General 2 Flashcards
A possible future effect or result of an action, event or decision
پیامد احتمالی
Something that happens indirectly /
A situation in which it is shown that someone is involved in something مداخله
Ex: this election has profound implications for the future of U.S. democracy.
Consider/discuss/examine the implications
Practical/financial/potential implications
*usually when used in the plural, implications are effects or consequences that may happen in the future.
Ex: the implication of the former Chief of Staff in a major scandal.
When a new idea, method or product become used instead of the old one because it is more modern or effective
= replace
جایگزین شدن
Ex: The old models of car have now been superseded.
Great skill at doing something
Prowess (n)
Ex: his prowess as a fisherman
Physical/military/academic prowess
The ability to keep increasing, developing or being more successful انرژی، تب و تاب، جنبش
The force that makes a moving object keep moving عامل شتاب دهنده، سرعت
Ex: government often lose momentum in their second term of office.
Ex: the campaign gained momentum as more volunteers joined.
Gain/gather/lose momentum
Give something momentum
Sustain momentum (=keep being successful)
Ex: American diplomats have already moved to sustain momentum by arranging for parallel talks between the two sides.
To use a power, influence etc in order to make something happen
اعمال کردن، به کار بردن
=apply, employ
Ex: environmental groups are exerting pressure on the government to tighten pollution laws.
Exert pressure/influence/control/power/authority/discipline/effort
Exert yourself = to work very hard and use a lot of physical or mental energy
Ex: he needs to exert himself to try to find an answer.
Very many
بی شمار، متعدد
Ex: the multitudinous array of chemical substances that exist in the natural world.
Ex: multitudinous rugs kept us warm.
A method, product, practice… that has been used for a long time and is considered the usual way متعارف
= normal, standard, usual
Ex: internet connections through conventional phone lines are fairly slow.
Ex: he is a strong believer in conventional morals.
An important change in which the usual way of thinking or doing something is replaced by another way تغییر رویه
Paradigm shift
Ex: can we expect to see a paradigm shift, where people want to drive less?
A group of people or things, especially one that is large or impressive آرایه، صف
To put soldiers in position ready to fight/به صف درآوردن
To wear clothes especially of good quality/
To arrange something in an attractive way
Array (n v)
Ex: a dazzling array of flowers
Ex: a bewildering array of options
A vast/impressive/wide array
Ex: she came in, arrayed in all her finery.
Ex: make-up arrayed on the bathroom counter
A large formal meeting for people who belong to the same profession or organization or who have the same interests/ مجمع، انجمن
A formal agreement = pact, treaty قرارداد
Behavior that most people in a society consider to be normal =custom عرف
Ex: the city’s new convention center
Ex: the European convention on human rights
Ex: playing together teaches children social conventions such as sharing.
Ex: by convention, the bride’s father gives her away at her wedding.
(Formal) To try hard تلاش کردن/
An attempt to do something hard or new کوشش
Endeavor (v n)
Ex: we always endeavor to please our customers.
Ex: an outstanding example of human endeavor
To strongly disapprove someone or something, especially because you think it’s morally wrong /
To give someone a severe punishment because they are guilty of a crime
محکوم کردن
To state officially that something is not safe enough to be used کلنگی اعلام کردن، اعلام خرابی کردن
Condemn (condemnation)
Ex: politicians were quick to condemn the bombing.
Condemn someone/something as something
Ex: the law has been condemned as an attack on personal liberty.
condemn something/somebody for (doing) something
Ex: she knew that society would condemn her for leaving her children.
condemn somebody to something
Ex: he was found guilty and condemned to death.
Ex: an old house that had been condemned.
Ex: the pool was closed after being condemned as a health hazard.
Strongly/roundly/vehemently/vigorously/fiercely condemn
Widely/publicly/openly condemn
Utterly/unequivocally condemn
(Formal)Completely clear and without any possibility of doubt = utter
Ex: his answer was an unequivocal ‘No’.
unequivocally = utterly
(Formal) to officially judge how successful, effective, or valuable something is = evaluate
تخمین زدن، ارزیابی کردن
Ex: some companies are considering team appraisal instead of appraising individuals.
Ex: the property was appraised at $28 million.
(Formal) to officially criticize someone for something they have done wrong/
The act of expressing strong disapproval and criticism
سرزنش کردن, انتقاد
Censure(v n)
Ex: he was officially censured for his handling of the situation.
Ex: he was fortunate to escape parliamentary censure.
To express formal support or approval for someone or something
صحه گذاردن، تایید کردن
Endorse an idea/a proposal/ a candidate
Ex: The prime minister is unlikely to endorse this view.
Ex: I fully endorse the measures taken to improve safety standards.
To accept or forgive behavior that most people think is morally wrong
چشمپوشی کردن، اغماض کردن
Ex: I cannot condone the use of violence under any circumstances.
To express your disapproval of someone or something, or to talk about their faults
Opposite: praise
نکوهش کردن
(Formal) to express judgements about the good and bad qualities of something
Ex: The opposition criticized the government’s failure to consult adequately.
be sharply/heavily/strongly/harshly/fiercely/severely/roundly criticized
Ex: the new law has been widely criticized.
criticize someone for something
Ex: he has been criticized for incompetence.
criticize someone/something as something
Ex: the report has been criticized as inaccurate and incomplete.
