Gen Anatomy arthrology & syndesmology 15% Flashcards
What are the 3 functional classes of joints?
Synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis, and diarthrosis
What is the definition of a synarthrosis joint
what are the 3 types of synarthrosis joints?
Sutures, gomphoses, and synchondrosis
What is the definition of an amphiarthrosis joint
slightly moveable
what are the 2 types of amphiarthrosis joints?
syndesmoses and symphisis
What is the definition of a diarthrosis joint?
synovial joints, freely movable
What is the pneumonic to remember the 6 diarthrosis joints?
Dying to see Elvis Hinge, Pivot, and Glide on his Saddle and Ball and Socket
What are the 6 types of diarthrosis joints?
- Ellipsoid
- Hinge
- Pivot
- Glide
- Saddle
- Ball & Socket
What is an ellipsoidal joint aka
What is a hinge aka
What is a pivot joint aka
What is a saddle joint aka
what is a ball and socket joint aka
Parietal bones of the skull and the hard palate are examples of what type of functional joint classification?
Teeth, styloid process of the temporal bone are examples of what type of functional joint classification?
The epiphyseal plates are examples of what type of functional joint classification?
Between the shaft of the distal ulna & radius, distal articulation of the tibia & fibula are examples of what type of functional joint classification?
The symphysis pubis and IVD are examples of what type of functional joint classification?
The symphisis pubis and IVD are both what type of material?
The knee, elbow, phalanges, and TMJ are are examples of what type of functional joint classification?
Hinge aka ginglymus
The ATLAS & AXIS, proximal radioulnar are examples of what type of functional joint classification?
Pivot aka TROCHOID
Between the carpals & tarsals, sternoclavicular & costovertebral joints are examples of what type of functional joint classification?
The thumb is examples of what type of functional joint classification?
saddle aka sella
The radiocarpal and atlanto-occipital joints are examples of what type of functional joint classification?
The hip & shoulder joints are examples of what type of functional joint classification?
ball and socket aka spheroid
Which joint has the greatest ROM
ball and socket aka spheroid
What are the 3 structural classifications of joints?
- fibrous
- cartilaginous
- ligamentous & synovial joints
What are the 3 types of fibrous joints?
sutures, gomphoses, syndesmoses
What are the 2 types of cartilaginous joints?
synchondroses and symphysis
What are the 6 types of ligamentous & synovial joints?
- Ellipsoid
- Hinge
- Pivot
- Gliding
- Saddle
- Ball & Socket
What shoulder ligament attaches from the coracoid of the scapula to the acromion of the scapula?
What shoulder ligament forms a triangle and is very stable?
What ligament of the knee is the sight of osgood schlatter’s disease?
Patellar ligament (patella to tibial tuberosisty)
What is the “unhappy triad” acronym
What are the ligaments of the “unhappy triad”
Medial meniscus
Anterior cruciate ligament
Medial collateral ligament
What is the strongest ligament of the ankle/foot?
deltoid ligament
The deltoid ligament originates of what bone?
medial malleolus
What three bones does the deltoid ligament insert on?
- talus
- navicular
- calcaneus
What are the three ligaments called that make up the deltoid ligament?
- Tibotalar
- Tibionavicular
- Tibiocalcaneus
What is the most injured ligament of the foot/ankle?
lateral ligament
Where does the lateral ligament originate and insert?
O: lateral malleolus, I: tarsus
What are the three ligaments called that make up the lateral ligament?
- Anterior talofibular
- Posterior talofibular
- Calcaneofibular
What is the spring ligament aka
Plantar calcaneonavicular ligament
Where does the spring ligament Originate and insert?
O: sustentaculum tali, I: navicular
What is the purpose of the spring ligament?
maintains longitudinal arch
Which is not part of the deltoid ligamnet?
a. Tibiotalar
b. Tibionavicular
c. Tibiocalcaneus
d. Tibiofibular
d. tibiofibular
The thumb is __ __ __?
What does the thumb is RUM stand for?
R: Radial nerve = extension of thumb
U: Ulnar nerve = Adduction of thumb
M: Median nerve = Flexion of thumb