general oral questions Flashcards

  • What are typical 3D conformal beam arrangements for treating early stage prostate cancer?

o 4-field box (AP, PA, LT, RT)
 Anterior beam weight may be increased in order to decrease dose to the rectum (at the expense of potentially increased bladder dose) – in this case, wedges on the lateral beams may be used to compensate for the resulting gradient (thick part toward anterior side).
 Typical weighting (without wedges) is AP:PA:RT:LT = 20:20:30:30 with lateral fields given more weight because they don’t go through rectum or bladder.
o 6-field box (LT, RT, LAO, LPO, RAO, RPO)
 May provide better OAR sparing (bladder and rectum in particular since no AP/PA fields are used), and a more conformal dose distribution because there are more beams
 LT and RT may be given more weight relative to the oblique fields because they avoid the rectum and bladder

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  • List TG-142 QA tests where constraints for SRS/SBRT are more stringent from conventional.

o Daily:
 Laser localization: 2, 1.5, 1 mm
 Collimator size indicator: 2, 2, 1 mm
o Monthly:
 Couch position indicators: 2 mm/1º, 2 mm/1º, 1 mm/0.5º
 Lasers: 2, 1, <1 mm
o Annual:
 Coincidence of mechanical and radiation isocenters: 2, 2, 1 mm from baseline
o Daily imaging:
 Positioning/repositioning for planar kV, EPID MV: 2, 2, 1 mm
 Imaging and Tx coordinate coincidence for all: 2, 2, 1 mm
o Monthly imaging:
 Imaging and Tx coordinate coincidence for planar kV, EPID MV: 2, 2, 1 mm
 Planar kV scaling accuracy: 2, 2, 1 mm
 CBCT geometric distortion: 2, 2, 1 MM

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  • Water phantom with lung slab. What is CAX depth dose for LBTE solver (e.g., Acuros) vs convolution-superposition technique (e.g., AAA).

Acuros does model secondary electron transport while AAA does not. In low density lung, expect more outscatter in the lung slab.

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  • Explain trends in CAX dose distribution for slab phantom with water, bone, lung and water slabs

Dose in water enhanced upstream of bone due to increased backscatter from higher density bone. Similarly, dose in lung downstream of bone enhanced due to increased secondary electron fluence from higher density bone. Dose in water after lung initially low due to buildup of secondary electron fluence occurring in the higher density water (lack of TCPE initially).

o How would depth dose change if photon energy increased? Same trends as described above, but more pronounced due to secondary electrons having longer ranges.
o How would depth dose change if field size decreased? Same trends as described above, but more pronounced due to changes in lateral scatter having more of an effect on CAX dose (e.g., less scatter toward CAX in lower density medium; more out scatter; results in dose reduction)

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  • What is the typical prescription point for each of superficial x-rays, MV x-rays and electrons?

o Electrons: R90
o MV x-rays: near centre of target/on CAX/typically at iso, not in high dose gradient, not near tissue boundary
o Superficial x-rays: patient surface

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  • Sketch open isodose profiles for 200 kV x-rays, 10 MV x-rays and 9 MeV electrons. What features should be considered in designing a treatment plan?

o Can achieve sharper lateral penumbra with kV photons with cut-out located on patient skin compared to electrons with cut-out on tray on treatment head. However, electron PDD falls off more quickly; better depth sparing.
o For larger fields, electron beam profiles more uniform than KV photons
o Lower energy photon beams have larger penumbra, more bulging out of low value isodose curves (low energy photons result in more lateral scatter). Bulging is due to electrons scattering out of the beam.

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  • A patient presents with basal cell carcinoma on the tip of his nose. What are treatment options? Pros and cons of these processes?
    o Options: orthovoltage and electrons. See pros and cons above.
    o If you only have electrons, how would you setup and treat this patient?

 Lateral POPs to avoid having beams pointed toward patient’s face. Consider shielding eyes from scatter.

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  • What can we do to mitigate issue of backscatter from lead shield placed in contact with patient?

o Examples: in nostril for nose treatment, behind ear for ear treatment.
o Cover with wax to absorb electron scatter (photoelectric dominant).

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  • How to measure HVL (TG-61 beam quality specifier)?

o Use diaphragm to create narrow beam geometry with beam diameter no larger than 4 cm.
 Purpose of narrow beam geometry is to minimize scattering from the attenuator.
o Monitor chamber upstream from diaphragm and out of path of photons that will go through the diaphragm
o Diaphram 50 cm from source; detector 100 cm from source. Don’t want scatter photons from attenuator to reach detector. Ion chamber should have air equivalent walls

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  • What happens to the dose profile across the radiation field at the level of the prescription point when the field size increases from 2x2 cm2 to 10x10 cm2 for 100 kV vs 6 MV x-rays. Explain.

o MV photons: the depth dmax increases with increasing FS below 5x5 due to establishing lateral equilibrium; dmax decreases with increasing FS above 5x5 due to increasing scatter resulting in buildup happening sooner
o Larger FS: beams don’t fall off as quickly due to more scatter contributions reaching CAX
o As field size decreases, the penumbra represents a larger proportion of the field.

