General Chemistry (Part 1) Flashcards
Beryllium Sulphate is less soluble in water due to:
high inflammable energy
What is the name of that system which uses radioactivity to decide the period of materials of pre his tone period?
carbon dating
Cement is made hard with
hydration and dissociation of water
What happens when a chemical bond is formed?
Energy is always absorbed.
Which among the following is a carbohydrate?
Nylon | Cane sugar | Turpentine | Hydrogen peroxide
cane sugar
Which of the following states maximum iron ore is found?
FeCO3 | Fe2O3 | Fe3O4 | FeS2
Which one of the following metals pollutes the air of a city having large number of automobiles?
Cadmium | Chromium | Lead | Copper
What is the Chemical name for baking soda?
sodium bicarbonate
An atomic pile is used for:
conducting nuclear fission
Which of the following gases is present under pressure in soft drinks?
Oxygen | Nitrogen | Carbon dioxide | Nitrous oxide
carbon dioxide
The substance which does not expand on going from liquid state to solid state is:
type metal
Heart pacemakers is:
The element which is commonly used in nuclear for producing electricity by nuclear fission is:
Table salt gets moist during rainy season because:
Sodium chloride contains hygroscopic impurities like magnesium chloride.
Which of the following is used as a lubricant in heavy machines?
Bauxite | Sulfur | Phosphorus | Graphite
The anode in a dry cell consists of:
Which of the following is used to iodine common salt?
Potassium Iodate | Iodine | Potassium Iodide | Sodium Iodide
potassium iodide
Milk is a colloidal system in which:
Fat is dispersed in water.
The enzyme that converts glucose to ethyl alcohol is:
Silk fiber chemically is:
Who developed Hydrogen Bomb?
Edward Teller
When there are two electrons in the same orbital they have:
opposite spin
Galvanization is the:
deposition of zinc on iron
Fermentation of milk to curd is due to:
By which organic compound all the oils are known?
The atomic number of Carbon is 6 and its atomic mass is How many are there protons in the nucleus of Carbon?
Who developed atom bomb?
J. Robert Oppenheimer
The major harmful gas emitted by automobile vehicle which causes air pollution is:
carbon dioxide
The add used in lead storage cells is:
sulfuric acid
Milk tastes sour when kept in the open for some time due to the formation of:
lactic acid
What is the most commonly used substance in fluorescent tubes?
mercury vapor and argon
What is “milk of magnesia” chemically?
magnesium hydroxide
Bronze is an alloy of
copper and tin
The natural source of hydrocarbon is:
crude oil
Which of the following is chiefly present in LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)?
Which one of the following metals is used to galvanize iron?
Copper | Lead | Zinc | Mercury
Which of the following is not a precious semiprecious stone?
Sapphire | Ruby | Pearl | Emerald
Which among the following metals provides atmospheric oxide?
Sodium| Silver| Aluminum | Calcium
Humburger effect is otherwise known as
chloride shift
Which among the following elements is found in maximum percentage in the human body?
Carbon | Hydrogen | Nitrogen | Oxygen
Which among the following stage is suitable indicator when solution of sodium carbonate is mixed with sulfuric acid?
Methylene blue | Methyl red | Phenolphthalein | Methyl orange
methyl orange
Which among the following is pure matter?
Carbon dioxide | Brass | Air | Iron
carbon dioxide
Which among the following coal contains 90 percent of carbon?
Anthracite | Bitumen | Lignite | Peat
Bauxite is an alloy of which of the following metals?
Aluminum | Silver | Tin | Iron
Bauxite is an alloy of which of the following metals?
proton and neutron
Milk of Magnesia is a suspension of:
magnesium hydroxide
Quartz is made of:
sodium silicate
Which of the following is ozone depleting pesticide?
D.D.T. | Benzene | Methyl bromide | Ethylene ozonide
methyl bromide
Galvanized iron is made by coating iron with:
Which is abundant in Gobar gas?