General Anesthetics Flashcards
- 5 Stages?
- Potency =? (2)
- Balanced: Sedative? Analgesics? Anti musc?
- 2 factors that influence onset? High B:G? (2) Low?
- Depth =? Order of filling? (3)
- IV adjucvtvants: Etomidate (GA)? Ketamine (Dissoc.)? Midazolam (BDZ)? Propofol (GA)? Fentanyl (opoid)? Thiopental (GA)?
- analgesia, delerium, surgical, no surgery, medullary paralysis
- Lipid sol., 1/ MAC
- BDZ; opioid/ LA; glycopyrolate
- Conc., and Low B:G; Halothane/methoxyflurane; N2O
- Conc. of anesthetic in brain; Brain, Muscle, Fat
- Rapid onset; CV stim for increased CBF; Amnesia; Induction/ anti emetic; analgesia; fast onset
- GA’s act on? (3)
- 2 first GA? Next flammable? Then?
- 3 potent GA’s?
- MOA: 2 hypotheses?
- Ideal characteristics? (3)
- Progression of anesthetic? Order? (8)
- What is often used for fast onset stage 1 to 3?
- GABA/ Ca and K at higher concentrations
- NO, diethyl ether; cyclopropane; Halothane
- Methoxyflurane/Halothane/Chloroform
- Lipid due to potency being related to oil:gas; protein act via hydrophobic pockets in membrane proteins
- Rapid/smooth onset; rapid recovery; wide safety margin
- Descending depression: Fine motor, altered consc/analges, loss of temp reg, uncosciuss., eye stuff, muscle tone, resp. failure, CVD, coma
- Thiopental
- Uptake elimination icnrease with? (5)
- Volatile vs. IV GA?
- 3 rules of breathing in high volume gas?
- higher conc., Higher AVR, Less PBF, Lower Blood:Gas, High potency
- IV known MOA on NT release
1. ) Conc. effect: Lose O2 out of lungs with gas in
2. ) 2nd gas: When breathing 2 gas; increase intake of second drug higher than normal
3. ) Diffusion hypoxia: When stop intake, alveoli fill with gas and O2 dillutes out