General Flashcards
What is the first general order?
To take charge of this post and all government property in view.
What is the second general order?
To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.
What is the third general order?
To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.
What is the fourth general order?
To repeat all calls from post more distant from the guardhouse than my own.
What is the fifth general order?
To quit my post only when properly relieved.
What is the sixth general order?
To receive, obey, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me, all orders from the commanding officer, command duty officer, officer of the deck, and all officer and petty officers of the watch.
What is the seventh general order?
To talk to no one except in the line of duty.
What is the eighth general order?
To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.
What is the ninth general order?
To call the OOD in any case not covered by instruction.
What is the tenth general order?
To salute all officer, colors, and standards not cased.
What is the eleventh general order?
To be especially watchful at night and during time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post and allow no one to pass without proper authority.
What are the six areas that comprise naval doctrine?
COWLIP: Command and Control Operations Warfare Logistics Intelligence Planning
What are the seven principles of naval logistics?
FEARSSS: Flexibility Economy Attainability Responsiveness Sustainability Survivability Simplicity
What was the first ship named after an enlisted man?
Osmond Ingram (DD 255)
What were the first three classes of naval vessels at the inception of the Navy?
Ships of the Line Frigates Sloops of War
What was significant about the Battle of Coral Sea?
Two fleets never saw each other.
When did the Great White Fleet start its world tour?
16 December 1907
What date was the Battle of Normandy?
6 June 1944 (largest amphibious operation)
What was the Battle of Midway known for?
Turning point in the Pacific.
What was the significance of the Battle of Leyte Gulf?
Final blow to Japanese Navy (23 October 1944).
When did the Battle of Guadalcanal occur?
November 1942
What date was the USS Cole bombing?
October 12, 2000 (deadliest attack against US naval vessel since 1987).
What is the designation for the 2nd Fleet?
What is the designation for the 3rd Fleet?
What is the designation for the 4th Fleet?
Caribbean Sea
What is the designation for the 5th Fleet?
Indian Ocean
What is the designation for the 6th Fleet?
What is the designation for the 7th Fleet?
What is the designation for the 10th Fleet?
Fort George Meade, Maryland/Cyber Command
What is the role and responsibility of the MCPON?
The Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) is the senior enlisted person in the Navy and serves as an advisor to the Chief of Naval Operations and Chief of Naval Personnel in matters dealing with enlisted personnel and their families.
What does MSC stand for?
Military Sealift Command
What does SORM stand for?
Ships Organizational and Regulations Manual
Where did Truman’s battle flag come from?
The 129th Field Artillery Regiment of the 35th Division under command of Capt. Harry S. Truman during WWI
What type of cannon are the two crossed cannons on Truman’s battle flag?
French 75’s
What does the scarlet background on Truman’s battle flag represent?
The pride Americans paid for freedom throughout history.
Where did Truman’s ‘Give ‘em hell’ battle cry come from?
During Truman’s 1948 re-election campaign it was shouted by an excited supporter.
What three flags are encased on Truman’s coat of arms?
Hotel Sierra Tango
How many gold stars are encased on Truman’s coat of arms and why?
33 gold stars, signifying Truman’s term as the 33rd president.
When was the Truman commissioned?
July 25, 1998.
What is the oldest commissioned vessel?
USS Constitution
How many years does it take to obtain a good conduct medal?
3 years
What is the purpose of UCMJ? Define UCMJ.
To promote justice, assist in maintaining good order and discipline in the armed forces, promote efficiency and effectiveness in the military establishment, and thereby strengthen the national security of the United States.
When is the Navy’s birthday?
13 October 1775
What are the types of discharges?
Honorable Other than Honorable Dishonorable Bad Conduct General Discharge under Honorable Conditions
What does EDVR stand for?
Enlisted Distribution Verification Report
How many sections are there in an EDVR?
What is Section 1 of the EDVR?
What is Section 2 of the EDVR?
What is Section 3 of the EDVR?
What is Section 4 of the EDVR?
Total Personnel Onboard
What is Section 5 of the EDVR?
Personnel Status
What is Section 6 of the EDVR?
Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC)
What is Section 7 of the EDVR?
NEC Billet Personnel Inventory
What is Section 8 of the EDVR?
NEC Inventory Section
What is Section 9 of the EDVR?
Officer and Enlisted Diary Message Summary
What is Section 10 of the EDVR?
What is Section 11 of the EDVR?
Security and Data Validation Section
What is Section 12 of the EDVR?
TEMADD and Embarked Personnel
What are the Navy’s core values?
Honor Courage Commitment
What does CTT stand for?
Command Training Team
What does CAT stand for?
Command Assessment Team
How many ORM principles are there?
What are the steps of ORM?
Identifying Hazards Assessing Hazards Making Risk Decisions Implementing Controls Supervising
Who is the current MCPON?
MCPON James Honea
Who is the Secretary of Defense?
Lloyd Austin, III
Who is the current CNO?
Admiral Lisa Franchetti
Who is the Secretary of the Navy?
Carlos Del Toro
What is individual augmentation?
An individual augmentee is a United States military member attached to a unit as a temporary duty assignment, used to fill shortages or when specialized knowledge or skill sets are required.
What is GSA?
General Services Administration
How many gun salutes does an Admiral receive?
How many gun salutes does a Vice Admiral receive?
How did the hand salute start?
Originated in medieval Europe when knights used their hands to raise their visors, revealing their identity to demonstrate they were friendly.
Explain dipping the ensign.
Dipping the national ensign U.S. Navy regulations stipulates that when any ship under United States registry or the registry of a nation formally recognized by the United States salutes a U.S. Navy ship by dipping its flag, the courtesy is to be returned, dip for dip.
Define the national flag.
A national flag is a flag that represents and symbolizes a country.