General Dx - Thorax Exam Flashcards
NOT a neurofibroma (central mass) symptom
lower motor neuron pattern (areflexia, atrophy, weakness)
Slow developing intraspinal mass of T spine (neurofibroma
may not produce Reg Flags
Lower motor neuron pattern
unilateral root or lateral spinal N lesion
disc herniation
lateral entrapment
lateral recess syndrome
Neurofibroma (central mass pat)
what neurologic BLADDER pattern present
spastic reflex bladder
mass compressing lower T spinal cord
thin barrel chest pursed lips accessory respiratory muscles tripod sitting hyper-resonant chest
Kussmaul Breathing is
rapid, deep and labored breathing
Kussmaul Breathing associated with
metabolic acidosis
Dull percussion of chest caused by
pleural effusion
endobroncial tumor (may have normal percussion)
Bronchial breath right lung base
consolidation at right lung base
vesicular breath sounds
normal at peripheral lung
decreased breath sounds
flail chest
fractured ribs
10 yo asymptomatic pat systolic murmur localized to 3rd intercostal on left parasternally grade II/VI medium pitch diminishes when pat sits upright
innocent murmur
- Asymptomatic
- diminishes when upright
murmur patent ductus
both systolic and diastolic