Ex: we look at each other’s work and criticize it.
repeatedly/openly/constantly/publicly criticize
To understand how serious or important a situation or problem is or what someone’s feelings are = realize
درک کردن
To thank someone in a polite way
قدردانی کردن
To gradually become more valuable
بر بهای چیزی افزودن
appreciate the significance/importance/value of something
Ex: he didn’t fully appreciate the significance of signing the contract.
Ex: we appreciate that caring for children is an important job.
Ex: it is difficult to appreciate how bad the situation had become.
Ex: most investments are expected to appreciate at a steady rate.
(Formal) To imagine a particular situation or to think about something in a particular way تصور کردن، فهمیدن
To think of a new idea or plan and develop it in your mind در ذهن پروراندن، به فکر خطور کردن
To become pregnant آبستن شدن
Ex: many people cannot conceive of a dinner without meat or fish.
conceive what/why/how
Ex: I can hardly conceive what it must be like here in winter.
conceive of something/somebody as something
Ex: language may be conceived of as a process which arises from social interaction.
Ex: scientists first conceived the idea of the atomic bomb in the 1930s.
Ex: fertility treatment for women who have difficulty conceiving.
An idea about what something is like, or a general understanding of something
تصور، ادراک
Ex: changing conceptions of the world.
have (no) conception of something
Ex: they have no conception of what women really feel and want.
To state firmly that something is true ادعا کردن، اثبات کردن
Ex: French cooking, she asserted, is the best in the world.
Ex: he asserted that there were spies in the government.
Ex: they asserted that nuclear power was a safe and non-polluting energy source.
To state very strongly your right to something اثبات کردن
Assert your rights/independence/authority/superiority
Ex: native Americans asserting their rights to ancestral land.
Ex: she asserted her independence from her parents by getting her own apartment.
A fault or lack of something that means something or someone is not perfect
نقص، عیب
Ex: All the cars are tested for defects before they leave the factory.
a serious/major/minor/slight defect
a physical/structural/genetic/inherited/birth defect
a speech/character/heart defect
have/correct a defect
(Formal) Directly relating to a particular matter = relevant
مرتبط، مربوط
Pertinent (adj)
Ex: He asked me a lot of very pertinent questions.
Ex: The last point is particularly pertinent to today’s discussion.
Ex: words such as love, warmth, personal chemistry are certainly pertinent.
To completely understand and begin to use new ideas, information, etc = absorb
جذب کردن
To become a part of the group and be accepted by the people in that group
وفق دادن، همسان شدن
Ex: It will take time to assimilate all these facts.
Ex: Refugees find it difficult to become assimilated into the community.
1.To suddenly move very quickly in a direction
2. If a feeling ….. you begin to feel it strongly
3. When a large amount of liquid, electricity, chemical moves very quickly and suddenly موج زدن
4. To suddenly increase افزایش ناگهانی
1Ex: The crowd surged through the gate.
2Ex: she could feel anger surging inside her.
3.Ex: a wave surged up towards them.
Ex: adrenaline surged through her veins.
4Ex: oil prices surged.
If a feeling, pain, sound ……. It gradually becomes less and then stops = die down
فروکش کردن
(Formal) if an area of land …… it gradually sinks to a lower level نشست کردن
If bad weather conditions …….., it gradually return to a normal state
If water, especially flood, …… , it gradually goes underground
Ex: The pain in his head subsided but he still felt dizzy.
Ex: after the heavy rains, part of the road subsided.
Ex: The wind gradually subsided and all was quiet.
Ex: when the floods subsided the streets were littered with bodies.
Not moving, changing or developing ساکن، ایستا
Opposite = dynamic
Ex: economists predict that house prices will remain static for a long period.
(Formal) Having a lot of space, Able to contain a lot وسیع، جادار
Ex: a capacious suitcase
capaciousness = spaciousness ظرفیت، وسعت
(Formal) To say or do something again = repeat بازگو کردن، تکرار کردن
Ex: iterate this process until there are no more constraints.
iterance = repetition
iteration تکرار
iterative تکرارشونده
Not very good = second rate
Ex: a mediocre neighborhood
Ex: I thought the book was pretty mediocre.
(Formal) Remembering a particular rule or fact and thinking about it when you are making decisions about what to do = conscious of =
Aware آگاه، متوجه، مراقب
Mindful (adj)
Ex: The school is mindful of its responsibilities towards all the children.
Ex: wealthy people are mindful of how they spend their time.
Careful to do everything that it is your job or duty to do وظیفه شناس، با وجدان
Ex: a conscientious teacher may feel inclined to take work home.
Conscientiousness وظیفه شناسی
Ex: his conscientiousness and loyalty to the company.
(Formal) when a situation, fact etc influence you towards a particular action or opinion/
To think that a particular belief or opinion is most likely to be correct
تمایل داشتن، متمایل کردن(شدن)، مستعد شدن
Ex: The accident inclined him to reconsider his career.
