General Anatomy Flashcards
Which of the following is a sella joint
metacarpal phalangeal joint (thumb)
The spiral groove is located on the:
Which type of cells line the upper respiratory tract:
pseudostratified ciliated columnar
What is the function of the Kupffer cell:
phagocyte of the liver
Alveoli type II cells make:
Which nerve is interrupted when flexion of the thumb can no longer occur:
The nasolacrimal duct drains into the:
inferior nasal concha
The bifurcation of the trachea occurs at the:
sternal angle
What hormone is produced in the adrenal medulla:
What is the primary muscle of hip abduction:
gluteus medius
Which is located in the middle mediastinum:
inferior vena cava
Where is the origin of the corachobrachialis:
corachoid process
Which of the following covers the entire surface of a muscle fiber
What bones form the sella joint:
1st metacarpal and trapezium
The linea aspera converges to form the supracondylar line. Where would you find the linea aspera:
posterior femur
What is the nerve supply to the medial thigh:
The maxillary sinus drains into:
middle nasal meatus
What muscle abducts the vocal folds:
posterior cricoarytenoid
What does the major calyces empty into:
the renal pelvis
Which of the following is the outer lining of the heart:
What do papillary muscles do?
Control backflow from right ventricle to right atrium or left atrium to left ventricle
Which of the planes is parallel to floor:
transverse aka horizontal
What anatomical structure is superior to the insertion of the pec minor muscle:
coracoid process
The supraglenoid tubercle is found on the:
Which innervates the dorsum of the foot:
superficial peroneal nerve
The actetabular labrum is made up of which type of tissue:
The annular ligament allows the radius to pivot on the:
What originates from the brachiocephalic artery off the arch of the aorta :
right common carotid artery
Where does the round ligament attach:
labia majora
A simple fracture of the distal tibia affects:
medial malleolus
With damage to the femoral nerve, there would be an inability to:
extend the leg
What bone is the sustentaculum tali on:
Which innervates the skin on the dorsum of the second and third toes:
superficial and deep peroneal
The supraspinatus is responsible for
Which fontanel is found in the adult:
List all retroperitineal organs
Lateral border of the femoral triangle:
Dorsal scapular nerve is damaged: scapula cannot
Where do gallbladder stones lodge:
common bile duct
The ureter attaches to the bladder:
The ovarian artery is a branch off:
abdominal aorta
What supplies the descending colon:
inferior mesenteric aa
Which muscle works more on inspiration:
external intercostals
Compact bone layers are comprised of old and new remnants of haversian systems, these layers are best described as:
interstitial lamella
What does the cephalic vein drain into:
Axillary then to subclavian
Which of the following cannot circumduct
Which of the following is derived from midgut:
The spring ligament is another name:
calaneonavicular ligament
Which muscle works more on inspiration:
external intercostals
What type of joint is the rib head attaching to the vertebral body:
Which is not a bone in the nasal septum:
perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone.
vomer bone.
crest of the palatine bone
Which ligament attaches the ovaries to the uterus
Broad ligament
Where does the psoas major and iliacus insert:
lesser trochanter
The quadrate lobe is located between :
the gallbladder and ligamentum teres
Which muscle inserts into the Ulnar tuberosity:
Where are the openings of the ejaculatory ducts:
The right suprarenal vein is a direct tributary
right renal
Rupture or blockage of the posterior communicating artery would fill:
Schindylesis = ampiarthrosis
Schindylesis = ampiarthrosis
Schindylesis =
Tina coli:
large intestine
Alveoli are lined with simple squamous for
gaseous exchange
What lines capillaries:
endothelial cells
Name the two nerves that supply the muscle that flexes thumb:
median and Ulnar
What area of the uterus is found above the uterine tubes:
Which of the following bones is most proximal to the wrist:
The proximal radioulnar joint is classified as a
pivot joint
What structure does the inferior alveolar nerve innervate:
the teeth of the mandible
Where is sperm produced:
seminiferous tubules