general Flashcards
what is FLASH?
> “FLASH radiotherapy (FLASH-RT) is a new technique, involving treatment of tumours at ultra-high dose rates which actually reduces the trauma to normal tissue around the tumour, whilst equalling the anti-tumour effect of conventional dose rate radiotherapy (CONV-RT). However, very little is known about the mechanisms behind the FLASH effect.”
> 40 Gy/s
Hypothesized that FLASH effect caused by oxygen depletion in normal tissues. Some believe fewer lymphocytes being irradiated lead to a greater immune response, and normal tissues have more ability to scavenge peroxide products than tumours.
FLASH effect may be tissue specific.
Dose constraints (and alpha beta) could also be dose rate dependent.
gamma knife calibration
Done using ~custom calibration ~TG-21, since GK cannot establish reference 10x10 field
Beam quality is cobalt-60 though, so kQ very nearly equal to 1.
Absolute measurement done in a 16 cm spherical solid water phantom
Dose rate for a new source is ~3 Gy/min, compared to ~6 Gy/min for a linac
Dose calculation
Dose to water, assumes phantom consists entirely of water
Only “inhomogeneity” correction would be a correction for uneven surface
This is based on a skin surface map determined from CT
gamma knife shielding/safety
There are doors blocking off the entrance of GK
Sources can also go in home position, behind shielding
At safest state (doors closed and sources at home), DR ~ 2-3 uSv/h
Even at worst state (doors open and 16 mm), DR ~10 uSv/h behind GK
Typical safety systems:
Room doors, interlocks, LPO
Radiation warning lights
A/V communication
Source out lights
Emergency procedure for stuck source (source won’t go home)
Press emergency release buttons on the way from console to inside bunker
Retract couch (if doesn’t work, use physical crank)
Close doors/retract sources (if doesn’t work, use physical crank)
Remove patient from couch
Get names of all involved
Report to RSO
machine QC for gamma knife
Safety checks
Focus-precision test: coincidence of radiation, imaging, and couch isocentres
imgQ and imgG for CBCT
Dose rate measurement
Field homogeneity (measure profiles with film)
Film-based mech-radio iso coincidence
Radiation survey
why do we prescribe to 50% in gamma knife?
his is done because for a single shot, the 50% line is also the point of max gradient; so we are maximizing dose falloff at that point.
target definition in gamma knife
Contrast-enhanced T1MRI, or contrast-enhanced CT if MRI not possible
prescription for mets on gamma knife
15-21 Gy / 1 @ 50% line
Very small mets ~1 cm get 15 Gy; above this 21 Gy, then Rx decreases with increasing size (since the volume of irradiated healthy brain increases with met size)
At larger met sizes, can also fractionate: 21, 24, 27 Gy / 3
OAR constraints on gamma knife
Healthy brain: V12Gy < 10 cc
Brainstem 15 Gy max
Optic nerves, chiasm, motor strip
trigeminal neuralgia on gamma knife
80 Gy @ 100%, 50 Gy on retreat
acoustic schwannoma prescription on gamma knife
12 Gy at 50%
PTV in gamma knife for frame-based vs mask-based
-0 mm PTV for frame based
-1 mm PTV for mask based
cone-based linac for SRS
Can be achieved using existing linacs
Faster dose rate, ~10 Gy/min, faster treatment times
Efficiency starts to drop off compared to GK at around 4 mets, since for each met a different iso with multiple non-coplanar arcs is required
MLC based linac for SRS
Same advantages as cone-based
Can treat multiple lesions with single iso
Low-dose wash is greater
HD-MLC required (2.5 mm leaf size), with smaller max field size (~25 cm); cannot necessarily be used in all sites, eg ¾-field breast, pelvis with nodes,
cuber knife dose rate is higher or lower than gamma knife?
higher dose rate than GK
Faster dose rate, ~10 Gy/min, faster treatment times
Linac gimballed to rotate around iso in ~2\pi geometry solid angle
Excellent dose conformality due to small collimator sizes, and ~hemispherical distribution of sources around isocentre
Most complex mechanically, probably most expensive
Can only be used for cranial sites
gyne total BRT + brachy EQD2gy constraints
CTVs use a/b = 10 Gy, OARs use a/b = 3 Gy
D90% > 90 Gy, < 95 Gy
D98% > 75 Gy
D98% > 60 Gy
D2cc < 90 Gy (80 Gy optimally)
Small bowel, sigmoid, rectum
D2cc < 75 Gy (small bowel and sigmoid 70 Gy optimally, rectum 65 Gy optimally)
disadvantages of protons
Cost – proton facilities can cost upwards of >$100 million
Cost continues to drop, some single unit designs can cost less!