Ex: I incline to accept the official version of events.
Ex: he was inclined to accept the offer.
(Formal) Arriving, happening, or being done at exactly the time that has been arranged = on time وقت شناس، به موقع
Ex: she’s always very punctual for appointments.
Ex: the punctual payment of invoices.
punctually دقیق
Ex: the meeting started punctually at 10.00 a.m.
punctuality وقت شناسی
Ex: improvements in the punctuality of trains.
(Formal) To take or collect something, especially information or support = gather
انبارکردن، گرداوری
Ex: The party garnered 70 percent of the vote.
Ex: The police struggled to garner sufficient evidence.
(Formal) To prove that something is true or correct, to give evidence or testimony to the truth or factualness of, to make a document or agreement officially and legally acceptable , = confim اعتبار بخشیدن، تایید کردن
Validate (v)
Ex: many scientists plan to wait until the results of the study are validated by the future research.
validate someone’s feelings
Valid = authentic معتبر
Validation = authentication = اعتبار
To spoil or interrupt a plan, agreement
از خط خارج شدن
Ex: a mistake that might derail the negotiations.
Ex: one slip up will not derail your progress.
The great size or importance of something
مقدار، بزرگی
Ex: they didn’t seem to appreciate the magnitude of the problem.
The process by which you gain knowledge or learn a skill فراگیری/
The act of getting land, power, or money کسب، اکتساب/
(Formal) something that you have obtained by buying it or being given it مالکیت
Ex: The acquisition of language/ the acquisition of management skills.
Ex: the acquisition of new sites for development.
Ex: The Art Society is holding an exhibition of recent acquisitions.
Very surprised or shocked = astonished
حیرت زده
Astounded (adj)
Ex: she was astounded by his arrogance.
Astound (v) = amaze
The state of living in the form of a particular person or animal حلول کردن
Having a lot of particular quality تجسم چیزی بودن
Ex: she believes she was an Egyptian queen in a previous incarnation.
Ex: she was the incarnation of wisdom
Ex: modern stock market is significantly more complicated than its original incarnation.
A short attack on a place by soldiers
یورش، هجوم
Ex: a bombing raid/ an air raid
Ex: the colonel led a successful raid against a rebel base. (raid on/against)
launch/carry out/stage a raid
Ex: police found weapons when they raided his home.
Known to be definitely true/ accepted by everyone
مسلم، بحث ناپذیر، بدون شک، بی چون و چرا
Ex: doctors found undisputed evidence of nerve damage.
undisputed leader/champion/master
undisputed fact
To become or make something become smaller or less =reduce
کم کردن، کم شدن
To deliberately make someone or something appear less important ضعیف کردن
Ex: these drugs diminish blood flow to the brain.
Ex: that is not to diminish the importance of his discoveries.
A statement, report, attitude that is influenced by personal opinion and can therefore be unfair وابسته به تفکر شخصی
Opposite= objective
Existing only in your mind or imagination ذهنی
Subjective (adj)
Ex: the ratings were based on the subjective judgement of one person.
Ex: our subjective perception of colors
Something that seems to be one thing but is in fact very different فریبنده، گمراه کننده
Intended to make someone believe something that is not true
Ex: some snakes move with deceptive speed.
Ex: appearance can be deceptive.
Ex: misleading and deceptive adverts
Very careful about small details and always making sure that everything is done correctly دقیق، وسواسی
Ex: their planning and preparation were meticulous.
meticulous in meticulous about
when two or more facts, ideas etc are closely connected to each other or one causes the other مرتبط بودن، همبستگی داشتن
Ex: Poverty and poor housing correlate with a shorter life expectancy.
Ex: Lack of prenatal care correlates strongly with premature birth.
correlate strongly/significantly/closely
to look after a person or animal until they are fully grown = raise پروراندن، تربیت کردن
Ex: It’s a good place to rear young children.
Ex: the sheep were mainly reared for their meat.
not controlled by strict rules, but decided on by someone in a position of authority = optional اختیاری
Ex: the committee has discretionary powers to act in these situations
discretionary decision/power/award/grant/program
to put someone in prison or to keep them somewhere and prevent them from leaving زندانی /کردن
if a situation or feeling imprisons people, it restricts what they can do
Ex: The government imprisoned all opposition leaders.
Ex: Many elderly people feel imprisoned in their own homes.
imprisonment = the state of being in prison, or the time someone spends there
Ex: it is cruel to keep animals in imprisonment.
a supply of something kept to be used if it is needed ذخیره،
an area of land where wild animals and plants are protected پارک حیات وحش
Ex: $10 million in cash reserves Ex: oil reserves
reserve of
Ex: a wildlife reserve
(formal) a difference between two or more things, especially an unfair one اختلاف، ناجوری
Ex: a disparity between the rates of pay for men and women
Ex: income disparity can motivate individuals to work harder and innovate.
disparity in/between
a difference between two amounts, details, reports etc that should be the same اختلاف، تفاوت
Ex: Police found discrepancies in the two men’s reports.
Ex: There is a large discrepancy between the ideal image of motherhood and the reality