Gender & Identity Flashcards
What does Wilson say about gender roles?
- The need to reproduce requires men to be more promiscuous by ‘spreading the seed’
- Women need to nurture a child and stay faithful to the father to ensure help in upbringing
What is the functionalist view on gender?
Parsons says women have an ‘expressive role’ in the family. This is based on the childbearing role but is reinforced by socialisation.
Men have an ‘instrumental role’ being the breadwinner and protector. This is based on physical strength.
What do feminists argue about gender?
It’s socially constructed by the patriarchy. Agencies of socialisation reinforce stereotypical expectations.
What’s an example of how peer groups reinforce feminine stereotypes?
- They monitor and regulate accepted behaviour
- Hey studied friend groups among teen girls. They found the norms of the female peer group are deeply routed in patriarchal culture.
What’s an example of how peer groups influence masculine stereotypes?
Mac an Ghaill explored how boys learn to be men in their peer groups, policing their own and others’ sexuality.
‘Hyper masculinity’ was the main source of identity for the macho lads who values the 3 Fs
What feminist discusses gender role socialisation in the family?
How are children socialised into their gender according to Oakley?
- Manipulation: encouraging behaviour which is seen as acceptable. E.g discouraging girls for getting muddy, praising boys for being adventurous.
- Canalisation: Involves parents channelling their child’s interests into toys and activities seen as the norm for their gender. E.g girls playing with dolls and boys playing football.
- Verbal appellation: giving children nicknames which reinforces stereotypes e.g princess or soldier.
Who discussed the ‘ladettes’?
What is ladette culture?
Girls who drink, swear, smoke, misbehave in lessons in fear of being unpopular and ‘uncool’
Who looked at the increase in female risk taking ?
When did Denscombe find when researching risk taking behaviour?
That young women want to be seen as anything but the stereotypical woman.
Who studied the different types of masculinity?
What were the three masculine identities Connell discussed?
- Hegemonic: macho, dominant, breadwinner. This one is the most encouraged and the most popular.
- Subordinate: links to homosexual men
- Marginalised: unemployed men
Not seen as real men: Subordinate and marginalised
Who used the term ‘crisis of masculinity’?
Mac an Ghaill
What did the ‘crisis of masculinity’ refer to?
Insecurities felt by working class men today, as there has been a loss of the breadwinner identity with the decline of traditional male industries (mining, manufacturing)
Who researched working class men in Wolverhampton?
What did Canaan question both working men and long term unemployed men?
‘What is the most important thing about being a man?’
What were the responses to Canaan’s study?
Employed working class men: responses related to fighting, drinking, and sexual conquests
Unemployed: having a job. They felt emasculated due to their unemployment.
Who discusses the change in attitudes among girls from 60s and the 90s?
What did Sharpe find?
- She studied the aspirations of girls in school in the 60s and the 90s.
- She found a change in attitudes of girls from wanting to be wives and mothers to careers driven.
What functionalists discuss gender?
Wilson: ‘Spread the seed’
Parsons: ‘Instrumental, expressive role’
What sociologists discuss how traditional femininity is still prominent in today’s society?
- Oakley
- Hey
- Smart
- McRobbie
What sociologists discuss the erosion of traditional femininity?
- Jackson
- Descombe
- Sharpe
- Blackman
- Holland
What sociologists discuss how traditional masculinity is still prominent in today’s society?
- Canaan
- Connell
- Mac an Ghaill
What sociologists discuss how traditional masculinity is on the decline?
- Mac an Ghaill
- Connell