department members shall read and sign acknowledging they know general orders within
15 days of hire. GO 101.04
county ordinance …….deals with all sick, vacation, FMLA, OT, workers comp etc
light duty status is limited to ….days. A …… day extension may be granted thereafter. Pregnancy does not apply to this. …………, ……….., or ………… may place a department member on light duty status
90 days…..90 days…… sheriff, undersheriff, or assistant sheriff… may place a department member on light duty status.
———- types of incidents within the department , ———— and ————-
2 types , critical and routine
———, ———–, or ——— may place a department member on administrative leave
Sheriff, Undersheriff, or Chief Deputy…..
——– shall be authorized by a Supervisor. Deals with drunk drivers, felonious act
—————- procedure is initiated by ground deputies
Break - away
probationary evaluations are written at
5, 11, and 17 months
the operational responsibility for criminal investigations is at the
station, bureau, or facility level
supervisors shall conduct personnel inspections
once a week
a sworn supervisor shall be present during the service of ……..
all search warrants
the department shall employ ……. types of responses to calls. these are
2 types of responses to calls….emergency and routine
the department maintains 3 types of correctional facilities……
type 1 - detention of persons not more than 96 hours
type 2 - detention of persons pending arraignment, trial, sentencing
type 3 - detention of sentenced persons including work release etc
if a department member receives a below standard evaluation, a follow up evaluation shall be completed within……..
30 to 90 days
may operate a department vehicle in code 3
reserve deputy sheriff level 1
the sheriff serves the courts and is an
officer of the court
who is the custodian of criminal intelligence files and records
the commander of SIB
authorizes the sheriff to perform his duties
government code 26600
gives the sheriff authority to arrest
government code 26601
a member who has been given an order and subsequently given a second and conflicting order…
106.08 - shall call it to the attention of the person giving the second order. he has the authority to direct the sequence in which the orders shall be accomplished
a department member who has been given an order that they feel is unjust or in contradiction to general orders , policy, or directives,
shall obey the order to the best of their ability and then appeal the order
how many unites are authorized for a pursuit, unless a supervisor authorizes more….
no more than 2 units
what deals with sexual harassment
title VII of the 1964 Federal Civil Rights Act
accounting and finance is under
Undersheriff Dennis Vrooman
investigative funds shall be kept in a bookkeeping system at
the unit level
who may authorize the use of a department computer or equipment away from a sheriff’s facility
a division chief
if multiple agencies are involved in a pursuit which agency retains custody of the suspect
the agency with the most serious charge
a member of the department cannot apply for or be granted a promotion if he/she has
a less than competent evaluation
after a skelly hearing, disciplinary action may be taken
24 - 48 hours
Courts/ Administration/Coroner are under which Assistant Sheriff
Assistant Sheriff Raul Vergara
East Field Operations, West Field Operations, Field Operations Support, and Tribal Liaison Unit are under which Assistant Sheriff
Field Operations Assistant Sheriff Donald Sharp
operation/management under a
the sheriff is a
elected official
who provides support services only?
classified personnel
a criminal investigation ________ be delayed by an administrative investigation
shall not
who in the pursuit is responsible for investigation of the crime at the termination of the pursuit
the primary deputy
Pers investigations are to be concluded in ——– days. The Chief must be notified the status ———- days
concluded in 30 days, status every 10 days
who can initiate a complaint
Citizens, department employees, and third parties
a bureau commander shall inspect his facility
once a month
the department will hold found property for
120 days
the people most hostile towards the police are
the people most victimized by crime
a department transfer shall remain valid for
1 year from the date it was received
Form 14 must be completed and submitted within
5 days of return from training
upon transfer of an employee, an evaluation must be received by the new station within
30 days. This may be waived if the employee has had an evaluation within 90 days
If a supervisor is the subject of a sexual harassment complaint, an employee can report directly to
the division chief
what is the minimum value to take property for found property report
states that an employee has to be advised when anything adverse is placed in the employee’s I file
government code 3305
you must allow an avenue of escape for rioters when
chemical agents are deployed
discipline should be administered ……… and placed in the employee’s I file
a helicopter from another agency can be authorized by a
who is responsible for enacting training programs at stations and other facilities in the county?
