Which of the following is the correct equation for measuring the cardiac output?
a. CO = SV + HR x 100
b. CO = SV – HR x 100
c. CO = SV x HR
d. CO = SV / HR
Which of the following will not happen if baroreceptors are stimulated because of increase
arterial blood pressure?
a. Inhibition of the medullary vasoconstrictor center
b. Vasodilation of vessels
c. Disinhibition of the medullary vasoconstrictor center
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
During exercise, which of the following is decreased?
a. Oxidation of fatty acids
b. Glucagon release
c. Glycogenolysis
d. Lipogenesis
It is the principal function of the cardiac sphincter (lower esophageal constrictor)
a. It allows food to be stored in the esophagus
b. It regulates the speed of entry of food towards the stomach
c. Prevents gastric contents moving up towards the esophagus
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
The first heart sound is associated with the closure of which of the following valves?
a. Mitral and tricuspid valves
b. Aortic and mitral valves
c. Tricuspid and pulmonary valves
d. Pulmonary and aortic valves
Among the following, which is not considered as a mechanism to control the blood’s acid-base
a. increase excretion of excessive hydrogen ions by the kidneys
b. Spleen filtering the blood
c. pH buffers in the blood
d. carbon dioxide excretion
Respiratory alkalosis results from hyperventilation; Respiratory acidosis is caused by any
impairment with removal of carbon dioxide from the blood.
a. Both statements are true
b. Both statements are false
c. The first statement is true; the second statement is false
d. The first statement is false; the second statement is true
Metabolic acidosis may either result from overproduction of acids in the blood or inability of the
kidney to excrete excess acids; Metabolic alkalosis is due to loss of acids from the body
a. Both statements are true
b. Both statements are false
c. The first statement is true; the second statement is false
d. The first statement is false; the second statement is true
The principal ECG or EKG intervals are P, QRS and T waves; the QRS complex represents atrial
a. Both statements are true
b. Both statements are false
c. The first statement is true; the second statement is false
d. The first statement is false; the second statement is true
Which of the following represents the end of ventricular depolarization and the beginning of
ventricular repolarization?
a. S-T segment
b. P-R interval
c. Q-T Interval
This represents the length of time between depolarization of the atria and depolarization of the
a. S-T segment
b. P-R interval
c. Q-T Interval
It represents the time it takes for the ventricles of the heart to depolarize and repolarize
a. S-T segment
b. P-R interval
c. Q-T Interval
It refers to the flow of blood back to the heart
a. Venous Return
b. Blood pressure
c. Back flow
d. Blood flow
These vessels are the most critical factor in controlling the blood flow to the peripheral tissues
a. Large arteries
b. Arterioles
c. Large veins
d. Venules
This is the driving force of blood flow
a. Pressure
b. Blood cells
c. Plasma fluid
d. Centrifugal force
It is the main organ primarily responsible for the regulation of osmotic pressure in the body
a. Kidney
b. Lungs
c. Liver
d. Intestines
It is the primary hormone responsible for the regulation of serum calcium concentrations
a. Calcitonin
b. Thyroid hormones
c. Parathyrin
d. ADH
Which of the following is not a true statement?
a. Serum of blood is the plasma fluid without fibrinogen
b. Plasma fluid is blood without the formed elements
c. Formed elements of blood includes all of the blood cells and the plasma
d. None of the above
Which of the following is not false regarding the function of the sodium-potassium pumps
a. It pumps out potassium from the cell in exchange for sodium ions into the cell
b. It doesn’t need ATP to work
c. It moves 2 potassium ions into the cell in exchange of 3 sodium ions out of the cell
d. It moves 3 potassium ions into the cell in exchange of 2 sodium ions out of the cell
Pepsinogen is converted into Pepsin by the action of which molecule?
a. HCl acid
b. Intrinsic factor
c. Gastroferrin
d. Gastrin
Since patients with hyperparathyroidism has excessive PTH function, which of the following must
be expected in their serum?
a. Increased calcium; decreased phosphate
b. Increased calcium; Increased phosphate
c. Decreased calcium; Increased phosphate
d. Decreased calcium; Decreased phosphate
Clotting Factor II is produced by the liver. Which vitamin is important for its production?