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  • Why might you be reluctant to use electron beam therapy near the eye?

o Electron beams have larger lateral penumbra

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  • Compare the two lung plans shown below.

o In both cases the same prescription, beam geometry and weighting were used. What do you conclude regarding plans A and B? Inhomogeneity correction is on in A and is off for B. Can tell because in A, the dose is higher near mid-separation, especially where the beam traverses more lung tissue, as expected since there is less attenuation in lung. Also, the isodose lines near the field edge bulge out a bit more in A, as you would expect in low density lung.
o What would be the appropriate energy to treat this lung case? 6 or 10 MV photons
o Why would you not use a higher energy like 15MV? Because with higher photon energies, secondary electron ranges are longer so interface effects (e.g., buildup in higher density tumour after travelling through lung tissue) are more pronounced – can end up with unwanted lower dose on periphery of tumour as a result.

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  • What is the typical prescription for a prostate cancer treatment which involves permanent implant? Which isotope is commonly used? LDR monotherapy for low risk/early stage prostate cancer: 144 Gy to the prostate with I-125 or 125 Gy with Pd-103.

o Give an example of a typical prescription for an external-beam RT prostate cancer treatment.
 71.4/28 to prostate + 50.4/28 to nodes or 60,44/20 hypofractionation
* 76/38 and 78/39 are more historically traditional
 66/33 to prostate bed + 52/33 nodes
 Also, can use HDR to reduce number of EBRT fractions required: 37.5/15 EBRT + 15 Gy HDR or 46/23 + 15 Gy HDR.

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o Draw and compare the Prostate DVH for the external beam treatment and the Permanent Implant. Showing cumulative DVHs:

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  • Describe the construction of an internal lip shield for electron therapy.

o Energy of beam determines thickness required. Range [cm] of electron in water ~ energy [MeV] / 2. Pb density is 11.34 g/cc. Can divide by this (or divide by 10 as rough approx.) to get Pb thickness required.
o Cover with wax to absorb low energy scatter off lead.
o Also want to cover with something because lead is toxic and this will go in someone’s mouth.

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  • What contributes to the potential overdose or underdose of tissue in the following

o Photon/electron match - electron lower value isodose curve bulging out, which is especially pronounced at deeper depths (also larger SSD, higher energies, smaller FS) resulting in hotspot deeper and cold spot shallower. Consider oblique incidence of electron beam to reduce over/underdosing
o Photon/photon match - must pay attention for beam divergence. Based on target depth, locations of OARs, must decide on surface gap/where junction will be.

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  • Whole brain RT is a common CNS irradiation technique. When is WBRT used? Describe a technique for WBRT (field borders, isocentre placement). Which primary sites tend to metastasize to the brain?

o Common Rx: 30/10
o Use PCI = prophylactic cranial irradiation when there is high probability of metastases in the brain. Also use WBRT when there are too many to target individually (palliative).
 PCI standard for small cell lung cancer primaries. Breast cancer can also spread to brain
o Entails treatment of brain and brainstem with uniform dose of radiation administered with opposed lateral fields with blocks or MLC shaping to shield eyes. Flash ant, post, sup
 PCI: inf border below C1 or C2 vertebra including temporal lobe posteriorly and 0.5 cm below cribiform plate anteriorly (helmet). Want to include all places where CSF circulates
 For WBRT non-PCI, inf border is cranial base/foramen magnum.
 Most likely to fail at cribiform plate, which is often underdosed to spare eyes. Cribiform plate is bone layer between anterior part of brain and nasal cavity
 Choose colli angle to optimize MLC shielding
 Isocentre at field border near eye to minimize divergence into eye.

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  • Evaluate the following Rt Breast treatment plan and determine if it is appropriate for treatment. How would you modify this plan to achieve your clinical goals for this patient?
  • Not valid for treatment
    o Hot spot of >120% - consider FiF technique or wedges to achieve intensity modulation.
    o Normalization point appears to be at lung tissue interface. Move it closer to the center of the breast to reduce lung dose (also having norm point near tissue interface where dose uncertainty is high is undesirable since this results in uncertainty across the entire dose distribution.
    o Consider different gantry angles or isocentre location to reduce dose to contralateral breast.
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  • Typical beam arrangements (breast, lung, prostate, H&N IMRT)

o Breast: POP oblique tangents (medial and lateral). Plus AP/PA POP 4-field block if SCN treated as well. Plus anterior oblique electron field to treat IMN.
o Lung: 5-field: Ant, post, ant oblique, post oblique, lateral
o Prostate: 4-field box, 6-field (LT, RT and 4 obliques)

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  • A patient is being treated for 5000 cGy in 25 fractions with a single wedged field. After 2 fractions, it is discovered that the physical wedge was forgotten. What do you advise?

o Typical hard wedge factors: for 6 MV, 10x10 cm2 field range from 0.7 to 0.4 for 15-60˚ wedges. So MUs would be 1.7-3.3 too high. These wedge factors are closer to unity (they increase) with increasing FS (e.g., from 0.53 to 0.60 for ESQ from 5 cm to 50 cm). They also increase with increasing energy.

