Gender Flashcards
How many convicts are male?
- 4/5
What types of crime are females more likely to commit?
- Property offences
What types of crime are males more likely to commit?
- Violent or sexual crimes
Who discusses the Chivalry Thesis?
– Otto Pollak; men have more of a protective attitude towards females which results in male police officers being less likely to arrest and less convictions
What does the Chivalry thesis believe?
- Women appear less in crime statistics as men and the CJS are socialised to act more chivalrous towards women
Who supports the Chivalry Thesis by saying women are more likely to be cautioned?
What do official statistics say that provide evidence for the Chivalry Thesis?
- Women are more likely to be released on bail, receive a fine and less likely to go to prison
What are the arguments against Chivalry?
- Women commit less serious offences therefore appear in statistics less often.
- Farrington and Morris studied 408 cases of theft in the Mag court and found that women were not sentenced leniently in comparison to similar male offences.
What do Feminists believe about Chivalry?
- Believe the courts punish women more harshly:
- Heideson; women are punished for both their crime and deviating from their biological gender norm
-Carlen; courts assessed and judged women on both their crime and their fulfilment as their role as a mother
What are the three main explanations towards female crime?
- Functionalist Sex Role Theory
- Heidensohn Control Theory
- Liberation Thesis
Who talks about sex role theory and what do they say?
- Parsons: Women take on the expressive role within the household, however boys reject this tenderness and femininity, and are forced to seek out masculinity via anti-social behaviour and delinquency, due to the lack of an accurate role model as the father plays the instrumental role. Girls however have a accurate role model and are less likely to fall into crime.
What do New Right theorists argue about the Sex Role Theory?
- That matrifocal lone parent families lead boys into criminal gangs as a source of masculinity.
Why do feminists disagree with FSR theory?
- They make biological assumptions about sex
Who discusses the Control Theory as a result of less female crime?
- Heidensohn
What does the Control Theory argue?
- Women are controlled within a patriarchal society which reduces their opportunity to commit crimes