Gender Stratification Flashcards
Gender Stratification
A dimension of social stratification
The unequal distribution of wealth, power and privilege between men and women
refers to the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male
Gender shapes how we interact with one another and even what we think of ourselves
its goal is gender equality
men and women engaged in the same everyday jobs,
*taking take of babies,
*repairing buildings
*making decisions in the group
Margaret Meads Research
Culture is the key to gender distinction
different societies define masculine and feminine differently
Both sexes are cooperative and sensitive to owning another (feminine)
both sexes are typically selfish and aggressive (masculine)
Geroge Murdocks research
Found global agreements that which tasks are feminine and masculine
hunting and warfare fall on men
cooking and childcare women
PREINDUSTRIAL societies turn to the other sex rather than others.
is a society in the west where women control property and select their partners
This appears to be the case of matriarchy
A form of social organization in which females dominate the males
A form od social organization in which males dominate females
The belief that one sex is innately superior to the other
Institutional sexism
found throughout the economy
women are concentrated into low paying jobs
the legal system has excused violence against women specially from husband, boyfriends and fathers
Gender roles or sex roles
attitudes and activities that a society links to each sex
Importance of gender to socialization
From birth to death, Gender shapes human feelings, though and actions
how they see themselves
Children learn that society considers females and males different
teaches us how to behave (gender roles)
Gender and family
The first thing we ask is “is it a boy or a girl”
Males are more aggressive with babies while females are tender and caring
It is clear that females revolve around emotion and corporation while males vales independence and action
Gender and peer group
Female peer groups promote the interpersonal skills of communication ad cooperation
Girls consider morality a matter of responsibility to others
Gender and Schooling
Men predominate in many fields
Females are more likely to enroll in dance and drama classes
Working women and men
Women are lmore likely to work part time jobs than men but the fact that earning income is a mans job is no longer true
Factors that contributed to change in the Canadian force
decline in farming
growth of cities
the ascendance of neoliberalism
shrinking family sizes
rise in divorce
Gender and occupations
Women work “pink-collar jobs” such as assistants, nurses, educators, receptionists
Men dominate other categories like welder, electrician, mechanic
Neil Guppy and Nicole Luongo
point out that while, over the last century, women have made significant progress in closing the wage gap, the “gender equality revolution” has now stalled
How are women kept out of certain jobs?
by defining some kinds of work as “men’s works,” society defines women as less competent compares to men