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin D
c. Vitamin B
d. Vitamin K
Among the blood types, which has Antigen A and Antibody Anti-B
a. Blood type A
b. Blood type B
c. Blood type O
d. Blood type AB
Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve will shift to the left by the following, except one:
a. Decrease pH
b. Decrease CO2
c. Decrease temperature
d. Decrease hydrogen ion
The following are directly involved in the process of blood clot formation except one, which is
the exception?
a. Fe2+
b. Prothrombin
c. Fibrinogen
d. Stuart
Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System regulates blood volume and electrolytes (especially
Sodium) in the blood. Which of the following is not a stimulus for its activation?
a. Sodium deficiency
b. Blood pressure lower than the average BP of the patient
c. Decrease blood volume
d. A sudden increase in the blood pressure
Which of the following is not false regarding hemoglobin?
a. Hemoglobin of adults contain two alpha and two gamma chains
b. Fetal hemoglobin contains two alpha and two beta chains
c. Hemoglobin contains globin and 2 heme molecules
d. A single molecule of hemoglobin can bind 4 oxygen molecules
A type of hemoglobin found in patients with alpha-thalassemia
a. Hemoglobin H
b. Hemoglobin S
c. Hemoglobin M
d. Hemoglobin A
e. Hemoglobin C
f. Hemoglobin F
Following the removal of the parathyroid glands, one may expect to find ____________
a. Increased urinary calcium excretion and elevated serum calcium
b. Decreased serum calcium and elevated serum phosphate
c. Demineralization of bones
d. Elevated serum calcium and decrease urinary excretion of calcium
Stored serotonin in platelets once released will have which of the following effects?
a. Decreased bronchial constriction
b. Increased cardiac output
c. Increased venous return
d. Increased vasoconstriction of vessels
Which of the following is the drug of choice for a patient who has just suffered a coronary
a. Sodium oxalate
b. Warfarin
c. Aspirin
d. Heparin
Tidal volume has an average of __________
a. 100ml
b. 250ml
c. 500ml
d. 1000ml
Transformation of amino acids by the liver into glucose is called as ______
a. Glycolysis
b. Glycogenesis
c. Gluconeogenesis
d. Glycogenolysis
Hyperventilation results in all of the following EXCEPT
a. hypocapnia
b. decreased cerebral blood flow
c. increased PCO2
d. respiratory alkalosis
During muscular contraction, ATP is the immediate source of energy. However, the ATP pool is
extremely small that is why it must be replenish continuously during muscular function. Which
of the following is not a source for new ATP?
a. Creatine phosphate
b. Glycogen
c. Cellular respiration
d. Lactic acid
Among the following vessels, the thickest layer of muscle can be seen in?
a. Capillaries
b. Arterioles
c. Arteries
d. Veins
Blood pressure decreases as blood moves through the systemic circulation. In which vessel does
the blood pressure decrease the most as blood travels through the body?
a. Large arteries
b. Large veins
c. Arterioles
d. Venules
e. Capillaries
Which is the correct order of the layers of vessels from outermost to innermost?
