Flight Procedures and Configurations Flashcards
53 kt
64 kt
70 kt
Slow Flight (flaps)
Carb heat ON, Power back to 1700
Full flaps when below 89 kts
Carb heat OFF when IAS < 70
Power and Attitude to maintain height
and 60 kts (2stg flaps)
Slow Flight (no flaps)
Carb heat ON, Power back to 1700
Carb heat OFF when IAS < 70
Power and Attitude to maintain height
and 65 kts (no flaps)
Basic Stall
Basic Stall:
Carb heat ON, Reduce power all the way
Carb heat OFF when < 70 kts
Back pressure to maintain height until stall, then…
Check Forward
Full Power
Wings level and climb back to ref height.
Power-on Stall (flaps)
Power-on & Flaps Stall:
Carb heat ON, Reduce power to 1700 (will drop to 1600)
Full flaps once below 89 kts
Carb heat OFF when < 70 kts
Back pressure to maintain height until 55 kts or stall horn
Check forward (but keep nose above horizon)
Full power
Wings level (done correctly, should not lose altitude)
Reduce flaps to one notch
Once IAS > 70 kts, fully retract flaps
Power-on Stall (no flaps)
Power-on Stall:
Carb heat ON, Reduce power to 1700 (will drop to 1600)
Carb heat OFF when < 70 kts
Back pressure to maintain height until 55 kts or stall horn
Check forward (but keep nose above horizon)
Full power
Wings level (done correctly, should not lose altitude)
Reduce flaps to one notch
Once IAS > 70 kts, fully retract flaps
Wing Drop Stall
Carb heat ON, Reduce power to 1700 (will drop to 1600)
Full flaps once below 89 kts
Carb heat OFF when < 70 kts
Back pressure to maintain height until stall…
Check forward
Opposite rudder
Full power
Aileron neutral until unstalled
Reduce flaps to one stage
Climb back to reference height
Once IAS > 70 kts, fully retract flaps
Rate 1 Turn
At cruise, AoB about 16° so wings are on lines on TC. AoB can be approximated by TAS / 10 plus 7.
Medium Turn
30° AoB, back pressure to maintain altitude. Speed will fall off somewhat.
Steep Turn
45° AoB. Coordinate rudder with ailerons.
Increase power by about 150 RPM to maintain altitude.
Maintain moderate back pressure to maintain altitude.
Anticipate roll out to wings level, coordinate rudder w/ Aileron, reduce power.
Precautionary Landing
Running out of fuel or daylight.
Poor or deteriorating visibility.
Best to avoid this whole situation by careful pre-flight planning and by choosing to turn back or divert early.
Precautionary Landing
Be aware of wind. Passenger briefing and security.
PAN PAN call and squawk 7700. Consider ELT if outcome looks marginal.
SADIE check.
Low visibility configuration. Power to 1900. One stage flaps once below 89kt. Speed to 75kt, power back to 2100. Carb heat OFF. Power and attitude to maintain altitude and speed.
Identify landing site.
Initial inspection at 500’ AGL, into wind w/ landing site on the left of the aircraft. Note heading of landing direction.
Downwind assess spacing with landing site on left outboard flow strip.
Note turning point reference.
Extend base leg past centre-line, descend to not less that 200’, close inspection of landing site for stumps, large stones, etc.
At 2/3rds down the landing site, climb back to 500’.
Continue to downwind leg, site turning point.
Brief passenger, secure harnesses, prepare for short-field landing.
Forced Landing w/o Power
Check forward
Carb heat ON
Close throttle
Set attitude and trim for 70kts (best glide)
Assess wind direction
Select landing site using 7 Ss, C and E
Size, Shape, Slope, Surface, Surrounds, Stock, Sun
Communication & Elevation
Make a plan
Select aiming point 1/3 of the way into the field
Choose 1500’ area and 1000’
Trouble Checks - FMIP
Fuel ON, Pump ON, SWITCH tanks
Mixture RICH, Carb heat ON, Primer LOCKED
Ignition - BOTH, check L, check R
Power - Partial Power Check (engine warming)
Switch to FISCOM (124.2 in LFZ L663), MAYDAY call, squawk 7700
Passenger Briefing and Secure harnesses and hatches.
“James, we’re going make a forced landing in that padock down there. Make sure your seatbelt is as tight as it can go. After we land, we’re going to exit the plane and meet at that shed over there.
Execute pattern. FMI shutdown.