General Chemistry (Part 3) Flashcards
A polymeric substance used to make parachute is:
Drinking soda is:
The cathode of a lead storage battery is made up of:
Which one of the following is radioactive?
Cesium | Platinum | Strontium | Thorium
Aluminum can be purified by:
Impure camphor is purified by:
Greenhouse effect is caused by:
carbon dioxide
Type metal used in printing press is an alloy of:
lead and antimony
Sour taste of Coca Cola is due to the presence of:
phosphoric acid
Bhopal gas tragedy is associated with leakage of:
methyl isocyanate
Iodized salt is beneficial for:
thyroid function
The acid rain destroys vegetations because it contains:
sulfuric acid
Diamonds are glittering and attractive because light Incident on them undergoes:
multiple internal reflections
The substance most commonly used as a food preservative is:
sodium salt of benzoic acid
Catalyst is a substance which:
increases the rate of the reaction | decreases the rate of reaction | has no action on the rate of the reaction| none of these.
none of these
Which of the following gases is most toxic?
Carbon dioxide | Carbon monoxide | Sulphur dioxide | Chlorine
carbon monoxide
Sour milk contains:
lactic acid
The acid used in lead storage cells is:
sulfuric acid
Alum stops bleeding in minor cuts because of:
Plaster of Paris is made by partial dehydration of:
gypsum salt
Water can be separated from alcohol water mixture by
Milk sugar is:
Petroleum is a mixture of:
The gas used for filling weather balloons is:
Hydrogen is not found in atmosphere because:
It is the lightest gas.
Who discovered the atom bomb?
Otto Hahn
Which one of the following organic compounds has fruity smell?
Alcohol | Aldehyde | Ester | Ether
What material is used to make electric heater coil?
Byproduct obtained by soap industry is:
Polythene is polymer of:
When formaldehyde and potassium hydroxide are heated, we get:
methyl alcohol
When concentrated H2S04 is added to dry KNO3 brown fumes are evolved. These fumes are due to:
The polymer used in making plastic crockery is:
Vulcanization of rubber is carried out by adding:
Which gas is used as fire extinguisher?
carbon dioxide
Which one of the following is extensively used for sterilizing water?
Bleaching powder | Alum | Borax powder | Soda powder
bleaching powder
The major constituent of air is:
Rusting of iron takes place due to:
German silver used for making utensils is an alloy of:
copper, zinc, & nickel
The purity of gold is expressed in carats. The purest form of gold is:
24 karats
Petroleum consists of a mixture of:
The luster of the metals is because of:
Reflection of light due to the presence of free electrons.
One of the following is used to dissolve noble metals. That is:
Nitric acid | Hydrochloric acid | Sulfuric acid | Aqua regia
aqua regia
An emulsion is a colloid of a:
liquid in a liquid
Percentage of carbon in steel is ranges from:
1 to 5
Which of the following is not present in German silver?
Copper | Nickel | Silver | Zinc
The major harmful gas emitted by automobile vehicles which causes air pollution is:
carbon monoxide
Which one of the following is a major greenhouse gas?
carbon dioxide
Pasteurization is the process in which milk is heated to:
63°C for 30 minutes
The freezer in a refrigerator is fitted near the top:
It facilitates convection currents.