1 &2 Chronicles Flashcards
Our English title “Chronicles” comes from?
from St. Jerome in 382 AD
what was is later called?
the Vulgate
What was responsible for dividing the single Book of Chronicles into 1 and 2 Chronicles?
the Septuagint
Fully 50 percent, of 1 & 2 Chronicles is?
the same material found in 1 & 2 Samuel and 1 & 2 Kings.
When do Most scholars place the writing of Chronicles?
within Ezra’s lifetime (450-400 B.C.).
In the Hebrew canon, 1 and 2 Chronicles are?
the last and final books.
Chronicles does tend to reflect the perspective of?
a reforming priest (as Ezra was) with emphasis on the Temple and the Levitical Priesthood.
we may assume the author wrote these books during?
the second or third generation after the exile ended.
What is omitted from Chronicles? (3)
1) Solomon’s Apostasy
2) David’s Adultery
3) Adonijah’s Rebellion
What do people say 1 &2 Chronicles could be?
The First Bible Commentary
about 50% of 1 &2 Chronicles come from these sources?
1 and 2 Samuel and 1 and 2 Kings
What was the Author’s/Editor’s Purpose? (2)
1) to remind his readers of the victories of their heritage and to assure them of triumphs in the future.
2) Chronicles was written as a statement of faith that God’s promises were still true even though they had miserably failed.
5 facts about Samuel and Kings? (in comparison)
1) Prophetic authorship: emphasizes the prophetic ministry and moral concerns.
2) More negative; Rebellion and tragedy.
3) Message of judgment.
4) Man’s failings.
5) Emphasizes kings and prophets.
5 facts about 1 & 2 Chronicles? (in comparison)
1) Priestly authorship: emphasizes the priestly ministry & spiritual concerns.
2) More positive; Apostasy, but hope in spite of tragedy.
3) Message of hope.
4) God’s faithfulness.
5) Emphasizes the temple and the priests.
The writer showed that David’s greatness came from his attitude toward God, which expressed itself in two ways?
1) His care for the ark (a symbol of God’s grace)
2) His desire to build the temple (a symbol of worship, which responds to God’s grace)
What is special about the contents of 1 and 2 Chronicles?
The message of this book is timeless. On both a national and personal level, greatness comes with our depth of fellowship with God.
By means of these genealogical lists, the author of Chronicles demonstrated?
a national identity reaching back across the tragedy of the exile.
The lists demonstrated continuity between?
The first readers could believe?
that the promises God gave their ancestors before the exile were also for them.
Adam was important as?
the head of the human race receiving the Adamic Covenent (blessings).
Abraham was important because of?
the promises God gave him and his descendants in the Abrahamic Covenant.
David was important because of?
his role as Israel’s divinely chosen king and because of the promises God gave him in the Davidic Covenant.
What did the author perceive to be God’s chosen instruments of salvation? (3)
1) The Davidic line of kings
2) The City of Jerusalem
3) The Temple
Saul’s death became, for the author?
a prototype or pattern of the exile.
What may have been the two reasons for the writer to recorded the death of Saul at such length and detail?
1) to show that David had no hand in it.
2) to present Saul as a prototype of all the evil kings that follow, and to present David as a prototype of all the good kings that follow.
David originated the temples?
musical guilds and services.
Bringing the ark into Jerusalem marked?
the beginning of the Levitical singers’ ministry in Israel.
The primary reason for including the incident involving David counting the men in Chronicles was that?
it explains the site chosen for the temple.
The real greatness of the reign of Solomon lay in?
his humility before God.
Solomon’s primary service to the nation was?
the erection of the temple
Solomon’s failure was that he ceased to?
recognize God’s sovereign rule over him and his kingdom, the very thing the temple he built promoted.
There were five main religious revivals
1) Asa restored the altar.
2) Jehoshaphat sent messengers throughout the land to read the Word of God to the people.
3) Joash renovated the temple.
4) Hezekiah reopened it and revitalized worship in it.
5) Josiah repaired the temple.
1 Chronicles teaches that?
it was necessary that the people recognize God in everything.
2 Chronicles teaches that?
if that recognition is only formal and ceremonial, it is useless and impotent.
Comparisons between Solomon’s Temple and The Church
1) Solomon’s temple was a physical and material temple./ The Church is a spiritual
2) The presence of God filled Solomon’s temple at its beginning./ The Holy Spirit filled the Church at its beginning.
3) Solomon’s temple was the center of spiritual life in Israel./ The Church is to be the center of spiritual life in the world.
4) Solomon’s temple reminded His people of His heavenly rule over them and with them./ The Church is to remind all people of his rule over them and his presence with them.
5) Solomon’s temple degenerated into symbolism and form./ At various times and places, the Church has been reduced to form and symbolism.
As Israel failed to bring the light of God’s revelation to the world, so the church can?
fail to do so as well if we are content merely to play church.
What was Solomon’s major accomplishment from this writer’s point of view?
The building of the temple
Mount Moriah is mentioned as the site of the temple. The very spot where?
Abraham was called to sacrifice his son Isaac.
Nevertheless, the “golden age” reign of Solomon helped the Jews of the restoration period know?
what they needed to do (repent and be faithful), and to what they could look forward.
2 Chronicles 7:14 (If my people)
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
Saul’s life and death became the pattern of?
the exile, repeated in Israel’s history.
But 2 Chronicles 7:14 is?
the pattern for restoration.
The chronicler presented these two models (restoration and exile), and called his readers to?
assess their own situation in the light of these archetypes, or patterns.
The history of the northern kingdom lay outside?
the scope of the author’s purpose. He was interested in tracing the kings of the southern kingdom of Judah
As long as they had permission to rebuild the temple, there was?
hope that someday a successor to David might rule over them again. The temple was in that sense the protector of the promise to David, both in Athaliah’s day and in the Chronicler’s day.
In Chronicles what was important about the connection of the temple and God?
to honor the temple was to honor God. To neglect the temple was to neglect God.
three kings who began well but ended poorly
1) Joash
2) Amaziah
3) Uzziah
The histories of the three kings that started well but ended poorly show the importance of?
personal faithfulness to God “to the very end.”
Building projects and political success were?
signs of divine blessing for the Chronicler
According to the Chronicler, the reason for Israel’s exile was?
the hardness of heart that King Ahaz demonstrated.
The Chronicler gave more space to which king?
Hezekiah’s reign than to any others except David and Solomon.
Not since Solomon was there a king like Hezikiah who?
reflected the heart of David.
The Assyrians captured Manasseh but released him after he repented. His experience would have?
encouraged the returned exiles who read Chronicles. If God showed mercy to evil Manasseh and reestablished him in the land, He could do the same for them
it was the same hardness of heart characterized by Pharaoh under Moses which?
now characterized the Davidic kings.
• The edict of Cyrus for the rebuilding of the temple was first-hand evidence that?
God had not annulled His covenants with Israel nor the Levitical system revealed at Sinai.