Difficult to secure funding for such facilities
Inhomogeneities (bowel gas, metal implants, weight loss) more of a concern due to precision required in water equivalent depth for dose deposition
Immobilization devices must not interfere with the beam, avoid excess scatter or energy degradation
Motion management becomes more critical, particularly for scanned beams
RBE increase at distal track
Could include depth dependent RBE in planning
Concern for OARs behind target volume
what is Reflexion X1?
Combination 6MV linac, 16 slice FBCT, PET detector
Uses PET signal as a biological fiducial to track tumours (BgRT – biology guided radiotherapy)
Feeback loop of signal to radiation (~400 ms response rate)
Aimed at targeting metastatic and primary lesions, particularly in lung, using biology based tumour tracking to minimize or eliminate ITV.
Dual 90 degree PET detectors (64 counters each) mounted orthogonal to CT/Linac
Entire system rotates at 60 RPM
2cm thick lead septa – reduce scattering
PET signals ignored after MV pulses to mitigate MV scatter false signals
64 leaf Binary MLC, 85CM SAD (like tomo)
MV detector
Unclear if suitable for MVCBCT
Marketed as BgRT SBRT/SRS
Will require modified calibration (as with tomo)
Limited by tracer activity and annihilation resolution
what is SFRT?
Spatially fractionated radiotherapy
Peaks and valleys of dose, rather than a uniform or monotonic distribution
Method of killing is multi-faceted
Radiation cytotoxicity
Also bystander effect
Microvascular modulation
Immune system modulation (abscopal effect)
Tumour antigens released on cell death, collected by dendritic cells in valley region to prime immune response
Sort of like radiation induced vaccination
transmission factors through prosthetics
0.65 to 0.89
neutron dose from prosthetics
nowing the dose rate of the linear accelerator (at least 200 cGy/min) and the dose delivered by the beam passing through the prosthesis, one can estimate that the extra neutron induced photon dose is less than 0.5% of the photon dose at 1 cm from the prosthesis, and, therefore, can be assumed to be clinically negligible.
from TG63
PDD through prosthetic
Backscatter upstream of prosthetic
Enhanced attenuation within prosthetic
Loss of backscatter at distal end of prosthetic
Low E – buildup of dose post prosthetic
High E – pp electrons increase dose post prosthetic, build down effect
Narrow beam, loss of dose due to attenuation
Broad beam, in-scatter compensates for attenuation to a degree, increasing effect with depth beyond
2 new parameters in TG1 addendum
Prp and Pleak
what is embrace II?
image guided BT (volume based planning)
f factors for bone
4 at 80 kV to 1.2 at 300 kV
Thought process that goes into choosing an ortho fractionation
-longer fractinations may be difficult for older patients
-F-factor- if treating a lesion directly over bone, the bone dose may be very high and fractionation can help with this
-more fractions= better cosmetic outcome
desirable properties for immobilization materials
-does not pertub dose- as close to air as possible (low Z, low density, low HU)
-reproducible setup
issue with treating with oblique electrons
-brings dmax closer to surface and causes electron PDD to fall off more rapidly
example of hyperfractionation
head and neck twice per day, 1.2 Gy/fraction, total dose 74-79 Gy
dose from planar MV image
3-5 cGy
kV is a few mGy
who should be represented on radiation safety committee?
every department that receives occupational dose or has an impact on radiation exposure or safety should be represented
what can be done if a safety system is not functioning?
