cells - ultimately determines the characteristics
what is a gene pool
total amount of inherited info in a species
all the alleles of all the genes in a pop
what are alleles
different forms of the same gene
what is genetic diversity
total no. of alleles in a population
therefore greater number of alleles means more genetic diversity and variation
why is genetic diversity important
long-term survival of a species
greater the genetic diversity in a species the wider range of characteristics in the pop
so some will have advantageous characteristics
and allows natural selection to therefore occur and survive + reproduce
what happens in species with low genetic diversity
what happens in species with high genetic diversity
some mem of species survive as are adapted
what factors increase genetic diversity
mutation= change in base sequence on DNA so results in new alleles created - protein could be altered
-meiosis- reshuffle alleles present in gene pool - cross over event and IA generate huge amounts of variation
what factors decrease genetic diversity
-selective breeding
-genetic bottleneck
-founder effect
-random genetic drift
what is selective breeding
humans artificially choosing organisms with desirable/favourable characteristics and using them as breeding stock
eg crops
high yield,better taste, better colour, increased tolerance to enviro conditions
increased body size,increased product, improved temperament, too look a certain way
how does selective breeding reduce genetic diveristy
inbreeding over many generations
results in inability to adapt to sudden enviro conditions
what are genetic bottlenecks
event takes place in which either a significant % of pop is killed or significant % of pop is prevented from reproducing
small pop = small no. of alleles and small gene pool
eg environmental change or hunting/human intervention
an example of a genetic bottleneck
-severe climate change eg ice age - large no. killed so only few cheetahs to breed so less alleles in pop
-human hunting hunt to extinction so less alleles as inbreed
what is the founder effect
population founded from a small no. of individuals then those individuals will carry a small range of alleles and pop that develops from them will have limited genetic diversity
often result of geography
results in speciation
what is natural selection
process which acts upon populations so that those organism with the best features survive and breed#
eg advantageous characteristic increases reproductive success and disadvantageous limits
what are the 3 types of adaption
what is the process of natural selection
-all species produce more offspring than are needed to replace themselves and maintain the population at a constant level - OVERPRODUCTION
-individual members of the same species and their offspring are different from one and other - VARIATION DUE TO MUTATION
-in a population there will be limited resources and there will be COMPETITION between individuals for survival - food,water,space,mate etc
-some individuals will be better suited to the environment than others- ADAPTATION so more likely to survive
-indviduals that survive are more likely to breed and pass on their alleles - DIFFERENTIAL REPRODUCTIVE SUCCESS
-over time species will change as the environment changes -adavtangageous alleles increase in frequency and disadvan decrease- CHANGE IN ALLELE FREQUENCY
what are selective pressures
factors of the habitat which act on individuals
-competition -limited resources so individuals can compete with each other - better competitors more likely to survive
-predation- prey adapted to avoid predator and predator adapted to catch prey
-disease - kill organisms or result in them being debilitated so less able to compete-organism with genotypes resistant to disease will be able to survive ad pass on genotype
what are the 3 types of selection
what is stabilising selection
operates when there is no chnage in the environment and the selective pressures remain the same- range towards mean
what is directional selection
directional selection opertes hen there is a change in the environment and the selective pressures change
-end if variation range more favourable
what is disruptive selection
two extremes of a range are selected for and river a period of time in which the middle range disappears
due to extreme enviro change - causes two distinct habitats nd two distinct selective pressures - results in speciation
give an example of stabilising selection
human birth wieght
-too low - die as organs not developed
-too high- die in childbirth
selective pressures
-mothers health and nutrition
-birth process
-avaliability of medical intervention
steps to combat
-high birth weight- forceps and c-section
-low - neonatal care eg incubators and drugs
give an example of directional selection
antibiotic resistance in bacteria