the training and education bureau
who can be in a pursuit?
two units and a sergeant
who in a pursuit is responsible for conducting radio traffic?
the secondary deputy
units can or cannot enter into another jurisdiction when pursuing a wanted felon and/or dui driver
if a deputy does not advise you of weather, speed, direction of travel, or reason for the pursuit you should….
immediately cancel the pursuit
how many units can be 10-10 at the same time/location
no more than two units and a supervisor can be 10 10 at the same time/location
address or personal status change must be done within
24 hours
can media, ride-a-longs, or explorers be present during a search warrant?
can juveniles under 14 be polygraphed?
can you use a confidential informant if they have warrants?
can you use a ci if they are on parole or probation?
yes with that agency’s permission
to sue a confidential informant you need…
a supervisor’s approval
who is responsible for formatting a employee evaluation forms?
a chief deputy
what happened to the contents of an employee’s Ifile at the end of the evaluation period?
must be returned to the employee
who in the department can be assigned to conduct an investigation
any department member
a form 312 must be turned in within
5 days after training
can you use a spike strip on buses, motorcycles, or hazardous vehicles
can you use a spike strip on a 4 x 4 vehicle?
what is the span of control?
1 sergeant to 10 deputies
what can be in a pursuit in a life threatening situation
a unmarked unit without lights and sirens
do you have to write a 601 WIC report for a juvenile under 12
how many types of investigations are after an OIS
two types administrative and criminal and are conducted at the same time
what allows a deputy to seize a firearm at the scene of a DV incident
12028.5 PC
the filtering of communication occurs
both upward and downward form
when can juvenile informants be used
with the permission by LT
when should jail keys be inspected
each watch everyday
when are chiefs required to inspect jail facilities
once a year
how often is a headcount required
every 24 hours
how often do supervisors need to review a departments pursuit policy with employees
twice a year
who is the scene commander at the scene of a homicide
the assigned employee/deputy
can you wear mirrored sunglasses
in an ois investigation who acts on behalf of a the sheriff?
the PSB investigator
what covers the Peace officer’s bill of rights
government code 3300
is the commander of the training and education bureau
the department safety officer
any department member may inspect their personnel file by
submitting a written request to sheriff’s administration
who is in charge of all petty cash accounts?
while responding to bomb threats a supervisor should advise deputies to turn off their HTs within…
a 4 block radius of bomb site
Code Alex is
when units are attempting to locate a suspect vehicle and are placed at strategic areas in the county, freeway overpasses, etc
what are the three types of force
verbal (mental), physical, and deadly
a search warrant threat assessment form must…
be submitted to the SEB commander
a Level II reserve deputy sheriff can operate a unit code 3 when
with a full time deputy sheriff
when can a Level I deputy sheriff operate a unit code 3…
without a full time deputy sheriff
a division is under the command of
a chief deputy
Which Chief Deputy is in charge of development and training Ben Clark Training Center, Training and education Bureau, Academies, AOT, Armory range
Support Services Chief Deputy Joseph Belli
how often do supervisors audit MCD mail
twice a year
during a kids with gun protocol investigation, if parents of the juvenile don’t give consent to search then
a supervisor must be notified to obtain a search warrant
as a corporal you have a deputy who backs into a pole with the jail van. The deputy sill not talk to you without a RSA rep. you should…
write a memo and advise your seargeant ASAP
you can bring a suspect to the victim during an in-field line-up if…
you have probable cause to arrest the suspect
an employee steps into a pothole and says he twisted his ankle and is not hurt. you should…
send the employee to the hospital and do the workers comp paperwork
is the the sergeants responsibility at the scene of a hate crime to….
ensure the victim everything will be done to make an arrest
what is the most difficult function to attain in law enforcement
unity of command
what has the most direct line of communication and command…
a line organization
what kind of evidence do you need in court
competent and legally significant evidence
what is an alpha call
a suspicious call that comes in from an unknown RP or source
what code does dispatch use when they want you to copy your MDC
Discipline for offenses where the level of discipline ranges from a written to 24 hours may be administered by
the station Captain
what is most harmful to the reputation of the department..
criticism of the department by its employee to the public
when answering a question from the public it is important to give…
as much information as you are authorized to and refer other questions to your supervisor
community relations are a
staff and line function
the community attitude is influenced most by
individual officer actions
what are the four areas of responsibility for the department
105.01 - court services and corrections, field and special operations, administrative and support services, coroner and public administrator
if a supervisor gives an order contrary to the GOs due to an emergency then…
106.04 they shall prepare a written justification for their commander reference circumstances
all complains shall be …….