-primary safety systems (prevent beam on) cannot be bypassed
-secondary may be bypassed- physicist approves bypass- has to have equivalent level of safety- RSO approves- communicate bypass to staff- record in service log- ended asap
brain 25/5 OAR constraints
basically Dmax of all OARs < 25 Gy
differences between type I and type II CNSC inspections
type 1- examines process that a licensee uses in their operations
type 2- examines outcomes of these processes
-type II is shorter, less interviews, looks at on-site records and obeserves people working
examples of CNSC reportable incidents
-event that likely exposes person above their dose limit
-unauthorized release of radioactive substances into the environment
-discovery of failure/weakness in system
-attempted or actual breach of security
-loss of control of nuclear substance (theft)
-serious illness/injury/death possibly due to licensed activity
-filing for bankruptcy
-situation that required using contingency plan
-threatened, planned, or actual work disruption by workers
explain the EMBRACE I and II trials and their significance to brachy treatments
-Prior to EMRACE I, no real standardization in brachy across centers
-treatment was typically 2D, manchester system, prescribed to pt A with no adaptation
-EMBRACE I introduced and standardized volumetric planning/dose reporting. Also allowed for modification of target volumes as the patient progresses through treatment
-provided evidence based treatment design
how is MR Sim different from diagnostic MRI?
-larger bore to accomodate immobilization and patient set-up positions
-flat couch top to match what is on treatment unit
-lasers for patient localization/marking
-standardized pulse sequences to minimize geometric distortions
-need method to assign RED
transmission through a prosthetic
-ranges from 65% to 90%
pacemakers in brachy?
cumulative dose must be considered for breast, coronary artery
The LEADS will not be damaged by clinically relevant doses
traditional dose to water will be underestimation of dose to device
when treating patient with CIED, have the following available:
-crash cart, ECG, pacemaker magnet, external defibrillator
-lower dose rates are preferred
when is a pacemaker patient considered high risk
dose > 5 Gy or neutron producing therapy
uncertainty of TG43 calc
10% when all added together
HDR prostate dose constraints/objectives
V100%>95 % prostate
D10%< 118% urethra
V80%< 0.5 <cc rectum
Dmax< 125% urethra
V200% < 11% prostate
TBI reference dose accuracy requirement
TSEI dose constraints
Rx pt is on surface of umbillicus
-want uniformity within +/- 10%
-at depth of 20 mm, absorbed dose value should not exceed 20% of administered dose
-depth at which 80% of administered dose is absorbed should be >/= 4 mm
brain met prescription SRS
15-24 Gy/fraction to 80 or 90% on linac
arterovenous malformation Rx
70 Gy to 50% on GK
acoustic neuroma Rx
12-14 Gy in 1 fx o 80/90% iso on linac
trigeminal neuralgia SRS Rx
40 Gy to 50% isodose line in 1 fx on GK
-80 Gy max dose
-covers 4-5 mm of trigeminal nerve
liver SBRT dose
goal is 50Gy/5
spine met SBRT dose
24-28 Gy in 2
35 Gy in 5
range of energy for proton treatments
50-250 MeV
what is a projection inCT?
each projection is projection of object along a line
what does BSF depend on in ortho? uen/p?
BSF depends on FS, HVL, SSD
uen/p depends on HVL
example value of scatter fraction
10^-4 at 90 degrees for 400 cm2
CNSC regs to remember
general nuclear safety and control regs
radiation protection regs
class II nuclear facilities and prescribed equipment regs
nuclear safety and control act
trick for remembering PRV size
if above C2, use 3 mm
if not use 5 mm
where is iso for tangents + SCN plan?
at junction of tangents and SCN field (sup-inf junction)
38.5/10 or 27/5
39.-non-coplanar beams
-BID for 38.5/10
-all OARs to get < 1 Gy
mean energy of incident electrons
what is the concern with backscatter from cutouts?
ortho: photoelectrons from PE effect backscatter. Use wax to absorb them
electrons: electrons backscatter- use Al cap on shield to absorb (thinner than wax)
how densely do you need to sample to ensure < 5 % of volume has dose errors > 3 %
1 degree for gantry rotation, and 0.5 cm for MLC leaf motions is required
parotids tend to translate ~1 mm/week medially and undergo ~20% volume loss over Tx course
why not just use target and NTO in cost function? Why put in OARs?
NTO is ring around target
would yield isotropic fall-off
include other OARs because sometimes we don’t want isotropic fall off and instead want to spare critical structures
TG17 TBI dose rate to prevent side effects
<20 cGy/min
issues with inhomogeneity corrections in TBI
-corrections factors have errors for large FS unless they are FS dependent