Brain Anatomy Flashcards
- Frontal/Hippo:
- DLPFC involved in? (3)
- VMPFC? (2)
- ACC role? (2) Detects conflict between? Dsfx? (3)
- Injury to DLPFC? (3) Need?
- Injury to VMPFC? Provides? Injury? (3)
- Injury to ACC causes?
- Bilateral hippo dysfx? (3)
- 3 regions of hippocampus? Layers?
- Representation, planning, goal oriented behaviors
- Assessing +/- of a stimuli with dopa/serot.; gains/losses
- Executive fnx, motivation; attention/desired results; poor motivation, apathy, lack of will
- Decreased intention/goals/ less perservation (switch attention)/ need enviromental cues
- Poor social behavior; gut feelings; can’t detect bad decks/ phineus gage
- Abulia, lack of will
- Problems with declarative, spatial, assoc./episodic mem
- Dentate gyrus, hippocampus, subculiculum; 3
- Principal cells for dentate gyrus? Hippo? Interneurons in each layer use?
- 3 regions of hippocampus? Adjacent to dentate? Merges with sub?
- Inputs: 1.) Entorhinal: Perforant pathway has axons to? (2) 6 steps?
- 2.) Septan nuclei: Role in? Goes through? (2)
- Sensory components of an episode combined where? How is this done? Essentially a? Done where?
- Hippo dependent memory consolidation when? Interaction between?
- Granule cell; pyramidal; GABA
- CA 1/2/3; CA1; CA3;
1. ) Dentate and Hippo; Dentate granule –> CA3 –> Collateral from CA3 (Autoassoc, synapse on other CA3, leave via fornix, synapse with CA1 via schaeffer collaterals) –> CA1 to subiculum –> entorhinal cortex –> cortical assoc. areas - reward and reinforcement; fornix/CA
- Hippocampus; autoassociations at CA3; search engine; CA3 with recurrent collaterals
- Sleep; neocortex and hippo
- Gender: 3 components?
- Default state? 5 steps of male?
- Androgen insesnitivity: Testes? Look like? Brain development effect? Why?
- Sex hormones produced where? 3 spots?
- Aphasia in women?
- Sex steroids influence: Prenatal? Perinatal?
- 3 ways sex hormones influence brain?
- 3 brain dimorphisms?
- Steroids interact with? Ex? Application? (2)
- Chrom; somatic (sex parts); psychosocial (view self)
- Female: Y, SRY, TDF, Testes, Release Test. and MIH
- Not descended; female; none; testosterone converted to estradiol by aromatase
- ant. hypothal; Suprachiasmatic, lat/med preoptic
- Less; larger Broca’s
- Organizational irrev.; activational short term
- classic steroid rec., unknown GCPR, direct with GABAr
- Amygdala/ corp. call; lateral fissure (Broca); Ant. hypothal (women have LHRH coupled with gap jxs for synchronized release of LF and FSH, test in fetus prevents this)
- GABAr; Estradiol makes GABAr more receptive; 2x/month = women hyperexcitable = seizures/ irritable
- Cerebral Cortex:
- Tradeoff brain makes with neuronal AP’s?
- Bottom up flow: Layer 3 –> ?; respond to?
- Top down: 2,5,6 –> lower layers of? For what?
- Layers 1-3? 4? 5-6?
- Cortex layers? Allocortex? GABAnergic? EEG is?
- EEG rhythms: alpha? beta? delta? gamma?
- Conductor for cortical members? Rhythmic burst?
- ACH on thal? To thalamocortical gate?
- Lower fidelty for lower consumption use
- higher layer 4; response to observations
- Lower layers 1,5,6; predicted response
- Interoffice mail; inbox, outbox
- 6;
- Thalamocortical physiology:
- Thalamocoritcal during sleep?
- Physiology: Cortical pyr GLU on? (2) TC cell GLU on? (2) RC gaba on?
- RC cells inhibit what? when?
- TC cells: More depolarized = ? (2)
- T-Type Ca channels: Inactive at? Hyper pol by? Causes? (2)
- This can occur with? Changed activation point from? Treatment? (2) MOA?
- What wakes animals? (3)
- Fire several times then hyperpolarized (delta)
- RC and TC; CP and RC; TC
- TC cells during slow wave sleep
- Ca channels inactive and regular fast Na AP’s predom.
- Depol (-55); RC cells; inactivation gate opens; Ca spikes, Delta waves
- Absense Epilepsy; -85 to -60; ethosuximide/valproic acid = inhibit T type Ca channels
- ACH in reticular activating system; NE from locus coeruleus in thal; seratonin from Raphe to thal
- Forebrain/Diencephalon:
- All sensory, motor, limbic go through? Except?
1. ) Ant. Nucleus: Input? Output? Function? (2)
2. ) DM: Outsput?
3. ) Pulvinar: Output? Fxn?
4. ) LGN: Input? Output? (2) Fxn?
5. ) MGN: Input? Output? Fxn?
