Gender flashcards
Gender definition
“The non-physiological aspects of being male or female – the cultural expectations for femininity and masculinity” (Lips, 2008).
The biological classification as either male or female-relates to anatomical differences.
5 categories of biological sex
1.Chromosomal sex (XX or XY)
2.Gonadal sex – sex organs which secrete hormones (ovaries or testes)
3.Hormonal sex (Androgens or oestrogen’s)
4.External genital sex (penis and scrotum/ outer vagina)
5.Internal genital sex (prostate, sperm ducts, seminal ves., testes/ ovaries, fallopian tubes/womb).
Gender stereotypes
Widely held beliefs or assumptions about male and female abilities, personality, traits, and social behaviours (culturally constructed).
Gender role
Behaviours that a particular society considers appropriate for males and females.
Gender identity
Refers to one’s sense of oneself as male, female, or something else (American Psychological Association, 2006).
Bem (1974) first recognised the concept of Bem Sex Role Inventory which scores an individual on two separate scales (masculine and feminine).
Intersex condition
AIS (Androgen insensitivity syndrome):
Chromosomal male (XY)-assigned female at birth
(E.g. Katie from Me my sex and I)
Adrenogenital syndrome:
Chromosomal female (enlarged clitoris)-assigned male at birth.
Gender differences
Actual psychological disparities between the sexes in typical behaviour or average ability
Cognitive abilities: Verbal skills-females (Halpern, 1992).
Visual-spatial ability-males (Halpern, 1992).
Social behaviour:
Aggressive-males (Eagly, 1987).
Influenceability-females (Becker, 1986).
DHT deficient males (McGinley 1974–a disorder which cannot produce DHT (biologically male but look female at birth).
Baron and Cohen-High levels of testosterone correlated with measures of social behaviour (lack of eye contact and systemising behaviour).
Brain differences
Voyer and Boles (1995)– males’ superior visuo-spatial skills are due to right-brain usage.
Differences in verbal and spatial abilities depend on the way male and female brains are organised (Kimura 1987).
Evolutionary Theory
Through natural selection social behaviours are passed through our genes (maximised behaviours used to ensure survival).
Parental Investment Theory (Kendrick 1994)–the evolutionary process influence men and women to certain social roles.
Social Learning Theory
Process of learning from other people either through observation or operant conditioning. Bobo Doll experiments (1960s)-children who observed models behaving violently towards Bobo were more aggressive later (1965).
Other biological evidence
Case study of David Reimer (Money 1972)-born male, raised as girl, changed back to male.