GED L16 Notes Flashcards
Contrast Mendelian & Complex traits
Mendelian Vs. Complex Traits - Mendelian: Single gene (monogenic) High penetrance Predictable inheritance Simple relationship Genotype & phenotype Eg. Cystic fibrosis - Complex: (Multifactoral / quantitative) Multiple genes (polygenic) Low penetrance Familial clustering Unpredictable inheritance Complex relationship Genotype & phenotype Strongly influenced by environment (Multifactoral) Prevalence -> ~600/1000 Eg. Alzheimers, Autism, Crohn’s, Athsma, Cleft lip, Coronary Heart Disease, Diabetes, Neural Tube defects / spina bifida
Describe Mendelian traits
- Mendelian: Single gene (monogenic) High penetrance Predictable inheritance Simple relationship Genotype & phenotype Eg. Cystic fibrosis
Describe complex traits
- Complex: (Multifactoral / quantitative) Multiple genes (polygenic) Low penetrance Familial clustering Unpredictable inheritance Complex relationship Genotype & phenotype Strongly influenced by environment (Multifactoral) Prevalence -> ~600/1000 Eg. Alzheimers, Autism, Crohn’s, Athsma, Cleft lip, Coronary Heart Disease, Diabetes, Neural Tube defects / spina bifida
Give an example illustrating genetic & environmental influences on complex traits
• Genetic & Environmental Influences -> Complex Traits:
Eg. Type 2 Diabtetes
~ 6-8% population
Genetic: One affected parent -> 15%
Both parents affected -> 75%
Environment: BMI >30 -> 20%
Describe analysis of quantitative, complex traits
- Quantitative Traits: >Quantitative / continuous traits Complex traits Eg. Height, Blood Pressure, Serum, Cholesterol, BMI, Crop yield Mean: Arithmetic Average (Centre of Distribution) Variance: Spread of values around mean.
What are quantitative traits?
- Quantitative Traits:
>Quantitative / continuous traits
Give an example of quantitative complex traits?
Eg. Height, Blood Pressure, Serum, Cholesterol, BMI, Crop yield
What is the mean?
Arithmetic Average (Centre of Distribution)
What is the variance?
Spread of values around mean.
What kind of graph / chart can be used to analyse quantitative, complex traits?
Normal distribution curve
Describe analysis of discontinuous, complex traits
- Discontinuous Traits:
>Distcontinuous / Discrete traits
-> Disease / Trait is either present or not present
Complex traits
Threshold Model:
Underlying continuous liability (genetic & environmental factors)
» Threshold above which disease / trait is present
Families with incr. risk of trait / disease
» Distribution of liability shifted towards threshold.
What are discontinuous traits?
- Discontinuous Traits:
>Distcontinuous / Discrete traits
-> Disease / Trait is either present or not present
What is used to analyse discontinuous, complex traits & describe how?
Threshold Model:
Underlying continuous liability (genetic & environmental factors)
» Threshold above which disease / trait is present
Families with incr. risk of trait / disease
» Distribution of liability shifted towards threshold.
What is used to analyse discontinuous, complex traits?
Threshold model
Describe the way in which discontinuous & continuous traits are analysed
- Continuous & discontinuous traits
Same underlying aetiology.
What is the polygene hypothesis?
Genetic basis of complex traits
How is the polygene hypothesis measured?
- Nature vs. nurture:
Proportion of phenotypic variation in quantitative trait that is genetic or environmental.
What is nature vs. nurture in regards to the polygene hypothesis?
- Nature vs. nurture:
Proportion of phenotypic variation in quantitative trait that is genetic or environmental.
What is the equation used to find the total phenotypic variance?
VP = VG + VE
Total Phenotypic Variance = Genetic Variance + Environmental Variance
» VP can also be shown as VT
Describe how to calculate the total phenotypic variance?
VP = VG + VE
Total Phenotypic Variance = Genetic Variance + Environmental Variance
» VP can also be shown as VT
What is heritability?
Proportion of phenotypic variance due to genes
Describe heritability
Proportion of phenotypic variance due to genes
H2 = VG / VP
H2 -> value between 0 – 1
High heritability
»_space; Genetic differences in population
»_space; High proportion of phenotypic variation
-» Easier to identify genetic variants associated with trait than using
traits with low heritability.
Estimating Heritability:
» Twin Heritabilty Studies:
1. Identical (monozygotic twins ; MZ)
Share same environment & all alleles
Relatedness ; r = 1
2. Non-identical (dizygotic twins ; DZ)
Share same environment & half of their alleles
Relatedness ; r = 0.5
If MZ twins resemble more than DZ twins ; genes contribute to
variation in trait .
