Games Flashcards
A nash equilibrium survives IDSDS
IDSDS and NE unique
If IDSDS deletes all but one strategy profile, then it is NE
Property of mixed strategy NE
- Expected payoff of all the pure strategies I play with non-zero prob are the same
- Expected payoff of all the pure strategies I play with non-zero prob is strictly greater than the expected payoff of all the pure strategies I play with prob 0
Existence of equilibria
- Space of strategies are convex, non-empty and compact
- Payoff functions u_i of each player are continuous (s1,…,sn) and they are quasiconcave with respect s_i
Then there is a pure strategy NE
Every finite game has a NE, probably in mixed strategies.
Def information set
Set of nodes I_i such that:
- Player i moves in all the sets of the node
- Player i has the same set of actions in each node of the set
- When the game reaches I_i, player i doesnt know at which of the nodes in I_i she is. She only knows that one the nodes of I_i has been reached.
a full contingent plan that specifies an action at each information set of the player
zermello’s theorem
every finite game of perfect information has a pure strategy NE that can be derived through backward induction. If no player is indiferents between two actions at a particular node, then this NE is unique.
Subgame definition
- It starts at a singleton n
- It contains all decision nodes that follow n and only those
- It does’t break any information set.
Subgame perfect NE
player strategies constitute a NE at every subgame
Existence of SPNE
every finite game has at least one NE, probably in mixed strategies
A finitely repeated game G with a unique NE at every stage has a unique SPNE that consists of T repetitions of the stage NE
One period deviation principle for infinitely repeated games
To check wether (s1*,s2*) is a SPNE it is enough to check that there are no profitable “one information note” deviations
Def feasible payoff
a payoff vector is feasible for the stage game if it is a convex linear conbination of the pure strategy payoffs of G.
Folk theorem
Any payoff vector strictly greater to the one that is the result of the stage NE can be achieved as a result of a SPNE.
any x>>_x where _x_i=min over s_-i { max over s_i of u_i(s_i, s_-i)