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  • What do you do if MLC positions are not downloaded for 1 IMRT field out of 7 for 1 fraction?

o Similar to above cases, recalculate plan with this open field instead of MLC defined field. Use plan sum feature in TPS to determine overall effect assuming rest of the fractions are delivered properly. Discuss dosimetric effect with RO. Consider changing field weight on one or more of the remaining fractions to compensate.
o Magnitude of effect depends on how much weight is given to this field (how many MU).

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  • What organs at risk would you be concerned about for a radical Nasopharynx treatment?

o Nasopharynx is the most superior part of the pharynx.
o Most relevant OARs:
 Larynx (located anterior to pharynx; Dmean < 44 Gy),
 Esophagus (located inferior to pharynx; Dmean < 34 Gy)
 Oral cavity
 parotids (Dmean < 25 Gy for combined glands or Dmean < 20 Gy is only one gland spared)
 Cochlea (Dmean < 45 Gy)
 Optic nerves/chiasm: Dmax < 55Gy
 brainstem (Dmax < 54 Gy for whole organ, Dmax < 64 Gy for 3D-CRT),
 spinal cord (Dmax < 50 Gy),
 brain (Dmax < 60 Gy)

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  • Your clinic has been treating prostate cancer with 7600 cGy in 38 fractions. They have decided to treat with only 19 fractions. What is this approach called? What dose should they use to get equivalent probability of tumour control? Should anything else be discussed?

o Hypofractionation: a smaller number of larger dose fractions
 Adjust (i.e., decrease) total dose to produce equal acute/early/tumour effects
 Will result in more severe late effects
o Hyperfractionation: larger number of smaller fractions, same or longer overall treatment time (e.g., two fractions per day)
 Greater sparing of late-responding normal tissues
 Adjust (i.e., increase) total dose to get equal or slightly improved tumour control (use BED = nd (1 + d/(alpha/beta))). Also get same or slightly increased acute/early effects
 However, do want to keep overall treatment time short to minimize tumour proliferation.

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  • CHART (continuous hyperfractionated accelerated radiation therapy): 36 fractions delivered over 12 consecutive days; 3 fractions per days at 6 hour intervals; 1.4-1.5 Gy per fx, 50-54 Gy total. Conventional: 70 Gy in 35 fx over 7 weeks. Discuss expected outcomes from CHART compared to conventional.

o More fractionated so expect lower incidence of late complications
 However, myelopathies were recorded probably because interfraction interval of 6 hours was not sufficient for the full repair of sublethal damage in this tissue
o Tumour control similar to conventional – treatment time is short – this is good for minimizing tumour cell proliferation
o Compliance high because acute reactions did not peak until after end of Tx
o Using alpha/beta = 3 Gy for late effects, 10 Gy for early effects:
 CHART: BED = 62 Gy10, 81 Gy3
 Conventional: BED = 84 Gy10, 117 Gy3
 HOWEVER, it doesn’t make much sense to compare these because the overall treatment times differ so drastically (12 days vs 7 weeks) so cell proliferation plays a very important role and BED doesn’t take this into account.

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  • EORTC trial: accelerated treatment consisting of 72 Gy in 45 fraction (3 fractions of 1.6 Gy per day) over a total of 5 weeks, with 2 week rest period in the middle. Conventional: 70 Gy in 35 fx over 7 weeks.

o Results: 15% increase in locoregional control. This did not translate into a survival advantage. Increased acute effects (expected; see below). Unexpected increase in late effects (including lethal complications). Conclusions: Pure accelerated treatment must be used with extreme caution.
o What do you expect for acute effects? Total dose is similar (actually slightly higher) and delivery time is shorter (therefore less time for repair) so expect worse acute effects. In reality, acute effects were increased significantly.
o What do you expect for late effects? On one hand, more fractions and lower dose per fraction should correspond to reduced late effects. However, there were serious, sometime lethal, late effects. There are likely 2 reasons for this: these late effect are “consequential” late damage developing out of very severe acute effects. Second, there is incomplete repair between dose fractions if several fraction are given per day

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  • Your clinic has been treating esophageal cancer with 3D conformal radiation therapy. They set up to marks on the skin. They have decided to implement daily setup using kV-CBCT. What aspects of the treatment will change? Should the added dose from daily kV-CBCT be incorporated in the plan?

o From AAPM TG-180 (Image guidance doses to RT patients): “It is recommended that imaging dose be considered part of the total dose at the treatment planning stage if the dose from repeated imaging procedures is expected to exceed 5% of the prescribed target dose.”