a. Tunica adventitia -> tunica media -> tunica intima
b. Tunica intima -> tunica media -> tunica adventitia
c. Tunica media -> tunica intima -> tunica adventitia
d. Tunica adventitia -> tunica intima -> tunica media
At resting states, blood volume is seen highest in which of the following parts of the circulatory
a. Veins and venules
b. Arteries and arterioles
c. Capillaries
d. Heart
Vasopressin is a hormone that __________
a. Increases water reabsorption
b. Decreases water reabsorption
c. Increases GFR
d. Decreases GFR
The physiologically active form of vitamin D is known as ______
a. Cholecalciferol
b. Ergocalciferol
c. 7-dehydrocholesterol
d. 1,25 – dihydroxycholecalciferol
Carbon monoxide is a known toxic molecule in the human body. Its toxic effects are primarily
due to ________
a. Decreasing the respiratory rate leading to hypoxia
b. Inhibits the dissociation of oxyhemoglobin
c. Combines with hemoglobin to form an abnormal methemoglobin
d. Competes with Oxygen in hemoglobin
This is the primary electrolyte responsible for the neutralization of acids in the oral cavity
a. Phosphate
b. Amino acids
c. Bicarbonate
d. Sodium
Aortic valve opens just after this phase of the cardiac cycle:
a. Isovolumetric relaxation
b. Isovolumetric contraction
c. Presystole
d. Prediastole
The following are STOP CODONS except one. Which is it?
a. UAA
b. AUG
c. UGA
d. UAG
Category of an exocrine gland where its secretion is released through the cell membrane with
the cell structures remaining intact.
a. Apocrine
b. Accine
c. Merocrine
d. Holocrine
The let-down reflex or milk ejection reflex is initiated by which of the following hormones?
a. Prolactin
b. Oxytocin
c. Oxyphilic
d. Prolacton
Opening of the rima glottidis (of vocal cords) is done by which of the following muscles?
a. Lateral cricoarytenoid
b. Posterior cricoarytenoid
c. Oblique arytenoid
d. Vocalis
Dissociation of oxyhemoglobin is due to the following, except:
a. Activity of carbonic anhydrase
b. Increase oxygen in the tissues
c. Increase temperature
d. Decrease oxygen in the tissues
It is known as the primary motor cortex of the brain
a. Precentral gyrus
b. Postcentral gyrus
c. Wernicke’s area
d. Broca’s area
One of the terminal branches of the external carotid artery is the __________
a. Maxillary artery
b. Facial artery
c. Superior thyroid artery
d. Lingual artery
Which is a terminal branch of the internal carotid artery?
a. Anterior cerebral artery
b. Middle cerebral artery
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
It is a ditch or a concavity
a. Sulcus
b. Fissure
c. Foramen
d. Fossa
Study of the masticatory system, including its physiology, functional disturbances and treatment
a. Gnathology
b. Deglutition
c. Masticatology
d. Orthodontics
Among the following age groups, who is the most susceptible to cancer?
a. Infants
b. Children
c. 60 years old and below
d. 60 years old and above
It is a technique used in emergency situations to open the airway of a patient whenever there is
airway obstruction
a. Thyrotomy
b. Cricothyrotomy
c. Thoracotomy
d. Thyroidotomy
The masticatory mucosa is lined by ______________
a. Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
b. Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
c. Keratinized simple squamous epithelium
d. Non-keratinized simple squamous epithelium
This is the remnant of the ductus venosus
a. Ligamentum venosum
b. Ligamentum umbilicum
c. Ligamentum arteriosus
d. Ligamentum teres
The tear drop erythrocytes are found in __________
a. Aplastic anemia
b. Pernicious anemia
c. Monocytic anemia
d. Agranulocytosis
Normal bleeding time
a. 2 to 4 minutes
b. 3 to 8 minutes
c. 2 to 4 seconds
d. 8 to 15 minutes
Heterochromia causes which of the following?
a. Different color of lens
b. Different color of pupil
c. Different color of retina
d. Different color of the iris
t is a term which refers to the body’s surface
a. Deep
b. Superficial
c. Peripheral
d. Internal
Organ with most permeable capillaries
a. Brain
b. Liver
c. Kidney
d. Heart
This is a tubercle found in the anterior border of the TMJ that resists mandibular displacement
a. Mandibular fossa
b. Retrodiscal tissue
c. Condyle
d. Articular eminence
Absence of normal spleen formation refers to _________
a. Splenomegaly
b. Splenectomy
c. Hypersplenism
d. Asplenia
Largest single lymphoid organ in the body is the ___________
a. Bone marrow
b. Spleen
c. Thymus
d. Tonsils
This is the meeting point of muscles involved in the motion of the mouth
a. Angulus
b. Modiolus
c. Aponeurosis
d. Pterion
Tricuspid valve is located in between ________________
a. Right atrium and left atrium
b. Right atrium and right ventricle
c. Left atrium and left ventricle
d. Right ventricle and left ventricle
These are the muscle that make up the anterior and posterior pillars of the fauces.
