General aspects of history taking Flashcards
What is important about timing in SOCRATES?
Coninous or episodic
Duration and frequency of attacks
Non prescribed drug hisotry
What drugs are you taking?
How often and how much?
How long have you been taking drugs?
Have you managed to stop at any time? If so, when and why did you start again?
What symptoms do you have if you cannot get the drugs?
Do you ever inject? If so, where do you get the needles and syringes?
Do you ever share needles, syringes or drug taking equipment?
Do you see your drug use as a problem?
Do you want to make changes or do you like using the drugs?
Have you been checked for infections spread by drug use?
What form of tobacco do you use?
Pack per years:
20 ciggarettes a day for 1 year
(Number of ciggerettes smoking per dayX number of years smoking)/20
1 unit- One small glass of wine, half a pint of beer or lager or one standard measure of spirits (25ml)
What suggests an occupational disorder?
Symptoms get better over the weekend
What are importnat synptoms in general health?
Wellbeing Apetite Weight Energy Sleep Mood
What are importnat symptoms in cardiovascular system?
Chest pain on exertion Breathlessness- Lying flkat, at night, on minimal exertion Palpitations Pain in legs on walking Ankle swelling
What are importnat symptoms in respiratory system?
SOB Cough Wheeze Sputum- Colour, amount, when, blood Chest pain
What are importnat symptoms in GI system?
Mouth- Oral ulcers, dental prblems Diffiuclty swallowing Nausea and vomiting- Blood Indigestion Heartburn Abdominal pain Change in bowel habit Change in colour of stools
What are importnat symptoms in genitourinary system?
Pain passing urine Frequency passing urine Blood in urine Libido Incontinence Sexual paprteners
Men Prostatic symptoms Urethral discharge Erectile difficulties Poor stream or flow Terminal dribbling
Women LMP Timing and regularity of periods Length of periods Abnormal bleeding Discharge Contraception Pain in intercourse
What are importnat symptoms in NERVOUS system?
Headaches Dizziness Faints Fits Altered sensation Weakness Visual disturbances Hearing problems Memory and concentration changes
What are important symptoms in MSK system?
Joint pain, stiffness or swelling
What are importnat symptoms in endocrine system?
Heat or cold intolerance
Change in sweating
Excessive thirst
What are importnat symptoms in other systems?
Bleeding or brusing
Skin rashes
Dealing with emotional or angry patients
Stay calm
Explore reason for their emotiontions
You seem angry about something
Dealing with talkative patients?
I only have a short time left with you so whats the most important thing to deal with