Gene Regulation 5 - Regulation of eukaryotic gene expression - Transcriptional regulation Flashcards
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to
➢ explain the terms housekeeping, constitutive, facultative, induced and repressed genes and how this
relates to gene expression in different cell types.
➢ list the type of genes transcribed by RNA polymerases in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
➢ compare the general structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic protein coding genes.
➢ describe different promoter elements of eukaryotic, RNA polymerase II transcribed genes.
➢ describe different types of transcription factors and how they regulate the expression of RNA
polymerase II transcribed genes.
➢ explain how epigenetic modifications and chromatin remodeling contribute to the regulation of gene
expression and development.
Regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes
- Control of gene expression in eukaryotes occurs at several
1) Packing or unpacking DNA
2) Transcription
3) mRNA processing
4) mRNA export
5) Translation
6) Post-translation protein modification
7) Protein degradation
Genes are expressed at different levels
- Only subsets of genes are expressed in a cell type ➔ expression levels of genes varies from one cell type to another.
– depends on cell type and internal or external conditions of the cell, e.g. changes in a cell’s environments or cell cycle
stage. - Expression of all genes requires regulatory elements. These are DNA sequence motifs in promoters (cis-acting elements)
and transcription factors (trans-acting factors). These vary between genes.
Housekeeping Genes are expressed in all cell types
- Some genes are expressed in all cells: housekeeping genes (here gene B).
– can be constitutive expressed genes = transcribed continually.
– can be expressed at a relatively constant levels or have varying expression levels.
– required for the maintenance of basic cellular functions, vital for survival. - Examples: RNA polymerase, DNA repair enzymes, structural proteins of
chromosomes, enzymes of basic metabolic processes.
Facultative Genes are expressed when the gene product is needed
- A specific cell only expresses a subset of the genes in its genome.
- Facultative genes ➔ only expressed when required (here gene A and C)
– Inducible and repressible genes ➔ expression is responsive to changing internal or external conditions, they may
respond to environmental change or they may be dependent on the cell cycle.
Eukaryotes use three different RNA polymerases
for different gene types
* have only one RNA polymerase, transcribes all
prokaryotic genes
* Can initiate transcription on its own
– The RNA polymerase sigma subunit positions the
polymerase at the promoter
Eukaryotic protein encoding genes are more complex than
Prokaryotic genes
* RNA polymerase I: ribosomal RNA genes: 5.8S rRNA, 18S rRNA & 28S rRNA genes
* RNA polymerase II: all protein-coding genes ➔ mRNAs
* small nucleolar RNA genes: guide chemical modifications of RNAs such as
tRNAs; some small nuclear RNA genes: help in mRNA splicing; microRNA
genes: involved in the regulation of gene expression
* RNA polymerase III: tRNA genes, 5S rRNA gene, some snRNA genes, other small
RNA genes
* Each eukaryotic RNA polymerase requires different promoter elements and
different transcription factors
Prokaryotic genes:
▪ Often polycistronic = encode for
more than one protein
▪ Organised in operons
▪ few shared, simple regulatory
elements (promoter, operator)
Eukaryotic genes:
▪ Usually monocistronic =
encode for one protein
▪ Most have introns
▪ Very complex promoters:
reflect complexity of
organism with many cell
types, many functions
Eukaryotic promoter of RNA polymerase II transcribed genes
are more complex than prokaryotic promoters
Cell specific Regulation of transcription requires a large variety of
Transcription Factors (TFs)
Two main categories of eukaryotic transcription factors:
* General TFs: bind to core promoter elements, help RNA polymerase to initiate transcription
* Cell or tissue specific TFs: transcription regulators that bind to promoter proximal elements or to distal
promoter elements, DNA sequence specific, modulate expression levels in response to signals.
