Gender Flashcards
Two main branches of feminist criticism
‘Anglo-American’ (literary realism, close reading, liberal humanism with focus on historical data/non-lit material)
‘French Feminism’ (Builds on post-structuralism, deal with language, psychology, representation before dealing with literature).
What is images of women criticism? Name some of its scholars?
The search for female stereotypes in male writing and criticism e.g. Mary Ellmann
What is ‘thought by sexual analogy’?
Comprehending all phenomena in terms of our original, simplistic sexual difference - all forms are subsumed by our concept of male and female temperament.
Who proposed eleven major stereotypes of femininity? give some examples…
Mary Ellmann - passivity, instability, spirituality compliance, irrationality, figures of the Witch and Shrew.
What is the explosive tendency?
Each stereotype has a limit, after which it explodes, leading to vulgarization and reorganization of the advantage, now in fragments, around new center of disadvantage e.g. Mother stereotype slides from idol to castrating and aggressive and controlling.
What does Simone de Beauvoir link to woman’s identity as Other?
Alienation to her body, particularly her reproductive capacity, which features draining physical events that tie women to their bodies in a way that men are not.
Why did de Beavoir recognize that the decision to strengthen masculine rational faculties/critical powers, to exist as a pour-soi (a transcendent subject that constitutes her own future by means of creative projects) is anxiety-inducing for women?
According to de Beauvoir, women’s independent successes are in contradiction with her femininity, since the ‘true woman’ is required to make herself object, to be the Other’.
What was the main hypothesis put forward in Betty Freidan’s ‘The Feminine Mystique’?
Women suffer under system of false values under which they’re urged to find personal fulfillment vicariously through husbands/children. This restricted wife-mother role usually leads to sense of unreality/spiritual malaise in absence of genuine, creative, self-defining work.
What is ‘standpoint theory’ and who proposed it?
What one knows is affected by one’s subject position in society - Dorothy E Smith.
What is ‘bifurcation of consciousness’ and who proposed it?
Subordinate groups are conditioned to view world from perspective of dominant group. Dorothy E Smith.
Which two subjectivies or ‘worlds’, did Smith reflect on from her own life in the development of many of her sociological theories?
The dominant, masculine-orientated, ‘abstract’ world of academic and ‘concrete’ world of wife/mother.
Who extends Smith’s standpoint theory and in what way?
Patricia Hill Collins, by focusing on particular epistemological standpoint of black women.
What is matrix of domination theory and who proposed it?
One’s position in society is made up of multiple contiguous standpoints, rather than just one essentialist standpoint - Patricia Hill Collins.
Why is matrix of domination not a dichotomous, top-down theory of oppression?
Unlike top-down models, which propose power operates from top by forcing unwilling victims to bend to will of more powerful superiors, Collins proposes that individual can be oppressor, oppressed or both at the same time, as each person derives varying amounts of penalty and privilege from multiple systems of oppression that frame everyone’s lives.
According to Collins, on what three levels can individual resist/experience oppression?
Personal biography
Group/community level - race, class, gender
Systematic level of social institutions
From which approach does French feminism move away after 1968?
Beauvoir’s aims at equality, which was seen as a covert attempt to force women to be like men.
What occurs during the Oedipal crisis according to Lacan?
Father splits the dyadic unity between mother and rest of world, this marks entry into the Symbolic Order, which is synonymous with the acquisition of language and the Primary Repression, which in it itself leads to the opening of the unconscious.
What is the Primary Repression?
Repression of the desire for Imaginary unity with the mother