Generalization, Discrimination, and Stimulus Control Flashcards
What is a concept?
Any class where the members of which share one or more defining features, allowing us to discriminate between members of one group from another.
What is a CS-?
The conditional stimulus that regularly appears alone.
What is a CS+?
The conditional stimulus that regularly appears with an unconditional stimulus.
What is the differential outcomes effect (DOE)?
Improved performance in discrimination training as a result of different consequences.
What is discrimination? Discrimination training?
Discrimination is the tendency for behavior to occur in certain situations but not in others. Any procedure for establishing a discrimination; can be through operant or Pavlovian conditioning.
What is errorless discrimination training and how is it accomplished?
It is a procedure wherein the S-delta is presented in a weak form for a very short period of time and the S-D is presented strongly for long periods of time, resulting in discrimination with few errors and less of an emotional response when presented with a longer S-delta.
What is an excitatory gradient?
The generalization gradient that occurs when reinforcement is provided for responding to a stimulus, which increases the likelihood of responding to that and similar stimuli.
What is generalization? A generalization gradient?
The tendency for the effects of a learning experience to spread. A gradient shows the relationship between the degree of change in the original stimulus and response length.
What is inhibitory gradient?
The generalization graidne tthat results from withholding reinforcement when abehavior occurs and results in a decreased tendency to respond to that stimulus and other similar stimuli.
What is matching to sample?
A procedure where the task is to select from two or more alternatives (comparison stimuli) the stimulus that matches the sample. Comparison stimuli include the S-D and at least one S-Delta.
What is mismatching?
A variation of matching to sample where responses to comparison stimuli that do NOT match the sample are reinforced.
What is peak shift?
A phenomenon wherein the response gradient is moved in a direction away from the less-desired stimulus and toward the more-desired stimulus. The “extreme” stimulus is favored over the original stimulus.
What do S+/S-D and S-/S-Delta mean?
S+ or S-D is a stimulus that indicates a behavior will have reinforcing consequences. S-/S-Delta is a stimulus that indicates a behavior will not have reinforcing consequences. Both require motivating operations.
What is simultaneous discrimination training?
When the discriminative stimuli are presented at the same time, but the behavior is only reinforced when the correct stimulus is chosen.
What is stimulus control?
When discrimination training brings behavior under the influence of discriminitive stimuli.
What is successive discrimination training?
When the S-D and S-Delta alternate randomly, and when the S-D appears behavior is reinforced, and when the S-Delta appears, behavior is not reinforced.