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  • The radiation therapists report that the output of the linac is off by 4%. What do you do?

o Check past QA results to determine if change was sudden or gradual drift.
o If gradual drift, then can adjust output, do second check on adjustment and release for clinical service. If sudden, then measure profiles using simplest equipment (e.g., 2D detector array).
o ALSO consider current weather: outdoor pressure variation due to storm can cause output to be off.
o TG-142 tolerances: daily 3%, monthly 2%, annual 1%.
 CPQR tolerance/cation: daily output constancy 2%/3%, monthly relative dosimetry 2%/3%, annual reference dosimetry 1%/2%
o If > action level, then must cease treatments, no question. If > tolerance but < action then can continue but must investigate after treatments are done for the day.
o Ask them to repeat measurement (with same equipment). Or you can repeat the measurement. If still getting same value, then repeat measurement with another measurement system (e.g., monthly QA setup). If this is also consistent, then can ask a second person to do setup and measurement.
* Consider question above but with other parameters off e.g., energy: PDD at 10 cm dropped from 65% to 62% What do you do?
-Check profiles, energy
-if off, requires more work and dosimetric measurements

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  • Situations where loss of coverage of PTV okay?

o OAR nearby or possibly overlapping with PTV.
o PTV up to edge of body (air adjacent); buildup must occur.

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  • Bolus situations for breast?

o If fungating tumour (i.e., skin is involved); if skin is treated due to suspected involvement (e.g., post mastectomy chest wall treatment); if large breasted patient is treated with high energy beams (e.g., 18 MV) – use bolus to improve coverage of PTV close to skin.

  • Cumulative vs differential DVHs

o Place on differential DVH where is maximum is the MODE (i.e., most common dose for a voxel to receive).

  • What is a reason for biasing patient on CT sim? Why might CT sim lasers be moveable?

o Patient can be biased on CT sim couch so that UO is closer to iso for lateral lesions – this avoids having very large lateral couch shifts, which may result in inability to do CBCT. This can be achieved artificially with moveable CT sim lasers.

  • Explain all the steps required for the CT simulation of a patient.

Patient is diagnosed with cancer. RO receives consent from patient, and submits requisition for radiation therapy. Requisition specifies diagnosis, prescription dose, type of treatment (e.g., VMAT, 4-field 3D conformal, etc.), patient requirements for treatment (e.g., NPO, empty bladder, full bladder, empty rectum, DIBH etc.), patient positioning guidelines (e.g., facemask, vaclok, etc.) and other patient information. RTs in CT sim receive requisition form. On the day of CT sim, RT educates patient on treatment delivery. RT sets up couch with immobilization accessories, and makes necessary adjustments to make patient comfortable so that the setup is reproducible, and so that the patient is fully immobilized. RT records information on patient setup. BBs (metal beads that show up on CT scan; placement depends on treatment site) are used to indicated origin of coordinate system that will be used to plan and deliver treatment. BBs are placed on top of felt tip marker indications on patient skin. Lasers are adjusted to location of BBs. First, a large FOV, low resolution (fast) scout scan is taken to decide on FOV, determine if there are any metal artefacts (MAR can be applied), is the patient straight, do they have a pacemaker? Next, a higher quality scan is taken. Additional scans with DIBH, DEBH, or 4DCT may be requested, depending on treatment site. Metal BBs are then removed and tattoos are placed at location of BBs.

  • Describe the process of how a user origin is chosen in the CT simulator. How does this impact the planning process once the scan data leaves the simulator?

After the images are obtained and uploaded to ARIA, the RT indicates the BB locations on the image. Intersection of lines through BBs and parallel to coordinate axes determines the user origin. This is the origin of the coordinate system used for treatment planning and delivery. At CT sim, tattoo location are standardized to be in particular general locations depending on treatment site. At planning, shifts are applied so that beam isocentre is at the location of the target (since user origin may or may not correspond to target location). Tattoos also help ensure that the patient has no yaw or roll. CT sim slice thickness: 5 mm for palliative, 2.5 mm for most radical treatments, 1.25 mm for brain

  • Describe the process radiation therapists use to set up a patient for treatment. Explain some differences in set up by contrasting two different treatment techniques.

Immobilization accessories depend on the treatment site. For example, head and neck patients are fitted with a face mask that is molded to their face and which snaps onto the couch. If ExacTrac system is used (only TB1), then face mask is slightly different: it has a front and a back part, and there is a mask with fiducial markers that are detected by the ExacTrac camera that goes on top of personalized face mask to aid in patient positioning. Head and neck patients usually rest their hands on their abdomen. No tattoos for HN patients; just marks on mask. For breast treatments, the breast board is used, which includes elbow and wrist holders which keep the patient’s arms above their head, and out of the way of the incident radiation. Other considerations: some patients are uncomfortable having their arms above their head; having patient upper body up on an incline is sometimes necessary to keep breast away from chin. Bolus is added for chestwall (post-mastectomy patients). DIBH may be required for left breast treatments (to keep heart out of the radiation field). Knee rest is common for most treatments since it improves patient comfort. Vaclok system is used for SBRT treatments (this system includes other accessories such as a special couch attachment that the Vaclok bags fit into to keep them from sliding, a compression belt to ensure shallow breathing to reduce breathing motion, posts to hold onto to keep arms above head (plus wing board to support elbows).