Eukaryotic promoter of RNA polymerase II transcribed genes
are more complex than prokaryotic promoters
- Core Promoter: determine the transcription start site & direct binding of RNA pol II. Contain TATA box in rapidly
transcribed genes - Transcription control regions: mediate cell type specific expression and activate transcription. Short (6-10 bp) DNA
sequence elements that bind activating transcription factor proteins.
– Promoter proximal elements: close to transcriptional start site (within 200 bp)
– Distal Promoter elements: Enhancer or Repressor Elements: far from transcriptional start site (up to 50,000 bp)
General Transcription Factors position
RNA polymerase II at the Core Promoter
- General Transcription Factors have a similar
role in eukaryotic transcription as the sigma
factor has in bacterial transcription. - They assemble sequentially at the core
promoter of protein encoding genes:
– The TBP (TATA Binding Protein), a subunit
of TFIID binds to the TATA box in the core
– TFIIB, TFIIE and TFIIH assemble then
– TFIIF positions the RNA polymerase II at the
transcription start site - Preinitiation complex
– TFIIH uses energy (ATP) to pull apart the
DNA double helix, exposing the template
strand ➔ allows RNA pol II to begin
Cell or Tissue specific Transcription factors:
DNA binding proteins that can form protein dimers
➢ DNA binding proteins
➢ Often bind as dimers = two TF proteins
➢ TF DNA binding domain ➔ amino acid
sequence that interacts with DNA
➢binds to TF specific DNA sequence motifs in
promoters = gene regulatory sequences
➢ TF activation or repression domain ➔ amino
acid sequence that regulates gene expression
Combinatorial control of gene expression
➢ Many transcription factors are active at any one
time in a cell
➢ They may interact with:
➢ RNA polymerase
➢ each other - homodimer
➢ other TFs - heterodimer
➢ TFs can act as activators, co-activators or
repressors of transcription
➢ Repressors of transcription interfere with the
binding of a transcription factor to the DNA
➢ The combination of TFs bound to regulatory
DNA elements determines outcome =
combinatorial control
The combination of transcriptional regulators can generate many cell
types during development
- After each cell division, a new type of
transcriptional regulator is made. - This leads to a variety of combinations
of transcriptional regulators over
several cell generations. - Each combination will lead to the
expression of a different gene subset. - This leads to many different cell types
Some transcription factors can be activated
* Gene 1, 2 and 3 have TFs bound to their respective
promoter elements (regulatory DNA sequences)
* These TFs are not sufficient to activate transcription
– Low gene expression
* The presence of cortisol activates the cortisol receptor
forming a cortisol receptor complex
* Activated cortisol receptor complex binds to the cortisol
receptor binding sequence.
– This sequence is found in promoters of gene 1, 2
and 3
– activates efficient transcription, genes 1, 2 and 3 are
expressed at higher levels
The regulatory effect of many transcription factors is mediated by the Mediator Complex
- The general transcription factors assembled at the
core promoter are the same for all RNA
polymerase II transcribed genes. - Different gene promoters have different
combinations of binding sites for different
transcriptional regulators. - A typical eukaryotic gene is controlled by
many transcription regulators - The regulator binding sites can be far apart.
- A multiprotein complex named the mediator
complex brings the activities of transcriptional
regulators together so that they can impact on
transcription by helping to assemble: - RNA polymerase II
- general transcription factors
- chromatin remodelling complexes
- histone modifying enzymes
Eukaryotic transcriptional regulators can recruit
chromatin modifying proteins and histone modifying proteins
Last lecture:
* Nucleosomes can physically prevent
accessibility of proteins (TFs, RNA pol etc) to
* Chromatin remodelling complexes can
change chromatin structure.
* Histone modifying proteins can change
chromatin structure.
➔ they influence the accessibility of DNA to
transcription factors, e.g. exposure of the TATA
* Activating transcription regulators can recruit
chromatin modifying proteins via the
mediator complex that open up chromatin.
* Repressing transcription regulators can
recruit chromatin modifying proteins via the
mediator complex that close chromatin.
