General Knowledge Questions Flashcards
When is the next Supplement due?
AIP Supplements are issued every 28 days (4 wks).
Ammendments are issued every 56 days (8 wks).
To determine the next supplement issue date, check a current AIP’s last supplement and add 28 days.
What is the difference between an “A” and “B” NOTAM?
A NOTAM for Domestic Aerodromes, B NOTAMs can facilitate International Aircraft
What is the crosswind limit for your aircraft?
15 kts.
AC 91-3?
Deals with performance calculations. Touches on the class system for categorising the suitability of runways for aircraft of general size and weight categories, and also on using performance charts to calculate suitability of particular runways for particular aircraft.
Communication failure in WN circuit?
a) if operating east of instrument sector, Squawk 7600, descend to not above 1000 ft, proceed to mid-downwind position, observe and follow light signals from the Tower. If lights not observed, carry out three (3) orbits downwind and then continue in the circuit for the RWY in use.
b) if operating west of instrument sector, Squawk 7600, proceed to the Airport Holding Pattern at 1500 ft, observe and follow light signals from the Tower. If lights not observed, carry out three (3) orbits of the holding pattern and then join base leg for the RWY in use.
If weather conditions prevent the use of the Airport Holding Pattern at 1500 ft, make three orbits west of ISLAND BAY, then join left base for RWY 34, or cross the extended centreline and join left-hand downwind for RWY 16.
When entering the instrument sector exercise extreme caution and lookout when crossing the extended RWY centreline.
Legal Met minima
VFR, inside Control Area:
5km vis. Ceiling 1500’. 2km away from cloud, 500’ below.
Uncontrolled Aerodrome:
Day 5km vis, ceiling 600’.
Night 8km vis, ceiling 1500’.
Class C/D:
Above 10,000’ 8km vis, 2km away from cloud, 1000’ below.
Below 10,000’ 5km vis, 2km away from cloud, 1000’ below.
Class F/G:
Above 10,000’ 8km vis, below 10,000’ 5km vis
Above 3000’, 2km away from cloud, 1000’ below.
Below 3000’, clear of cloud, ground in sight.
Group rating
Group rating refers to the performance of light aircraft and also a runway’s suitability for aircraft of that performance category to have sufficient length to land or takeoff. An aircraft can take off or land at a runway that has a group rating equal or greater than the aircraft’s group rating.
Hours of operation for PM control tower tonight?
Look up in AIP Supplements
Next TAF?
TAFs at WN have validities that begin every 3 hrs from 0000. They are issued up to 1 hr before their validity starts. They should not be used until the commencement of their validity time.
G limits?
No Flaps Flaps
Normal 3.8 2.0
Utility 4.4 2.0
Max and min oil quantity in AFM?
2 qt min and 6 qt max.
Required documents to carry?
Current airworthiness certificate
Aircraft Flight Manual
Aircraft Technical Log
CAA 2173 weight and balance sheet
CAA 2129 Aircraft Radio Station Equipment approval levels
When do we need to carry / wear a lifejacket?
When we fly over water and are greater than gliding distance from shore.
Do we need an AH?
Artificial Horizon is not required for VFR.
Max baggage compartment weight?
100 lbs or 45 kg
Stall speed at 45 degrees AoB AFM?
Look up in performance section of AFM (~62 kts)
What is included in empty weight?
Airframe, powerplant, fixed equipment, full oil, unusable fuel.
Difference between METAR AUTO and METAR?
METAR AUTO is issued automatically from automated weather measuring equipment. A regular METAR is compiled by a human and may include observation as well as instrument readings.
What is a SPECI?
A Special Meteorological Report issued outside the normal issue times.
What is a TREND?
TREND reports were appended to each half-hourly issued METAR-AUTO for Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch aerodromes and were written by the MetService Aviation Meteorologist on duty at those times. They have been deprecated in favor of more frequent TAF updates as of 7 December 2022.
TAF issue times AIP
At NZWN, within 1 hr of start of Validity:
Valid (UTC) (hrs)
0000-0600 30hr
0300-0600 27hr
0600-1200 30hr
0900-1200 27hr
1200-1800 30hr
1500-1800 27hr
1800-0000 30hr
2100-0000 27hr
MET minima MS at night
1500’ ceiling at aerodrome, 8km vis if uncontrolled, 5km vis if controlled.
Special Visual Flight Rules. Can be requested during DAYLIGHT in controlled airspace when visibility has reduced below VFR MET minima.
SVFR MET minima is 600’ cloud base and visibility 1500 meters. Must remain clear of cloud and comply with ATC instructions.
Transponder code for Aircraft in General Aviation Areas
What would you do if you had an excessive oil pressure
?? Reduce power, check temps. Look to land ASAP.