Gene Expression 3 Flashcards
Is mRNA stable?
What are 3 techniques for measuring mRNA levels?
Northern blotting
What technique is used to measure protein levels?
Western blotting
Describe the process of northern blotting
RNA subject to electrophoresis
Use of intracellular membrane
What does Northern blotting reveal?
mRNA size
Specific Expression
Kinetic pattern of expression
What does RT PCR stand for?
Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
What is the process for PT PCR?
cDNA synthesis
PCR amplification
Gel electrophoresis
What does PT PCR measure?
Amount of product at each PCR cycle
What is a microarray?
Set of DNA fragments attached to a glass microscope slide
What is a gene chip?
Collection of DNA oligonucleotides on a stamp sized chip
What do microarrays and gene chips compare?
Patterns of gene expression in different tissues
What does a result of no colour mean when using microarrays and gene chips?
The gene is not expressed
What technique is used for whole transciptome analysis?
What is epigenetic?
Heritable changes in gene activity thats are not result of changes in DNA sequencing