6. ) VA/VL: Input (2) Output? Fxn?
7. ) VPM/VPL: Input? Output? Fx? - papez tract? (8)
- Thalamus; olfactory
1. ) Mamillary bodies; Ant. limb –> Cing gyrus; Motivation/limbic
2. ) Ant. Limb –> frontal assoc. cortex
3. ) Retroventicular –> parieto-occipital assoc cortex; visual
4. ) Optic tract; retrovent/sublentic –> visual cortex; visual
5. ) Inf. Collic; Sublent –>auditory cortex; hearing
6. ) Motor cortex; GP/Cerebellum; movement
7. ) AL/ML tract; posterior limb –> somatosensory; sens. - Mam bodies –> MT tract –> AN –> Ant Limb –> Cing Gyrus –>Hippo. –> Fornix –> Mam Bodies
- Limbs of internal capsule: Orgin –> Destination
1. ) Anterior Limb: Nucleus to area? (2)
2. ) Posterior Limb: Area –> Area? (2)
3. ) Retrolenticular: Area –> Area? (2)
4. ) Sublenticular: Area –> Area? (2) - Broadmans: Related Thal. Nuclei
1. ) 1-3? 2.) 4? 3.) 17? 4.) 41? - 44-45 are what? 39-40 are?
- ) Ant. Nucleus –> Cig. Gyrus; DM nucleus –> PFC
- ) Motor cortex –> Spinal cord; VPM/VPL –>Post C. gyr
- ) Pulvinar –> Parietal Assoc; LGN –> visual cortex
- ) MGN –> Auditory cortex; LGN –> Visual cortex
- ) VPM/VPL 2.) VA/VL 3.) LGN 4.) MGN
- Broca; Wernicke’s
- Memory: Broca’s Circuit? (5)
- Declarative memory? (3)
- Procedural memory?
- Short term sesnory memory where? Working memory? Long term memory?
- Associative memory: Fewer cues needed due to?
- LTP: Occurs with? Steps? (4) AKA? Occurs where?
- Synapse formation static? Adult neurogenesis?
- Hippo –> mam bodies –> Ant. Nucl –> Cortex –>hippo
- recollect events (temporal/spatial); semantic knowledge
- Learn new skills
- sensory cortex; frontal cprtex; hippo –> cortex
- Caused by LTP
- Synapses occuring often; Pre syn Glu to AMPA; Enough AMPA depol. Post syn; glu + post syn depol opens NMDA; Ca2+ turns on CAM kinase which brings more AMPA recpetors up; CA1/CA3 hippocampus
- No; Can occur (already seen in olfactory)
- AD: APP cleaved by what normal? In AD? Leaves? Effect on LTP?
- Emotion: Associative learning where? Ex? Simultaneous? 3 steps? Stim. of neurons in insular cortex? Musc. antags?
- Ach involved in? Treatment of AD? When?
- alpha secr.; Beta and gamma secr.; AB plaques; Decreased
- Amygdala; Aversive food; not necessarily; Try new food, basal forebrain release ACH throughout brain and insular cortex, puking develops CFA; LTP of NMDA; no CFA
- Long term LTP/consolidation; Chol. Agonists; Early on
- Glasgow: Ranking of variables? (3)
- Consciousness not equal to? It is? Arises from?
- Delerium?
- Stupor?
- Coma? GS of? Unable to? (3)
- Decerebrate posturing? Due to?
- Decorticate posturing? Due to?
- Brain death: Cessation of? (2) 1.) GCS of? 2.) Motor response? Don’t count? Do? 3.) Brainstem reflexes? 4.) 5 reflex tests/CN’s? 5.) Apnea Test: Check CO2 after?
- Motor>verbalization>eye opening
- awareness/enlightenment/insight; prod of bio events within brainstem and thalamus; intralaminar nuc. of thal
- fluctuating confusion/inattention
- sleep like; takes vigorous stimuli to arouse
- sleep like/unresponsive/no s-w cycles; 8 or less; open eyes, say/rec. words, follow commands
- Ext. UE and LE; Brainstem (bad prog)
- Flex UE/ Ext LE; Hemisphere lesion
1. ) 3 2.) None; spinal reflexes; seizure/postural 3.) absent 4.) Pupilaary (2/3), occulocephalic (dolls), oculovestibular (8,3,4,6), cough (10), corneal 5/7; gag (9/10); 8 min
- Confirmatory tests when? (3)
- Must always check (3)
- Donation after cardiac death?
- After coma: 1.) Chance of death 1 mo after? 2.) VS: reestablish what? Cog fx? Persistant VS? Permanent VS? (2) 3.) MCS: Can do what?
- young child, BP/pulse not stabilized, anatomy doesn’t allow
- Core body temp, BP/HR, toxiciology
1. ) 50%
2. ) S-W; none; Persistant = 1 mo; VS traum >12 mo; Anoxia >3 mo
3. ) Interact sometimes