gender-internal factors Flashcards
how does equal opportunities impact gender inequality
-equal opportunity between the sexes in all areas of social life which has extended to education.
-ensures girls have the same opportunities to study and achieve as boys.
-Policies such as GIST (girls into science and technology) and WISE (women into science engineering) encouraged girls to pursue traditional ‘male’ subjects’
-also introduction of national curriculum
-raises ambitions for girls in the future-encourages them to see themselves of being equal ability value
-promotes genuine meritocracy in education
-girls are more successful in these areas because they work harder
-negatively impacts boys as they don’t feel prioritised in the education system-leads to them feeling demotivated and not working as hard as girls
national curriculum gives boys and girls the same opportunities
how does teacher labelling impact gender inequality
-teachers interact differently with male and female students
-research found that boys get paid less attention to generally and only attract their attention when they do something which needs consequences
-impacts boys as they feel teachers negatively view them which can lead to self fulfilling prophecy-in which they live up to the teachers low expectations of them
-boys and girls interact differently in the classroom,boys are louder and talk over people in the classroom where’s girls are more likely to take turns and listen
-teachers responded more positively to the girls way of communication which results in praise and attention from teachers
-girls are more likely to experience a positive self full filling prophecy as there self esteem is raised by praise so have better educational performance
-might not be teachers attitude towards boys but factors outside of school
how does feminisation of education impact gender inequality
-education fails to nurture male traits,in the past school encouraged traits such as competition and leadership which are largely demonstrated by boys
-however today schools encourage practises as working quietly and supporting others which are largely demonstrated by women
-linked to introduction of coursework which places value on independent work
-positively impacts girls who are better equipped to work independently than boys as well as being able to communicate and work in a way teachers approve off
-results in girls receiving praise from teachers
-due to boys being less equipped they struggle to engage and focus in lessons as lessons don’t account for practical tasks which results in poorer achievement
-might not be internal factors that impact this but other factors
-relies on stereotypes
How has teacher role models and treatments of pupils impacted education ?
- more female teachers in British education
- impacts girls positively as they are surrounded daily with successful women
- absences of male role models negatively impacts boys as boys respond better to male discipline
How has introduction of coursework led to inequality in education?
- coursework favours working methods of girls
- girls mature faster boys so are able to work independently
- girls are encouraged to embrace bedroom culture
- girls care about presentation of work
- negatively impacts boys as seek gratification
- boys have poor literacy
How does challenges to gender stereotypes impact education
- textbooks used to contain images and texts which reinforced gender stereotypes
- Today they have been removed so girls don’t feel some subjects aren’t for them
- little has been done to challenge feminine stereotypes eg health care so impact on boys hasn’t occurred
- boys then at A level and GCSE choose subjects which are deemed to masculine rather then doing what they want
What impact does school selection policies have on education
- Girls are seen more as the ideal pupil
- schools use strategies to recruit girls that will keep them high in league table
- impacts positively on girls as they are more likely to get into good schools and succeeds
- negatively impacts boys as less likely to get into a good school so underachieve in education