General 3 Flashcards
father of self psychology
person who defined five character types common to Western culture
founded analytic psychology
Japanese syndrome similar to body dysmorphic disorder
developed idea of mental age
Alfred Binet
type of dementia poorly responsive to Ache-inhibitors
child abuse injury most likely to result in death
subdural hematoma
not included in persistent vegetative state
response to noxious stimuli
hereditary pattern of Tourette’s
location of primary auditory cortex
superior temporal gyrus
made from serine, adjunct to glutamate
epidural hematomas due to…
middle meningeal artery
subdural hematomas due to…
bridging veins
burst supression pattern
arsenic poisoning
distal axonal neuropathy, Mees lines on nails
lead poisoning
blue line at gingival margin, microcytic anemia
manganese poisoning
Parkinsonism, strange gait, “madness”
thallium poisnoning
severe neuropathy, cardiac problems
midbrain stroke syndrome with c/l hemiplegia and i/l III nerve paresis with dilated fixed pupil
Weber’s syndrome
parinaud’s syndrome caused by
PCA branches - stroke
glycine opens these channels
therapeutics for BPPV
Brandt-Daroff exercises
persistent vegetative state defined as…
1 month of coma
most common effect of depression on sleep is
early morning awakening
EEG pattern of infantile spasm
Papez circuit
hypothalamus, thalamus, mammillary bodies, cortex (not amygdala)
substance first used to induce convulsions to treat psychiatric illness
loss of memory relating to a particular category of info
systematized amnesia
lack of memory for a circumscribed period of time
localized amnesia
lack of memory for some but not all events from the same time period
selective amnesia
lack of memory of the patient’s entire life
generalized amnesia
loss of memory subsequent to an event until and including the present
defense: crusades against homosexuality, but is a homosexual
reaction formation
defense: directing sexual impulses toward spiritual work
effect of being watched in a study
Hawthorne effect
Anton’s syndrome
pt not aware of deficit
Balint’s syndrome
can’t see more than one object at a time; b/l parietal lobes
triad of acute intermittent porphyria
abdominal pain, neuropathy, psychosis
meds to be avoided in porphyria
phenytoin, barbiturates, and valproic acid
prevalence of antisocial personality disorder in the community
rapid cycling in BPAD
4 episodes per year
associate with eosinophilic colitis
rate of benign rash in lamotrigine
10% of pts
how long do hyper somnolence sx last
3 months
Usher syndrome
hearing loss and gradual vision impairment
NARP synrdome
neuropathy, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa (mitochondrial dz)
Kearns-Sayre syndrome
involves muscles of the eyelid (isolated)
akinetic mutism caused by…
damage to bilateral globus pallidus interna; b/l ACA infarcts
cooperative play occurs at what age
age 4
parallel play occurs at what age
age 2
associative play occurs at what age (use same toys but play separately)
age 3