General Knowledge Flashcards
Which forms qualify as Separation Documents
DD Form 214 (& 215), Certificate of Release, Discharge from Active Duty, DA Form 1569, DARP Form 3069, NAVPERS 553, NAVMC 78PD, NAVCG 553, WD AGO 53, WD AGO 55, WD AGO 53-55, WD AGO 53-98, WD AGO Form 0150-4.
What does AD and ADT stand for?
Active Duty and Active Duty Training
How many days of Active Duty Training are required before a Separation Document is applicable?
90 Days
What should you do if a separation document for reserve service is unavailable?
Provide copies of service documents that verify reserve service from start to finish.
Where should you navigate if the separation documents were destroyed or damaged beyond use by a fire?
CRG, Records Reconstruction, and paragraph Service Data Reconstruction
What should you do if the requester states the purpose is for recording in the state of California?
Identify the request as a California Case for copy staff, prepare NA Form 13040-B (Authentication Certificate) for the Core Manager’s signature, and provide two sealed copies of the separation documents with the certification.
What should you do if a requester asks for the Member 4 copy of separation document?
Use response Get Paragraph>Separation Documents>Member-4 copy explained.
What should you do if a requestor provides copies of documents?
Follow NPRM 2009-03. Ask the requester for the discharge or retirement certificate.
What should you check to verify readability of a separation document?
Name, Component, Entry & Separation Dates, Rank At Separation, and Character of Service.
What should you do if a Separation Document is unreadable and a redacted copy is requested?
Furnish a simple statement of service and include the unreadable document (with any necessary redactions).
What should you do if a Separation Document is unreadable and an unredacted copy is requested?
Prepare NA Form 13038, Certificate of Military Service, and include the unreadable document(s) with the form.
What should you provide if the authorized response is for the veteran, his authorized legal representative, or a deceased veteran’s Next of Kin?
Make two copies of the separation documents, continuation pages, and DD Forms 215 and put NARA seal in the lower righthand corner.
What should you provide if the authorized response is for an agency or organization as part of routine use of the record?
Provide one copy of the separation documents, continuation pages, and DD Forms 215, redact item 19b, and place the NARA seal in the lower right corner.
What should you do if the reverse sides of the separation documents have no remarks/information?
Write on the front of the copy: “No remarks on reverse.”
What should you prepare for active periods for which no separation document is on file?
NA Form 13038 (unless a DD Form 214 is not applicable).
Which form is also known as a Casualty Report?
DD Form 1300
What should you do if a DD Form 1300 is unavailable for an applicable veteran case’s request (example: Next of Kin request)?
Prepare an NA Form 13038 embossed with the NARA seal and include Get PP»Personnel Related Information»Report of Death or Casualty missing-NA Form 13038 furnished in your response. Save the completed form to the response document.
What should you do if the requested record contains only a redacted separation document?
Prepare NA Form(s) 13038. Use official documents in the record to obtain information missing from the redacted separation document. Furnish copy/copies of redacted separation document and NA Form 13038.
What should you do if a redacted copy is requested by a veteran, authorized representative, or deceased veteran’s Next of Kin?
Black out Item 19b (if different from 19a) and Items 23-30 (Special Additional Information). Include in your reply: Get PP>Release of Information>Privacy Act, other individuals SNN or personal data deleted.
What should you do if an authorized third party requester wants separation documents that haven’t been authorized as unredacted?
Black out item 19b and items 23-30.
Which items are blacked out on redacted copies for an authorized third party requester for records prior to June 30, 1979?
authority for separation, narrative reason for separation, separation (SPN/SPD) code, reenlistment eligibility code, remarks about eligibility, and recommendation for reenlistment.
Which errors require a DD Form 215 for correction?
Name, Service/SSN, birthdate, date of entry, date of separation/discharge.
When do you NOT issue a DD 215 for corrections, and what do you do instead?
When the request is for recruiters, state Adjutant General’s Office, or DoD officials, let the requester known which item is incorrect and include the correct info in your response.
OR when an Authorized Third Party requests it, send an NA Form 13038 form instead.
Where can you find the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act?
5 U.S.C. 552
Who can qualify as Next of Kin?
A spouse, child, parent or sibling.
*The widowed spouse is ineligible after they have remarried.
What information pertaining to military personnel may be released WITHOUT an unwarranted invasion of privacy?
Name, Dates of Service, Rank/Grade, Date of rank/grade, Salary, Present and past duty assignments (including geographical location), Future (finalized) assignments, Office phone number, Source of commission, Military education level. Promotion sequence number, Decorations and Awards, Education/schooling (military), Duty Status, information concerning entitlement and copies of award citations,
Photograph, Records of courts-martial trials (unless classified), Serial/service numbers (prior to the use of the social security number), Place of induction and separation.
