General equilibrium Flashcards
vector that gives a production plan for each producer and a consumption plan for each consumer
Feasible allocation
sum of all the endowments + sum of all production plans=sum of all consumption plans
Pareto optimal
allocation x* such that there is no allocation x that is as least as prefered x* by every consumer and there is a consumer that strictly preferes it to x*
Competitive equilibrium
Allocation and price vector such that:
- Consumers are maximizing utility subject to their wealth
- Producers are maxmimizing profits
- Allocation is feasible.
Competitive equilibrium with transfers
- Allocation
- Price vector
- Monetary wealth assignment for each consumer such that Sum of assignments=value of total endowment + value of total production
Such that:
- Consumers maximize utility subject to their wealth
- Producers maximize profits
- Allocation is feasible
Offer curve
set of all walrasian demans for all prossible prices
Competitive equilibria are the set of all the intersections of the offer curves
This set lies in the upper contour set of the initial endowment
Contract curve
set of all pareto optima that pareto dominate the initial endowment
Alternative definition of competitive equilibrium for pure exchange economis
a price vector and an allocation is a walrasian eq iff:
- y*<=0, py*=0, p*>=0
- x*_i=x_i(p,pw) for all i
- allocation is feasible
equilibrium with aggregate excess demand
a price vector defines a competitive equilibrium iff p>=0, z(p)<=0
Consequenses of walras law in pure exchange economies (aggregate excess demand)
- z_l(p*)<0 then p_l*=0
- In equilibrium p*>>0 =>z(p*)=0
- If preferences are strictly monotone then p*>>0
- if p*>>0 clears L-1 markets, then p* clears all the markets
- z(p) may not be defined for p>=0
Brower fixed point theorem
Let A a convex non-empty compact set. Then if f is continuous on A => f has a fixed point.
Existence if a competitive eq
- pure exchage economy
- aggregate demand functions defined for all p>=0.
- z(p) continuous, homogeneous of degree zero and satisfies walras law
There is a p*>=0: z(p*)<=0
Existence of a competitve eq. Conditions needed to ensure the existence
- exchange economy
- rational, continuous and stricty convex preferences that satisfy LNS
- endowments strictly positive for all consumers
Then there is a competitive eq.
Conditions to ensure existence of comp eq with strictly positive prices, exchange ec
- exchange economy
- rational, continuous, strictly convex and strictly monotone preferences
- endowment strictly positive.
Then there is a p>>0 such that z(p)=0
First fundamental theorem of welfare
If there is a competitive eq with transfers and preferences are LNS
then the allocation of this eq is pareto optimal.