Gen Flashcards
Main theory approaches language acquisition:
- Behaviourist theorists
- Social interactionists
- Cognitive theorists
- Nativist theorists
- Functional language theorists.
Main theory approaches language acquisition:
a. Language developed through imitating other’s language and gaining positive and negative feedback from adults.
i. Not necessarily interaction as much as copying.
c. All learning is a result of conditioning.
Main theory approaches language acquisition:
2. Social interactionists
a. Language is developed through interacting with others.
Main theory approaches language acquisition:
3. Cognitive theorists
a. Language will grow when children’s ideas about the world develop.
b. Only when they understand time, they can talk about it.
Main theory approaches language acquisition:
4. Nativist theorists
a. Language is innate; we are pre-programmed to acquire it.
Main theory approaches language acquisition:
5. Functional language theories suggest that.
a. Language acquisition is driven by function and need.
b. As our needs grow our language develops as we need to speak about/for new needs.
Stages: (5)
Pre Verbal
Two word
Post Telegraphic
Stages: (5)
Pre Verbal(2/3)
This stage includes the vegetative, cooing, babbling and the proto-word stage. Children are experimenting with phonemes and not communicating in words.
Stages: (5)
Children make one word utterances – ‘holophrases’.
Stages: (5)
Two word
Children begin to put words together in two word sentences- ‘mummy go!’ ‘milk please!’ ‘teddy sit!’
Stages: (5)
Children start talking in sentences longer than two words, but they will still be grammatically incomplete. Words will be missed out but meaning will still usually be clear. Like writing a ‘telegraph’ where you were charged by the word, or a Tweet in a modern context!
Stages: (5)
Post Telegraphic
Children form full sentences and usually include all of the necessary words to make them grammatically complete. There will still be errors and there is still much development to come.
Around what time does this normally happen:
-Pre Verbal
0-12 months
Around what time does this normally happen:
12-18 months
Around what time does this normally happen:
-Two word
18-24 months