General Flying Operations and Requirements SI(OPS) 03-06 Flashcards
Are personnel not involved in flying operations allowed to access the aircraft?
No without CFI/CO approval
Whose approval is required to carry cameras in the A/C?
The CO or CFI
What do aircrew need to carry in the aircraft?
1) 2FTS In-Flight Guide
2) RAAF PC-21 Checklist
3) Instrument approach plates for Pearce, Gingin and diversion aerodromes as required.
Whenever practicable, what levels should VFR aircraft operate in training areas?
VFR levels
What are minimum heights to be observed for any part of aerobatic maneuver, maneuver on the buffet, maximum performance turn or stalling exercise?
a) 3000 ft HAOW 600m
b) 3000f t AC for pilots under traning
c) 1000 ft AC for categorized pilots.
To reduce the likelihood of an airspace violation, what buffer should aircraft apply to low limit of PTA-A?
500 ft
Are fully developed base or final stalls to be conducted in the aircraft?
No, only in FTD
Can trainees accept an A/C as unservicable?
During control checks, how should controls be moved?
Smoothly but not banged against the stops.
Wherever possible, should an engine start be accomplished using external power?
What are some factors that will affect peak ITT during battery powered engine start?
1) Battery temp - lower ambient temps may cause a reduced batt power output, result in slower engine acceleration times and a hotter start.
2) Wind direction - Tailwind component during start may cause exhaust gases to be ingested back into the engine causing higher temps.
What should BINGO and JOKER be set to?
BINGO = Mission BINGO fuel JOKER = set to zero
When should the landing light be selected on?
In the line-up checks.
What should the landing light be selected to in after landing checks?
When the marshaller is identified approaching the carports, what should be done with the landing lights?
Flashed to indicate the marsheller has been sighted.
How should the landing light be operated at night?
As required for visibility of aircrew on the ground.
With ATC manned , what taxi routes should be used?
Those detailed in AD2SUPP
When ATC isn’t manned, what taxi routes should be used?
Due to poor radio reception on the ground:
RWY18 = Taxi out via NTH apron
RWY36 = Taxi out via STH apron
RWY 05/23 = Taxi out via NTH apron, then TWY A, E and D
For all CTAF communications, what should squelch be selected to?
Squelch selected off
If no marshaller is available, how should trainees taxi into the carports?
Hold short until a marshaller is available.
When in the flight line, what is the taxi speed?
Slow walking pace
Can ORPs located within the runway strip be used when an aerodrome is uncontrolled?
Following initial contact with ground and taxiing into the lines, who are aircrew to contact and what should they say?
Contact JA Maintenance
- “JA Maintenance (A/C number), Code (servicability status)
- Alpha = A/C serviceable
- Bravo1 = aircraft U/S, airframe/engine issue
- Bravo2 - aircraft U/S, avionics/oxygen issue
When should the patter of the after landing checks only be commenced by?
After clear of the runway.
What is the dropped seat pin procedure?
- Advise ATC (GRND) and taxi to park in the northern most bay of the uncovered rear lines.
- If that is not available, park on a taxiway, clear of other traffic, as approved by ATC
For any unserviceability that occurs after start, what checks should be completed?
After landing and shutdown checks.
To limit the dangers associated with A/C replenishment, what minimum distance must be kept between any starting or running aircraft?