> Assumes equal environmental effects
»_space; Twin Concordance Studies:
Probability a twin is affected by a particular trait if their twin is
> Concordance = 1.0 -> Other twin always affected
= 0.6 -> 60% chance other twin affected.
Difference in concordance between MZ & DZ twins used to estimate hertitability.
Eg. MZ concordance = 0.50 (50%) ; DZ = 0.08 (8%)
Heritability = 0.85
Heritability Estimates in Humans:
Autism -> 0.4 - 0.9
BMI -> 0.5 – 0.9
Crohn’s -> 0.75
Height -> 0.6 – 0.8
IQ -> 0.3 – 0.8
T1 Diabetes -> 0.9
T2 Diabetes -> 0.4 – 0.8
High heritability does not mean genetic determination. Differences between groups with high heritability for a trait are not the result of genetic differences.
What is the equation used to calculate heritability?
H2 = VG / VP
Describe how the value of heritability can be interpreted
H2 = VG / VP H2 -> value between 0 – 1 High heritability >> Genetic differences in population >> High proportion of phenotypic variation
Describe the way in which it is easier to identify genetic variants associated with a trait and why.
By using population with higher heritability value because this indicates genetic differences in population are due to a high proportion of genetic variation
Describe the use of twin studies to study heritability
Estimating Heritability:
» Twin Heritabilty Studies:
1. Identical (monozygotic twins ; MZ)
Share same environment & all alleles
Relatedness ; r = 1
2. Non-identical (dizygotic twins ; DZ)
Share same environment & half of their alleles
Relatedness ; r = 0.5
If MZ twins resemble more than DZ twins ; genes contribute to
variation in trait .
> Assumes equal environmental effects
»_space; Twin Concordance Studies:
Probability a twin is affected by a particular trait if their twin is
> Concordance = 1.0 -> Other twin always affected
= 0.6 -> 60% chance other twin affected.
Difference in concordance between MZ & DZ twins used to estimate hertitability.
Eg. MZ concordance = 0.50 (50%) ; DZ = 0.08 (8%)
Heritability = 0.85
Describe identical twins
- Identical (monozygotic twins ; MZ)
Share same environment & all alleles
Relatedness ; r = 1
Describe non-identical twins
- Non-identical (dizygotic twins ; DZ)
Share same environment & half of their alleles
Relatedness ; r = 0.5
What does it mean if MZ twins resemble more than DZ twins?
If MZ twins resemble more than DZ twins ; genes contribute to
variation in trait .
> Assumes equal environmental effects
Describe twin concordance studies
> > Twin Concordance Studies:
Probability a twin is affected by a particular trait if their twin is
> Concordance = 1.0 -> Other twin always affected
= 0.6 -> 60% chance other twin affected.
Difference in concordance between MZ & DZ twins used to estimate hertitability.
Eg. MZ concordance = 0.50 (50%) ; DZ = 0.08 (8%)
Heritability = 0.85
How is heritability estimated using twins?
Twin concordance studies
Difference in concordance between MZ & DZ twins used to estimate hertitability.
What does a concordance value of 1 mean in relation to concordance twin studies?
Concordance = 1.0 -> Other twin always affected by a particular trait if their twin is
Give examples of Heritability Estimates of Humans in regards to different factors
Heritability Estimates in Humans: Autism -> 0.4 - 0.9 BMI -> 0.5 – 0.9 Crohn’s -> 0.75 Height -> 0.6 – 0.8 IQ -> 0.3 – 0.8 T1 Diabetes -> 0.9 T2 Diabetes -> 0.4 – 0.8
What are two important corrections to misconceptions surrounding heritability?
High heritability does not mean genetic determination.
Differences between groups with high heritability for a trait are not
the result of genetic differences.
What are two important facts to note regarding heritability?
High heritability does not mean genetic determination.
Differences between groups with high heritability for a trait are not
the result of genetic differences.
Describe genetic variance & human Disease
• Genetic Variance & Human Disease
Common Disease – Rare Variant Hypothesis (CD-RV)
Common Disease – Common Variant Hypothesis (CD-CV)
Disease-Associated Alleles should be common:
- Late onset diseases
Little effect on fitness (Weak Purifying Selection)
- Advantageous / Neutral alleles in the past
May confer disease susceptibility in modern societies
Describe why Disease-associated alleles should be common
- Little effect on fitness (Weak Purifying Selection)
- Advantageous / Neutral alleles in the past
May confer disease susceptibility in modern societies - Disease causing alleles
Maintained at high frequency by balancing selection.