  • Name types of immobilization devices used in our department and describe the importance of their use in relation to the technique they serve

Knee rest: for patient comfort; clear plastic head rest: supports patient neck; foot rest: helps ensure patient legs and body are straight; butt stop: ensures patient position along the couch long axis is reproducible; face mask: keeps patient in reproducible position; bite block: keeps tongue away from treatment region (e.g., palate); posts to hold onto plus wing board: to keep arms above head for abdomen treatments (wing board supports elbows); vaclok bags: used for SBRT treatments to keep patient in reproducible position; compression belt: ensure patient breathing is shallow; padded mattress: not always used, to improve patient comfort; breast board: includes elbow and wrist holders, keeps arms above head in a more reproducible way than if simple posts are used (important for ensuring breast is in same position for each fraction).

  • Discuss what radiation protection measures that you have observed on the treatment units and the CT simulator.

Daily quality assurance tests performed by the RTs ensure that the radiation is being delivered as expected (dose measurements, patient positioning system (i.e., laser, couch) checks). This daily QA also checks that the LPO system is working properly. Red barrier tape is used to indicate that a patient is on the treatment couch (prevents people from unknowingly wandering in). In CT sim, the door to the CT sim room is locked while the patient is in the room. “Beam on” indicators are in the treatment control room. During DIBH procedures, beam will automatically be turned off if breathing sensor position is outside of allowable range (however, in some cases, beam on/off is controlled manually). Pre-treatment imaging also ensures that patient is positioned correctly

  • Explain all the different imaging modalities available in the clinic and the benefits and drawbacks of their use.

The linacs have a kV on-board imager which is capable of 2D projections or CBCT (3D imaging; is used for VMAT). The machines also have portal imaging capabilities (detector across from treatment head). The portal imager is used for dose verification tests (patient-specific QA; carried out for each VMAT procedure) and for non-VMAT breast treatments to ensure that lung and heart are out of the field, and to ensure that breast tissue is contained within the field. Drawback of MV imaging is that contrast is poor. 2D kV projections (lower dose than with CBCT, but no 3D information) are most commonly used for matching bony anatomy, whereas CBCT is more commonly used in cases where soft tissue matching is required, and anatomy is more complex. TB1 ExacTrac system has additional pair of stereoscopic kV imagers (tubes in the floor; detectors on ceiling). Fluoroscopy (in CV sim) may also be used before the patient goes to CT sim to assess motion of internal organs during free breathing or during DIBH/DEBH. Fluoroscopy is also sometimes performed using on-board kV imager.

  • Discuss PTV margins for a radical case in relation to imaging modality, frequency, and tolerance. Discuss for both MV and kV imaging

PTV is usually the main match structure used when comparing the pre-treatment imaging to the CT sim DRR. Some sort of kV imaging done everyday. MV is just used for breast treatments as described above. MV images are taken for all fields on the first day; and for only one field for all other fractions. Based on comparison between pre-Tx image and CT sim DRR, shifts may need to be applied due to changes in patient anatomy and patient positioning differences; for head and neck, shifts of up to 6 mm are allowed; for other sites; 1.5 cm is allowed. If bony anatomy (soft tissue) matching is done, then kV imaging pairs (KV CBCT) is usually used – this would be done for each fraction. In any case, target is the most important thing to match. For head and neck treatments observed on TB6, matching between pre-treatment imaging and planning CT is done automatically. Computer tells you what translations and rotations are needed. Rotations less than 3 degrees are ignored (couches other than the one in TB1 are not capable of rotations other than yaw couch kick, which is not used for matching anyway). If rotation is more than 3 degrees, then must reposition, reimage and try the automatch again.


o Typical PTV margins


 SRS or SRT (cranial): 2 mm
 SBRT: 5-7 mm (internal physiological motion due to e.g., respiration is more of a concern than it is for cranial SRS)
 Conventional: ~1 cm but may reduce asymmetrically for treating e.g., prostate posteriorly near rectum

  • Discuss the use of an electronic medical record in the department. What are some advantages and disadvantages to its use? How does this impact each part of the process?

i.e. simulation, planning etc The RTs that I have talked to appreciate the use of EMRs since there is less paperwork. Use of EMR can help ensure that all departments have the most up to date information, which is stored on a central database. It is easier to retrieve information with the EMR system than it would be to retrieve information from a physical file system. Downside is that precautions to ensure no data loss must be in place (backup data regularly); special securities measured must be in place to ensure that the system doesn’t get hacked; EMR can’t be accessed during power outage. During simulation, EMRs can be accessed to easily input patient positioning/immobilization information, and retrieve information regarding patient diagnosis so they know where to scan (or look up patient information that is not shown on the requisition). During planning, dosimetrists have easy access to information and images taken during CT sim. During delivery, RTs can access information on patient setup and couch shifts and display it on a computer screen in the delivery room. RTs can also see and add relevant comments (e.g., patient has back pain, and needs help getting on/off couch).

  • Have you experienced patients exhibiting different emotions when they were being simulated or having treatment? If not, what emotions do you believe may be common in our patients?