a. Anterior (Tensor veli palatini) and Posterior (Levator veli palatini)
b. Anterior (superior pharyngus) and Posterior (inferior pharyngeus)
c. Anterior (palatopharyngeus) and Posterior (palatoglossus)
d. Anterior (palatoglossus) and Posterior (palatopharyngeus)
Inhalation of spirit of ammonia is effective against syncope because:
a. It directly stimulates the vasomotor centers
b. It directly stimulates the respiratory centers
c. It directly stimulates the vasomotor centers and respiratory centers
d. It irritates the sensory nerve endings of the trigeminal nerve
The carbon dioxide in the body is primarily transported in the form of?
a. Carbide
b. Carbon monoxide
c. Bicarbonate
d. Hemoglobin
_________ is the neurotransmitter stimulated by nitrous oxide to be released in order to
inhibit pain signaling
a. Dopamine
b. Serotonin
c. Norepinephrine
d. Glutamate
The first 3 stages of migration of WBC into inflamed tissues are the following, except one. Which
is it?
a. Margination
b. Rolling
c. Adhesion
d. Diapedesis
This is the most common heart disease in the Philippines
a. Heart attack
b. Ischemic heart disease
c. Congestive heart failure
d. Congenital heart diseases
e. Stroke
Which is not a neurotransmitter?
a. Norepinephrine
b. Acetylcholine
c. Tyrosine
Among the following choices, which best describes skeletal muscle cells?
a. Multinucleated
b. Branched
c. Spindle-shape
d. Non-striated
Hearing loss involves a problem in which segment of the cerebral cortex
a. Frontal lobe
b. Parietal lobe
c. Occipital lobe
d. Temporal lobe
Among the following types of nerve fibers, which is responsible for the voluntary regulation of
the skeletal muscle cells?
a. Autonomic nerve fibers
b. Sympathetic nerve fibers
c. Parasympathetic nerve fibers
d. Somatic nerve fibers
It refers to the production of blood cells, which occurs in the red bone marrow
a. Hematocrit
b. Hematopoiesis
c. Heme
d. Hemiplegia
This is the worst thing that can happen to a patient with glaucoma
a. Blurred vision
b. Diplopia
c. Astigmatism
d. Blindness
This is the most distal part of the respiratory tract which is not involved in gas exchange
a. Bronchioles
b. Bronchi
c. Terminal Bronchiole
d. Respiratory bronchiole
A reflex normally seen in infants in which the big toe lifts and the other toes fan out after the
sole of the foot has been firmly stroked.
a. Babinski reflex
b. Fencing reflex
c. Moro reflex
d. Rooting reflex
A reflex normally seen in infants that happens when the baby’s head is turned to one side. It
results to the movement of the arm on that side to stretch out and the opposite arm to bend up
at the elbow.
a. Babinski reflex
b. Fencing reflex
c. Moro reflex
d. Rooting reflex
A reflex normally seen in infants that happens when he or she is startled or when the baby feels
like he or she is falling. The baby will spread out his or her arms, pull his or her arms back tight to
their chest and starts crying.
a. Babinski reflex
b. Fencing reflex
c. Moro reflex
d. Rooting reflex
A reflex normally seen in infants that is activated when the baby’s mouth is touched. The baby
will turn his head and open his mouth on the direction of the stimulus.
a. Babinski reflex
b. Fencing reflex
c. Moro reflex
d. Rooting reflex