General principles of Tapes and Wraps Flashcards
What are the purposes of taping and wrapping?
- support injured structure
- mildly limit harmful movements
- allow pain free functional movement
- permit early return to activity
- secure pads when preventing and treating injuries
- provide compression and reduce effusion/swelling when treating and rehabilitating injuries(wraps)
What are benefits of correctly applied taping/wrapping?
- controls swelling
- prevents worsening of initial injury
- prevents compensatory injury to other body parts
- prevents atrophy from non use
- allows continued body conditioning often lost during post injury inactivity.
What rules should be followed when applying tape/wraps?
check taping history and if there are allergies.
conduct mini assessment
assess circulation
place limb/joint in position that offers most stability and comfort to athlete
follow natural anatomical boundaries for tape application
with muscles, allow for contraction/expansion.
More considerations for taping/wrapping:
overlap tape by half its width
avoid continuous taping
smooth & mold tape as it is applied
allow tape to fit natural contours of body
always start with anchors and finish with closing pieces.
when finished check for support, tidiness, flaws.
reassess circulation.
What kind of tapes & wraps are used?
tape: non-elastic/adhesive, elastic/stretch, and cast
wraps: elastic(tensor), self-adherent, and cloth/canvas
What is adhesive tape and what is it used for?
zinc oxide, athletic tape is cotton backed with adhesive coating.
Used as a support for ligament injuries.
What is elastic/stretch tape and what is it used for?
allows for maximum conformability, has more give.
supports action of muscles and can be used as an anchor when encircling muscles to allow muscular activity.
What are elastic wraps and tensors for?
apply compression over swelling, secure ice packs, dressings, splints & pads.
can provide more protection.
What is underwrap?
protects skin, usually layered between tape/skin to provide barrier against rubbing. especially on tendons.
What are contraindications to taping?
allergies infection in area/eczema open wounds blisters vascular diseases that compromise peripheral circulation impaired sensation whenever further assessment required if functional disability abnormal swelling after icing pre-puberty (10-14) before bed fore certain sports.
What skin prep should be done before taping?
shave, no lotions, pre taping spray used, check for irritations/allergies, protect tendons.