Many patients were nervous, which is very understandable. Since they are about to be treated/imaged on a machine they are not familiar with, they can be scared/intimidated; worried about moving during treatment delivery, breathing normally, being able to do the breath hold (can be stressful). They might be worried about how the radiation is going to affect their body. Cancer patients may also generally be angry, frustrated, and anxious. Patients with external lesions, post-mastectomy patients are sometimes ashamed or unhappy with their appearance. Side effects can also be stressful to deal with.

  • Describe the multidisciplinary team and their function in order to get a radiation therapy patient from simulation to end of treatment.

The RO and associated nurse meet with the patient during the initial consultation to obtain consent. Nurse explains what to expect, side effects, etc. Reading materials are given to the patient. On day of CT sim, RT educates patient on what’s about to happen, as well as potential need for DIBH if applicable. RTs position the patient on the couch and immobilize them as needed, then obtain images, coaching the patient through DIBH (if applicable), and putting tattoos on the patient. ROs contour target with margins, and organs at risk. Dosimetrists (specially trained RTs) and physicists use the images from CT sim to plan the treatment, with guidance from RO as required. Physicist performs QA check of the plan; dose verification for VMAT; MU calculation for non-IMRT cases. Now the treatment is ready to deliver. Patient will be contacted and given further information on how to prepare (e.g., empty rectum, full bladder for prostate). On treatment days, RT positions patient on the couch and delivers radiation dose. Periodically, RT asks patient about side effects. Patients meet with RO once per week to discuss treatment. RO may need to be contacted during treatment if large shifts are required, if more than two CBCTs are required, or if the patient has undergone some sort of drastic change. Physicist may be needed to perform in vivo dosimetry at the request of the RO, or to assess patient weight loss (replan may be needed in some cases).

    • typical treatment regimens

lung: 60 Gy in 30 fx; head and neck: 70 Gy in 35 fx (BID weekly); breast: 50 Gy in 25 fx; prostate: 74 Gy in 28 to 39 fx; palliative: less total dose in 5-10 fx


slice thicknesses for CT sim


5 mm for palliative, 2.5 mm for most radical treatments, 1.25 mm for brain

  • Refer to image: identify organs 1, 2, 3, and 4
  1. Right kidney, 2. Spinal cord, 3. Liver, 4. heart
  • Refer to image: in this 3-field rectum plan, the 95% isodose is not covering the PTV. What would you do to obtain coverage?

Assuming you want to stay with this particular beam arrangement, you could improve coverage (and dose uniformity across the target) by adding wedges to the lateral beams with the thicker parts of the wedges oriented posteriorly (where the PA beam is incident from). Adding an AP beam would also improve coverage, but this beam would go through the bladder, which is not desirable.

  • Refer to image: what is wrong with this 4-field prostate plan? If answered correctly, then follow- up with: what will this do?

The normalization point (ICRU reference point) is in a steep dose gradient region, is not at or near the centre of the PTV, and the dose at this point is not representative of the dose to the entire target. Because the norm point is in the periphery of the treated volume (in the dose fall of region), the dose throughout the target is ~110% of the Rx dose, resulting in a large hotspot.

  • Describe the difference between a DPV and a dose reference point and how they are used in our clinic. Follow-up question: where should a dose reference point be placed?

DPV (dose prescription volume) does not have a location; it is only used to keep track of dose delivered to the patient from session to session. When defining the DPV, the total dose, dose per day, and dose per session are specified. The dose reference point is defined according to ICRU 50 and 62, and is typically used to normalize the plan (i.e., dose at this point = 100% of the Rx dose). The ICRU says that this point should not be in a region of steep dose gradient, should not be at a boundary between media, should be in a location where the dose can easily be determined, should be in a location where the dose is representative of the dose to the entire target, should be in a location that is easily defined and not ambiguous. These recommendations will be fulfilled if the point is at the centre or central part of the PTV, and secondly if the point is at/near isocentre, beam central axes.

  • In a typical head-and-neck treatment plan, what are some of the organs-at-risk, and what are their typical tolerance doses?

OARs: eyes, eye lenses, optical nerves, optical chiasm (Dmax < 55 Gy), brain stem (Dmax < 54 Gy for whole organ or 64 Gy for partial), spinal cord (Dmax < 50 Gy), esophagus (Dmean < 34 Gy), oral cavity, parotid glands (Dmean < 25 Gy for both, < 20 Gy for single gland), pituitary gland, larynx (top of trachea) (Dmean < 50 Gy), pharynx (top of esophagus) (Dmean < 50 Gy), lips, thyroid, mandible, cochlea (Dmean < 45 Gy)

  • What are some clinical uses for electrons? What are the advantages & disadvantages over using orthovoltage/superficial x-rays?
  • Electrons can be used to treat a seroma (pocket of fluid that develops sometime post-lumpectomy) provided that it is close enough to the surface. MeV electron beams have a buildup region (e.g., dmax = 2.8 cm for a 12 MeV electron beam; surface dose is 90%), whereas orthovoltage/superficial x-rays have dmax effectively = 0. Electron dose ~zero at depth in cm given by electron energy in MeV / 2. Photons penetrate deeper: At 10 cm depth, 180 kVp beam still has PDD = 20%. So electrons are useful in cases where you want very steep dose drop off. Orthovoltage/superficial x-rays would be more useful in cases where you don’t want any buildup region, and you want more beam penetration (not a steep drop off).
    o Also dose intensification in bone for ortho
  • Refer to image: in this breast plan, with just open fields, where would the hot spot be expected? How would you increase dose homogeneity in this plan? 