108.01 - thoroughly and accurately investigated
who can file a complaint?
any person can file a complaint and can ID themselves or remain anonymous 108.02
can you delay a complaint
108.04 - cannot delay an investigation of a complaint for any reasons. complaints shall be promptly forwarded to a supervisor for investigation or may be referred to the professional standards unit with the approval of a chief deputy
what should a department supervisor do once they receive a complaint
108.07 - shall promptly notify the station commander and the PSU regarding the complaint
what should a station commander do once they are notified of a complaint
108.08 - shall notify their division chief of the complaint received and the circumstances and assign the investigation
what are the four types of complaint dispositions
108.14 - unfounded did not occur, exonerated did occur but was justified, not sustained no clear evidence of proof, sustained clear evidence of proof
109.06 prohibits media notification of EST incidents without
consent of the EST commander
109.13 states all news releaes regarding and incident shall
become part of the investigation file
109.14 states news photographs, etc of federal prisoners in our custody shall…
not be allowed when under our direct control
can members of the media interview an inmate
yes, unless a reason to the contrary can be articulated. must have written ocnsent from the inmate and their attorney. DAs office and arresting agency shall be notified
commanders are authorized to impose discipline, after consultation with their division chief for offenses where the level of discipline ranges from
a written reprimand to 24 hours reduction in compensation or suspension 203.05
is admin leave disciplinary action
204.01 - no
who may place a member on admin leave
division chiefs, assistant sheriff’s, undersheriff, and sheriff 204.02
supervisors shall ensure that the provision of the Family medical leave act
are followed 205.04
assignments and transferrs between stations are made by
assistant sheriffs and/or division chiefs.
duty assignment within a station is made by the
station commander
Juveniles should be held in temporary custody…
only for as long as reasonably necessary for processing, transfer, or release.
Which juveniles should not be held in custody
a. unconscious
b. seriously injured
c. suicide risk or severely mentally disturbed
d. significantly intoxicated except when approved by watch commander (medical clearance should be obtained for intoxicated juveniles)
e. extremely violent or continuously violent
any juvenile taken into custody shall be
released to the care of their parent or other adult or transferred to a juvenile custody facility or other authority as soon as practicable and shall not be held beyond six hours from the time of his/her entry into the sheriff’s department
A juvenile who committed a felony with a firearm shall
not be released and be transported to a juvenile facility
A juvenile offender may be taken into custody when
authorized by a court order or when there is probable cause to believe the juvenile has committed an offense that would subject an adult to arrest
____________ and __________ separation shall be maintained between all juveniles and adults while in custody at the department
sight and sound
Only juvenile offeners ____ years or older may be placed in secure custody and ________
14 years, watch commander approval is required before placing a juvenile offender in secure custody
no interview or interrogation of a juvenile should occur unless
the juvenile has the apparent capacity to consent and consents to an interview or interrogation
Prior to conducting a custodial interrogation involving a juvenile including the waiver of MIranda rights, a deputy shall
permit a juvenile 17 years of age or younger to consult with legal counsel in person, by telephone, or by video conference. The consultation may not be waived by the juvenile.
a juvenile’s right to counsel before an interrogation does not apply when
a. information is necessary to protect life or property from an imminent threat
b. the questions are limited to what is reasonably necessary to obtain the information relating to the threat
Which reserve officer may operate as the driver of a vehicle during pursuits or code 3 responses
Level I reserve
what is the rule regarding Level II reserve officer and emergency operation of a vehicle
Level II may \not operate as the driver of an emergency vehicle during a pursuit or code 3 response
what is the rule regarding Level III reserve officer and emergency operation of a vehicle
Level III reserve deputies and classified employees shall not operate (nor be a passenger in) a vehicle in pursuit mode