General IHD and surgery Flashcards
how would we classify surgery (3)
type of surgery e.g. palliative, paediatric, reconstructive
time scale e.g. elective, urgent, emergency
magnitude: Major, medium, minor
what needs to be taken in a surgical history
Drug history – Drug, dose, acute or continuing
Allergy History – name and reaction
Social Hx – Alcohol, smoking, Occupation, mobility, accommodation, Activities of daily living
Family – Lives with, familial diseases
what is micturation
struggle to pass urine
what is a specific history for a lump
Fixed vs mobile
Other sites affected
Associated symptoms – N&V, pain, bleeding, neurology
give the specific questions for CVS examination
Chest pain
Orthopneoa - breathlessness on laying down
Intermittent claudication - pain caused by too little blood flow to muscles during exercise = calves
PND - peripheral noctural dyspnea - wake up breathless
Peripheral oedema
what is PND
peripheral nocturnal dyspnoea
waking up in middle of night breathless
what is orthopnoea
shortness of breath when laying down
what is claudication
pain in muscle when exercising, often the calves
what is Haemoptysis
blood in sputum
what is the specific respiratory history
Sputum – colour
Haemoptysis - blood in sputum
SOB/SOBOE - shortness of breath on exertion
give the specific GI history
Abdominal pain = Socrates
Haematemesis = vomiting blood
Maleana = blood in stool
Change in bowel habit
Weight/Appetite loss
what is haematemesis
blood in vomit
what is Maleana
blood in stool
what is genitourinary system
reproductive system and urine system
give the questions for a Genitourinary history
Dysuria - pain on urinating
Haematuria - blood in urine
Polyuria - urinating large amounts
Menopause/Menorhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding)
what is dysuria
pain on urinating
what is haematuria
blood in urine
how do we take a MSK musculoskeletal examination (4)
Gait - watch how they walk
Joint/neck pain – multi, specific
Arthritis (OA, RA)
Joint swelling
how do we take a neurological history (4)
Seizures or epilepsy
Vasovagal episodes (faints)
Neurosensory/neuromotor changes
what do we do for a bedside examination
see if there is a frame
any inhalers
if patient is on oxygen
if patient has police around
swollen oedema
vital signs : BP, HR, RR, temp
how do we do a cardiorespiratory examination
Inspection – are they well? Scars, deformity, use of accessory muscles, JVP
Palpation – Pain, apex beat, air entry, central trachea? Peripheral oedema
Percussion – resonance vs dull
Ascultation – heart sounds, chest resonance, air entry, chest sounds.
how would we do an abdominal examination? (4)
Inspection – Scars, distension, spider naevi, caput medusae, hernias
Palpation – 9 areas to palpate superficial and deeper, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, hernias
Percussion – Tenderness
Ascultation – Bowel sounds
what is hepatomegaly and splenomegaly
large liver and large spleen
describe the abdominal pain felt by a patient with early and late appendicitis
early = central quadrant pain
late = lower right ‘iliac’ quadrant
if a patient had gall stones or cholangitis, which quadrant would the patient feel pain
upper right