  • Expect hot spots where separation is smallest (near nipple). Hot spots are expected to be located near mid-separation, where contributions from overlapping beams are largest due to increasing buildup. Posteriorly, the separation is larger, and the hotspots that do exist closer to chest wall will be located closer to dmax (near ~1.5 cm for 6x). In general, want dose within the target to be 95%-107%.
  • Can increase homogeneity in the following ways:
    o Adding in subfields
    o Add wedges.
    o Or consider higher energy beam which is more penetrating
  • Describe the VMAT process for head and neck indications, including patient setup, imaging protocols, contouring, and treatment planning.

o Contouring: GTV, CTV and PTV are always contoured by RO. Most normal structures are done by dosimetrist (exception would be LAD artery for breast). Typically, a CT and MRI are obtained, and image registration is performed. Certain structures (e.g., optical chiasm) require MRI since they are not visible on CT.
o Treatment planning: unilateral lesion: two partial arcs (typically more than 180 each); bilateral lesion: three full arcs.
o Patient setup: thermoplastic mask is typically used. Knee rest is typically used to improve patient comfort. Butt stop cushion connects to couch at particular longitudinal position to improve setup reproducibility. SSD to chest may be measured using ODI to ensure consistent patient positioning from day to day.
o Imaging protocols: typically, kV CBCT is used for pre-treatment imaging; shifts are determined based on comparison with CT-sim image. Shifts up to 6 mm are allowed for HN sites (15 mm = 1.5 cm is allowable for other sites) – larger shifts require patient repositioning, and reacquisition of CBCT – if shift is still too big in second CBCT, then RO is paged. For units other than TB1, rotations should be less than or equal to 3 degrees (otherwise must reposition the patient) - rotations are not possible since only TB1 has 6 DOF couch.

  • What are the key differences between IMRT and VMAT in terms of planning process? What are the main dosimetric advantages and disadvantages of the two techniques?

o IMRT is typically a step and shoot procedure involving hand-selected beam angles with intensity variation across individual fields (achieved using field-in-field technique, wedges) with field shapes conformed to target. MLC leaves may be static or dynamic.
o VMAT is IMRT plus gantry rotation while the beam is on. Dose rate and gantry rotation speed may be modulated throughout treatment.
o VMAT is a more complicated treatment that necessitates more time-intensive dose verification. VMAT is inverse planned while IMRT is forward-planned. VMAT has more degrees of freedom available for the plan, and can therefore produce more conformal plans, is useful for concave target shapes.

  • For what sites are IMRT and VMAT most advantageous and why?

o Most advantageous for cases where there are many critical organs around and in close proximity to the target such that want to spread dose out over as large an area as possible; there are any beam angles which is obviously ideal; e.g., head and neck. Also, concave targets.

  • Compare the methods for normal tissue restriction between the IMRT and VMAT planning systems that you have used in this rotation. What parameters are available to control dose to normal tissue?

o For forward-planned IMRT using FiF, it is the responsibility of the planner to choose apertures that balance target coverage and OAR shielding. For VMAT, the optimizer will automatically try to balance target coverage with OAR shielding; the planner must adjust priorities, and/or add constraints to achieve the plan objectives. Can create new optimization structure to help achieve objectives.

  • Describe the process of progressive resolution optimization used in VMAT as described by Otto. How has this been implemented in the Eclipse planning system?

o Continuous gantry and MLC leaf motion is modelled by a coarse sampling of discrete gantry angles and MLC apertures. VMAT involves progressively increasing the gantry and MLC position sampling resolution as the optimization progresses. Later on in the optimization, smaller changes in MLC position and MU weight per gantry angle are allowable due to the mechanical and efficiency constraints which limit variation in dose rate and MLC aperture shape from one gantry angle to the next. Each iteration involves randomly choosing a MLC leaf or MU weight to modify. If the change is allowable given the constraints, then the dose distribution and cost function are calculated. If the cost is reduced, then the change is accepted. Transition to the next level is determined by how much the cost function has plateaued as a function of time.
o In Eclipse, there are four levels of optimization, with more gantry angles at higher levels. The number of control points remains fixed throughout optimization. Within PO (which has replaced PRO), dose is quickly calculated (for the purpose of calculating the cost function) using MRDC (multiple resolution dose calculation). In MRDC, variable gantry angle resolution and multi resolution scatter computation is used.


Describe the forward dose calculation algorithms that you have used in the two planning systems during this rotation. What are the relative advantages of each?


o AAA: superposition/convolution technique: analytical anisotropic algorithm
o MRDC: within PO/PRO – like AAA but variable resolution.