Epigenetic modifications contribute to gene regulation:
histone modifications
- Last lecture: histone modifications can impact on gene expression.
- During chromosome replication, histones are distributed randomly to daughter DNAs.
– Daughter cells have half of the parental histones and half of the histones are newly synthesised. - Parental pattern of histone modifications is re-established by histone modifying enzymes
➔ Genetic modifications that impact gene activity without changing the DNA sequence: Epigenetics
Epigenetic modifications contribute to gene regulation:
DNA methylation
▪ DNA methylation = addition of methyl groups to DNA by DNA methyltransferases: DNMT
▪ DNA CpG (= C phosphate G) methylation is symmetrical = occurs on both DNA strands
▪ DNA methylation changes activity of a DNA segments without changing the sequence = epigenetic modification
▪ DNA methylation in a gene promoter typically represses transcription of the gene.
DNA methylation is both dynamic and essential for normal development
DNA methylation patterns can be inherited by daughter cells
Epigenetics is influenced by
Comparative genomic hybridization for methylated DNA:
Green: hypermethylation, red: hypomethylation, yellow: equal
amounts of hyper and hypomethylation.
Chromosome 17 as an example
* 3-year-old twins have a very similar distribution of DNA
* 50-year-old twins Shave significant DNA methylation
Epigenetics can cause monozygotic (MZ) twin discordance in
Epigenetic model of monozygotic (MZ) twin discordance in schizophrenia. Red circles represent
methylated cytosines. Phenotypic disease differences in MZ twins result from their epigenetic
differences. These can be caused by gene hypomethylation (as shown) or gene hypermethylation
(not shown).
Hyper-methylation of the FMR1 gene promoter causes Fragile X Syndrome
- FMR1 = fragile X mental retardation 1 gene
- FMR1 encodes a protein, most commonly found in the brain,
that is essential for normal cognitive development and
female reproductive function
The FMR1 promoter mutation:
* Expansion of a CGG triplet repeat
within the FMR1 gene: normal 5 to 40
copies, expansion > 200 copies.
* Hyper methylation of the promoter due
to increase in CGG repeats causes
repression of FMR1 gene.
* This causes a lack of FMR protein ➔
disrupts nervous system functions and
leads to the signs and symptoms of
fragile X syndrome
Mis-methylation can have detrimental effects on development
Fragile X syndrome
– An example of mis-methylation leading to
detrimental effects
– Common form of a genetic or inherited
condition: 1 in 1500 to 4000 males, 1 in 2500
to 8000 females.
– A range of developmental problems:
* learning disabilities and cognitive
* Autism and Parkinsonism
* premature ovarian failure.
– Cytologically fragile site on X-chromosome
causing breaks in vitro.
Epigenetic modifications differ between normal cells
and tumour cells in humans
Normal cells:
▪ CpG islands preceding gene promoters are generally unmethylated = transcriptionally active
Cancer cells:
▪ CpG islands preceding tumour suppressor gene promoters are often hypermethylated = inactive
▪ CpG methylation of oncogene promoter regions repeat sequences is often decreased = active
Manipulation of epigenetic alterations may be useful for cancer prevention, detection, and therapy
Can you …
➢ … classify genes according to their regulation and to when and where they are expressed?
➢ … compare RNA polymerases from pro- and eukaryotes in relation to the genes they transcribe?
➢ … compare the structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic protein coding genes, including the differences in their promoters?
➢ … explain the need for general and cell/tissue specific transcription factors in eukaryotes and what their role is during
transcription initiation?
➢ … explain how the combination of transcriptional regulators impacts on the development of many cell types?
➢ … explain how the activity of many transcription factors is mediated to achieve regulation gene expression?
➢ … using examples, explain the principle of transcription factor activation?
➢ … integrate the action of transcription factors with chromatin modifications and epigenetic control?
➢ … explain how DNA methylation work in the context of epigenetic control of gene expression and how it changes during
➢ … relate diseases to malfunctions of epigenetic control?