What is the deadline for acknowledgement of a FOIA receipt of request?
20 working days
What should you do if you encounter medical information that may adversely affect the individual identified therein, when included in the requested documents?
Consult NPRC 1865.103, Ch 3, pars. 3-7 for all non-Army armed services. If Army, inform requester that the records can only be released to a physician. If the requester contests the offer to release the records to a physician, refer the records to the Department of the Army.
What should you do if a requested record includes information furnished by others under express or implied promise of confidentiality?
Forward the request to the Armed Forces office concerned.
What should you do if a third party request doesn’t state a purpose other than FOIA?
Return, asking for the purpose of the request. This does not apply to requests from Federal agents to review files if the agency has been listed as a routine user of the records of the Armed Force concerned, or to any source whose right to the information for any purpose is established.
What should you do if you suspect an inquiry of being ill intended?
Refer the case to the Core Manager or Branch Chief, to determine if it should be forwarded to the applicable Armed Force office.
How long does a Power of Attorney remain valid?
Until it is revoked or the veteran dies.
Which memorandum should you consult if a requester cites the Freedom of Information Act in their request?
NPRC 1864.113
How should you handle an appeal to a denial of records?
Bring the inquiry to the supervisor’s attention. The appeal should be referred to the office that completed the initial denial action. Be sure to inform the requester of the referral.
What is required in order to provide the record of an individual deemed mentally incompetent?
The consent of the legal guardian and a copy of the guardian’s court appointment.
What is required in order to provide the separation documents of a deceased individual?
The written consent of the Next of Kin and proof of death.
What is required if the subject of the record (being requested) is unable to write or print his/her name?
An “X” mark (or similar authorization) witnessed by two adults (signed and dated).
How long do authorizations granting a third party the right to review another individual’s record remain in effect?
One year from the time the subject or his/her next of kin (if the subject of the record is deceased) signs and dates the authorization.
What should you do if the authorization for release of an individual’s record is received as a fax or photocopy, rather than the original?
Honor the request UNLESS it appears that the signature block or any other portion has been altered in any manner.
What should you do if any Armed Force requests data on past military service to compute service for current basic pay purposes?
Furnish statement of service, showing any lost time, with character of separation or discharge.
What should you do if a recruiter of any military branch requests copies of documents or information from the record other than the DD 214 or other separation document?
Confirm the written authorization of the veteran exists for its release.
What should you do if a regular Army recruiter or reserve Army recruiter requests a DD Form 214/separation document for a veteran who served in any branch of service?
Route request to Army Recruiting Liaison Office (USARCRO-PP-RL). Do not refer the record with the request. Notify requester of referral by letter.
What should you do if an Active Navy recruiter requests a DD Form 214/separation document for a veteran who served in any branch of service?
Route request to Navy Recruiting Command. Do not refer the record with the request. Notify requester of referral by letter.
What should you do if a Navy Reserve recruiter requests a DD Form 214/separation document for a veteran who served in any branch of service?
Route request to Navy Reserve Recruiting Command. Do not refer the record with the request. Notify requester of referral by letter.
What should you do if an Active Air Force recruiter requests a DD Form 214/separation document for a veteran who served in any branch of service?
Route request to USAF Recruiting Office. Do not refer the record with the request. Notify requester of referral by letter.
What should you do if an Air Force Reserve recruiter requests a DD Form 214/separation document for a veteran who served in any branch of service?
Route request to Air Force Reserve Recruiting Office. Do not refer the record with the request. Notify requester of referral by letter.
What should you do if the OPM Retirement and Insurance Group requests information used toward Civil Service retirement?
Furnish service dates, time lost, character of separation and related information as requested.
What should you do if a federal hospital, or penal/mental/correctional institution requests personnel and/or medical information needed in treatment or rehabilitation?
Verify that the requester is a routine use (Appendices A-F). If it is, furnish the requested information. If the requester is not a routine use, confirm written authorization of the veteran. See NPRC 1865.103, Chapter 6, for details.
What should you do if a Federal hospital and/or medical research agency (including military) requests a veteran’s record?
Furnish information from or copies of medical records. If volume is great, coordinate with appropriate Armed Forces as to possibilities of lending files or permitting requester to review files on these premises.
What should you do if the General Accounting Office requests Personnel information for use in adjudicating claims and auditing accounts?
Furnish statement of service with character of discharge. Furnish answers to specific questions concerning personnel records, including unfavorable information.