Gen Anatomy osteology 15% Flashcards
What is endochondral ossification?
Cartilage is replaced by bone
What is Intramembranous ossification?
Membranous bone
Compact bone is aka?
Lamellae aka compact bone forms what?
Haversian canals
Haversian canals aka? Are located where in the osteon?
central canal; core of osteon
Where are lacunae located?
between lamellae
What are the mature cells in the lacunae called?
What allows osteocytes in the lacunae to “talk” with eachother?
Which type of bone is highly vascular and therefor attracts cancer?
spongy/cancellous bone
What is a major inorganic component of bone?
OsteoBLASTS do what to bone?
BUILD bone
OsteoCLASTS do what to bone?
break down/reabsorb bone
What part of bone feels pain?
Where are neurotransmitters stored at?
terminal button
What divides the foregut and midgut?
liver & pancreatic buds
Everything from the pharyx up is part of the ____gut.
Everything from the duodenum to part of the transverse colon is part of the ____gut.
Everything from part of the transverse colon to the anal canal is part of the ____gut.
What ligament resists anterior translation & medial rotation of the tibia, in relation to the femur?
What ligament prevents femur from sliding off anterior edge of tibia & prevents tibia from displacing posterior to femur?
What ligament resists forces that would push knee medially
What ligament keeps the outer side of the knee joint stable?
What ligament distributes over fifty percent of the medial support of the elbow?
Ulnar collateral
What ligament protects the elbow joint from twisting forces generated in pitching, serving a tennis ball or throwing a javelin?
Ulnar collateral
What ligament remains taut throughout extension & flexion of the elbow joint?
Radial collateral
What ligament wraps around the head of the radius & attaches to the ulna, stabilizes the radius in radial notch & allows for rotating hand?
annular collateral
What are the hepatic artery, hepatic portal vein & common bile duct collectively called?
Portal triad
What connects the ciliary body with crystalline lens of the eye?
zonule of zinn
How many total bones are in the body?
How many bones are in the appendicular skeleton?
How many bones are in the axial skeleton
What bone is the coraCoid apart of?
What muscles attach to the coraCoid of the scapula?
- pectoralis minor
- coracobrachialis
- short head of biceps
Where is the spine of the scapula located in relation to vertebral level?
root of T3
What vertebral level is the inferior border or the scapula located when standing up and when prone?
standing = T7
Prone/laying down = T6
What bone is the conoid a part of?
What ligament attaches to the conoid of the clavicle?
coracoclavicular ligament
What is the first bone to begin ossification?
Which bone is the capitulum found on?
What bone does the capitulum of the humerus articulate with?
radial head
what part of the humerus articulates with the ulna?
Where on the humerus do the SIT muscles of the “SITS” attach?
greater tubercle
Where does the subscapular muscle of the SITS muscles attach on the humerus?
lesser tubercle
What landmark and on what bone does the deltoid insert on?
deltoid tuberosity of the humerus
On what landmark and bone does the biceps muscle attach?
radial tuberosity of the radius
What feature of the radius articulates with the ulna?
ulnar notch of the radius
What landmark is a locator for the lunate?
Lister’s tubercle of the radius
What bone has the conoNoid?
Is the head of the ulna distal or proximal?
How many carpal bones are there?
What are the carpal bones in the proximal row going from Lateral to Medial with the hand in anatomical position?
Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, and Pisiform
What are the carpal bones in the distal row going from Lateral to Medial with the hand in anatomical position?
Trapezoid, Trapezium, Capitate, and Hamate
What is the most commonly fractured carpal bone?
What is the most commonly subluxated carpal bone?
If you fracture the surgical neck of the humerus what nerve would you damage?
Axillary Nerve
If you fracture the shaft of the humerus what nerve would be damaged?
Radial nerve
What are the hand muscles supplied by the median nerve (LOAF)
Opponens pollicis
Adductor pollicis brevis
Flexor pollicis brevis
All other hand muscles other than the LOAF muscles are supplied by what nerve?
Ulnar nerve
The flexor carpi ulnaris tendon is by which carpal bone?
What are the anatomical snuff box borders?
- Extensor pollicis longus
- Extensor pollicis brevis
- adductor pollicis longus
What type of nodes are associated with the following joints and what type of arthritis affects them most:
- HEbardans nodes; OA
- BUshard nodes; OA & RA
- HAYgard nodes; RA
What type of arthritis will affect all three (DIP, PIP, and MCP) joints
psoriatic arthritis
What metacarpals articulate with each of the distal carpal bones?
Trapezium - 1st metacarpal
Trapezoid - 2nd metacarpal
Capitate - 3rd metacarpal and slightly the 4th
Hamate - 4th and 5th metacarpals
Study abdominal aorta artery quiz in note packet
page 5
The sciatic nerve travels along what landmark on the ilium?
iliopectineal line aka arcuate line
What nerve transverses through the lesser sciatic notch on the __________ bone?
pudendal nerve; ischium
What 3 bones make up the acetabulum?
- Ilium
- Ishium
- Pubis
The adductor tubercle is located one what aspect of what bone?
medial aspect of the femur
What bone is the linea aspera a part of and what is it inferior to?
femur; gluteal tuberosity
The soleal line is located on what bone?
posterior tibia
Is the head of the fibula proximal or distal, and what nerve is seen there?
Proximal lateral aspect; peroneal nerve
How many tarsal bones are there?
On an A-P view starting with the posterior-lateral tarsal bone moving in a clockwise fashion what is the pneumonic to remember the tarsal bones?
Crazy Ted Nugent Captured 3 cubs
What are the tarsal bones
- calcaneous
- talus
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cuneiform
- cuboid (5th metatarsal side)