Genesis Flashcards
What are the three forms of Divine Revelation?
General/Natural, Special/Supernatural, and Progressive
What books are the Pentateuch?
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy
What are other names of the Pentateuch?
Also called the Torah or the Law.
What is the purpose of Genesis? (4)
1) To show the nature of the God of Israel. (Including that He is living, Covenant-keeping, Sovereign, Powerful, Righteous, Holy, Good and Gracious.)
2) To show the nature of God’s people. (Israel)
3) To show the destiny of God’s people. (Israel)
4) To give Israel the historical and theological basis for being the chosen people of God.
What is the meaning of the word Genesis?
Source or Origin
What is the title of Genesis 1-11?
The Primeval History
What is the title of Genesis 12-50?
The Patriarchal History
What are the 4 most important events in the Primeval History?
1) The Creation
2) The Fall
3) The Flood
4) The Dividing of the Nations/ Languages.
What is the most important question being answered in the Biblical creation story? What isn’t?
Who not how.
What is important about being created in God’s image? (3)
1) We are reflections of God’s glory.
2) We have the ability to reflect God’s character.
3) God made both man and women in His image.
What are the blessings to mankind? (4)
1) Populate the earth.
2) Authority over the material world.
3) Authority over all living creatures.
4) Plants are given for food.
What is the Theology from Genesis 1-4? (5)
1) Man has the capacity to serve God.
2) Man is responsible to obey the Word of the Lord.
3) The institution of Marriage is sanctioned by God.
4) Value and emphasis is given to Mankind over creation in general.
5) God’s gives special care and provision to the man an woman (The Garden, work, cloths, and the promise not to forsake).
Extra Credit: 1 John 2:16 (the world)
“For everything in the world- the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life- comes not from the Father but from the world.”
Extra Credit: Genesis 3:15 (upon all serpent)
” And I will put enmity between you and the women, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”
Extra Credit: Jude 11:1 (the way)
” Woe to them! They have taken the way of Cain.”
What is the “way of Cain” ?
To reject God’s way and then becoming angry when God does not accept the way you have invented in its place.
What is God’s grace in the Judgement of the Flood? (5)
1) God initiated the way of salvation (the ark).
2) The Holy Spirit allowed Noah to warn people for 120 years while building the ark. (7:3)
3) Even after Noah and the family and the animals entered the ark there were still seven more days before the rain came. (7:4)
4) God sent the flood to purify and restore good upon the earth for future generations.
5) There is no mention of the righteousness of the members of Noah’s family yet they are also saved.
What is the Theology from the Flood? (3)
1) Because God is holy he must judge sin.
2) God allows persecutions to come on his faithful but not His wrath.
3) God, Himself, provides the means for escaping judgement.
Where and what is the covenant of Noah? (5)
Found in Genesis 9:1-17
1) Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.
2) Fear of man in the animal kingdom. Man still has authority over the animal kingdom.
3) In verse 3 the human diet changes. Vegetables AND animals now become fit for food.
4) Verse 4 establishes one prohibition about diet; they were not to eat blood.
5) Capital punishment.
What was the sin of Babel?
Pride and rebellion
What are the 7 points to the blessing to Abraham?
Found in Genesis 12:1-2
1) I will make you into a great nation.
2) I will bless you.
3) I will make your name great.
4) You will be a blessing to others.
5) I will bless those who bless you.
6) Whoever curses you I will curse.
7) All people on earth will be blesses through you.
Extra Credit: Genesis 15:6 (righteousness)
“Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.”
What did Paul see as important in the life of Abraham?
He puts great theological emphasis on the fact the Abraham’s faith caused him to be credited with righteousness (Genesis 15) long before this sacrament of circumcision was added. (Genesis 17)
Extra Credit: Genesis 22:7-8 (provision)
Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them went on together.
Extra Credit: Genesis 22:14 (mountain)
So Abraham called the place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.”
Where is the Toldot of Isaac?
Genesis 25:19-35:29
Summary of the Toldot of Isaac.
The New Testament makes a point of showing God’s sovereignty through his choosing of Jacob over Esau even before they are born. It does appear that the saga of Jacob and Esau is indeed an example of God’s sovereignty, but this does not mean that Esau had no free will for which he would be accountable.
What are the advantages and privileges of the birthright? (2)
1) This baby became the object of special affection. He would legally receive a double portion of his father’s estate( in Jacob’s case, this would be two- thirds).
2) In the case of Abraham’s seed, it included the great spiritual benefit of the covenant blessing.
What biblical symbol does Esau become?
Human lust
What is important to remember of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?
They are among the most significant people in the Old Testament but this significance is not based upon their character, but upon the character of God. They were not perfect heroes instead, they were just like us, trying to please God, but often falling short.
Important Sons of Leah.
Levi, his third son.
Judah, his fourth son
Important Sons of Rachel.
Joseph, his eleventh son.
Benjamin, his twelfth son
Two important points about Jacob’s sons.
1) Half of Jacob’s sons were born to his wife, Leah, whom he had no intention or knowledge of marrying. This included: Levi, from which tribe all priests would eventually come and Judah, from which tribe the Lord Jesus would eventually come.
2) Rachel bore two last and favorite sons; Joseph and Benjamin.
What do we see in Joseph?
We see one who steadily and faithfully puts his trust in God, even at a young age and in very difficult circumstances.
Extra Credit: Genesis 49:10 (the scepter and staff)
“The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until he to whom it belongs shall come and the obedience of the nations shall be his.”
What is important about Judah?
The Kingship is given to Judah from whom came David’s line of kings, and Jesus Christ, Judah and his tribe become the seed-line.
Why do many see Joseph as a type of Christ? (10)
1) Both were sold for money.
2) Both taken to Egypt.
3) Both were striped of their robes.
4) Both resisted severe temptation.
5) Both falsely accused.
6) Both were placed with two prisoners, one of which was saved and the other lost.
7) Both forgave those who wronged them.
8) Both were 30 years old at the beginning of their public ministry.
9) Both saved their nation and the world.
10) The evil done to them, God turned to good.