  • Compare IMRT and VMAT with regard to efficiency and resources at all steps of the process.

o CT-simulation: Both methods are typically planned using a 3D image set hence there is likely no difference at this stage. However, for IMRT, some centres may use BEV images obtained in the chosen beam direction, to plan each step-and-shoot gantry angle individually. In contrast, VMAT requires a CT scan (since beams are coming in from all angles).
o Planning: IMRT may be forward planned, while VMAT uses inverse planning techniques. Time required to create a plan will depend on complexity of the situation, and skill (experience level) of the planner.
o Treatment delivery: in most cases, VMAT has been shown to take less time compared to IMRT since beam is on while gantry rotates around patient, as opposed to step and shoot technique.
o If the clinic only has IMRT implemented, then implementing VMAT will require significant resources (see next question).

  • You have been assigned the project of implementing VMAT for head and neck treatment in a facility that does not yet use this technique. How would go about it? What resources (human, equipment, etc.) would you need?

o Would need to do a series of end-to-end tests to make sure entire process from simulation to delivery is running properly.
o Testing synchronization of gantry position, leaf position and dose rate.
o MLC leaf positioning accuracy, reproducibility.
o Dosimetry tests (e.g., flatness, symmetry and output as a function of gantry speed & dose rate)
o Since it is no longer step and shoot, must expand Q&A routine to account for the fact that the beam is on while the gantry rotates, and while the MLC (and possibly also the collimator, depending on implementation) is moving.
o Verify mechanical constraints on the machine (VMAT optimizer requires this information).
o Interruption/resumption tests
o Leaf leakage characterization (interleaf, through leaves, through leaf ends)
o Absolute dose measurements with a calibrated ion chamber to make sure TPS calculates dose properly to a point.
o Compare plan objectives obtainable with VMAT to plan objectives achievable with old method (e.g., IMRT) to ensure that acceptable plan quality is achievable; comparison with VMAT treatments from the literature.


The radiation therapists report that the output of the linac is off by 4%. What do you do?


Check past QA results to determine if change was sudden or gradual drift.
Know action levels vs tolerance levels. If > action level, then must cease treatments, no question. If > tolerance but < action then can continue but must investigate after treatments are done for the day.
Ask them to repeat measurement (with same equipment). Or you can repeat the measurement. If still getting same value, then repeat measurement with another measurement system (e.g., monthly QA setup). If this is also consistent, then can ask a second person to do setup and measurement.
If gradual drift, then can adjust output, do second check on adjustment and release for clinical service. If change was sudden, then measure profiles, using simplest equipment (i.e., not a water tank, but 2D detector array).
If symmetry is not okay, then this points to steering issue or issue with positioning of flattening filter in carousel.
If profiles okay, then check flatness. If flatness off, this could be an issue with energy of the beam. Can measure a few points on PDD with solid water slabs.
Outdoor pressure variation due to storm can cause output to be off
Check unservoed dose rate. It should be ~10-15% higher than nominal dose rate. If this is not the case, and the unservoed dose rate is much higher, then this could result in considerable changes in output if this ever gets adjusted [aside: Alasdair says ~10% change in unservoed dose rate corresponds to ~1% change in output. He suspects this may be due to changes in the rate of ion recombination occurring in the monitor chamber resulting from changes in pulse height. In reality, dose in modulated by dropping pulses or not dropping pulses; however, changing the pulse height can also change the output].
Energy slit position may need to be adjusted. There may be an issue with the target. Beam steering may also need to be adjusted.
Want to get service engineer to bring energy back to baseline as closely as possible. If not possible and within TG-142 tolerance (1%?) and everything else okay, then ok to proceed. If not within tolerance, and not possible to adjust, then need to create new beam model for TPS (redo commissioning procedure)


heterogeneity corrections in lung


high isodose lines constrict, low isodose lines bulge out


MU calc in electron


Rx/(D * PDD * cut-out factor)
cutout factor can include applicator factor

factors measured at dmax; search for dmax


surface dose in electron tx


remember that if we prescribe to 90% iso, then surface dose will be Dsurface*Rx/0.9.


typical cutout factors

electrons don'yt scatter into CAX at higher energy. Electrons are less forward peaked at lower energy. As FS increases, Sp increases but Sc goes down at higher E due to less scatter into CAX

typical applicator factors


typical SSDeffective


effective SSD for electrons


output factor usually tabulated for one SSD only. Effect of treatment distance can be handled using:

-effective SSD- multiple output factor by ((SSDeff+do)/(SSDeff+do+g))^2, g is difference btween treatment SSD and calibration SSD, and SSDeff is effective source to surface distance for the given field size
-air gap- multiply output factor by ((SSDo+do)/(SSDo+do+g))^2 * fair, fair is air-gap correction factor for given field size and SSD


what does SSDeff change with?


-smallest for low energy and small fields
-low energy = more outward scatter


palliative lung Rx


why does humidity between 20-80% only result in 0.15% error?


humidity increasing reduces charge but also reduces density, so they cancel out


what kq correction factor has potential to be large?


22 MeV electron beam PDD at dref vs 6 MeV electron beam PDD at dref


95% vs 100%