Describe Genome wide Association studies
• Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS)
Population – level approach to disease gene mapping.
Identification of SNPs:
- Cases: C Allele -> 62%
T Allele -> 38%
- Controls: C Allele -> 49%
T Allele -> 51%
- Odds ratio for C allele:
(Odds of disease with C) / (Odds of disease with T)
= [A/B] / [C/D] = [62/49] / [38/51]
= 1.7
- Allele odds ratio ; >1.0 -> Allele gives Higher risk of disease
< 1.0 -> Allele is protective
Coloured dots represent single SNP on DNA chip
Odds ratio (OR) for each variant calculated
Probability (P) OR is significantly higher in cases compared to controls i
illustrated -> Manhattan Plot.
Manhattan plot
Illustrates the probability -> Odds ratio of an allele is significantly higher in cases compared to controls.
Variants of high significant associations with trait visible as skyscrapers.
Haplotype Blocks:
Groups of closely linked haplotypes (SNPS on the same chromosome) which are inherited together.
Each haplotype block -> defined by small no. tag SNPs
Linkage Disequilibrium:
Co-inheritance of SNPs in a haplotype block
What are Genome wide association studies used for
Population – level approach to disease gene mapping.
Identification of SNPs -> Odds ratio of allele
Describe how SNPs can be identified using genome wide association studies
Identification of SNPs:
- Cases: C Allele -> 62%
T Allele -> 38%
- Controls: C Allele -> 49%
T Allele -> 51%
- Odds ratio for C allele:
(Odds of disease with C) / (Odds of disease with T)
= [A/B] / [C/D] = [62/49] / [38/51]
= 1.7
- Allele odds ratio ; >1.0 -> Allele gives Higher risk of disease
< 1.0 -> Allele is protective
Describe what an allele odds ratio of >1 means
> 1.0 -> Allele gives Higher risk of disease
Describe what an allele odds ratio of <1 means
< 1.0 -> Allele is protective
Describe the process in which genome wide association studies are used
Coloured dots represent single SNP on DNA chip
Odds ratio (OR) for each variant calculated
Probability (P) OR is significantly higher in cases compared to controls i
illustrated -> Manhattan Plot.
What does a Manhattan plot illustrate & how is info analysed?
Manhattan plot
Illustrates the probability -> Odds ratio of an allele is significantly higher in cases compared to controls.
Variants of high significant associations with trait visible as skyscrapers.
What is a Manhattan plot used for?
Genome wide association studies for identification of SNPs
What are haplotype blocks?
Haplotype Blocks:
Groups of closely linked haplotypes (SNPS on the same chromosome) which are inherited together.
Each haplotype block -> defined by small no. tag SNPs
What is linkage disequilibrium
Linkage Disequilibrium:
Co-inheritance of SNPs in a haplotype block
Describe haplotype blocks
Haplotype Blocks:
Groups of closely linked haplotypes (SNPS on the same chromosome) which are inherited together.
Each haplotype block -> defined by small no. tag SNPs
Describe linakge disequilibrium
• Linkage Disequilibrium:
- Linkage Equilibrium:
Each haplotype present in expected frequency based on allele frequency calculations.
Eg. EF(AB) = F(A) x F(B)
- Linkage Disequilibrium:
Some haplotyoes present at higher / lower expected frequencies based on allele frequency calculations.
- Causative Role in Disease
SNP 1 -> Linkage disequilibrium with SNP 2
»But is not causative
Association between SNP 1 & disease illustrates haplotype block carrying causative agent (SNP)
Describe what linkage equilibrium is
- Linkage Equilibrium:
Each haplotype present in expected frequency based on allele frequency calculations.
Eg. EF(AB) = F(A) x F(B)
Describe linkage disequilibrium in regards to calculation of haplotype frequency
- Linkage Disequilibrium:
Some haplotyoes present at higher / lower expected frequencies based on allele frequency calculations.
Describe causative role in disease in relation to linkage disequilibrium
- Causative Role in Disease
SNP 1 -> Linkage disequilibrium with SNP 2
»But is not causative
Association between SNP 1 & disease illustrates haplotype block carrying causative agent (SNP)
Describe the role / contributions of GWAS in human disease genetics
• Role of GWAS in Human Disease Genetics:
- Majority of disease-associated variants have small incr. risk of disease.
- >90% variants present in non-coding DNA
»Difficult to identify causal variant.
- Generate new biological hypotheses about causes of disease
Eg. Inflammatory Bowel Disease & Autophagy.
- Studies of rare SNPs & other types of DNA seq. variation - eg. Copy Number Variants (CNV) – necessary to further understand complex traits.