Gearshif5: Planta Sapiens Flashcards
What is above kingdom
Who is susceptible to anasthetics
Animals bacteria and plants
Plants create them to initiate pauses in their processes.
A generic term. Any measurable response
Anasthesia To put to sleep
Remove consciousness. But plants put themselves to sleep….so
Pineal gland
Awareness of light where the circadian rythym resides. Descartes called it the seat of the soul
Plant blindness.
We give less attention processing plants than animals. They take up less of our focus and less visual processing capacity. They don’t mirror us so how can we develop that interest and empathy?
Plant blind ness and time
Plants are hard to relate to because compared to us, they are in extreme slow mo. They also have no nervous systems oreyes so that doesn’t help.
Dear abi, put googly eyes on plants.
To overcome plantblindness
I don’t know it’s name
So I call it magic
Plants are individuals
They do quick unpredictable behaviors as well as what seems like preprogrammed habits
Plants are individuals
They do quick unpredictable behaviors as well as what seems like preprogrammed habits
We recognize and interpret movement as like us
Like we see faces in shapes. We see intention in movement. We extrapolate familiar to unfamiliar. We mirror, and when we create we mirror, which is projection.
Growing tip of a germinating root that encounters different aspects of the outside world from light and gravity to physical obstacles and makes choices about how to engage with them about how to find its way under ground.. this is where sentience can be deciphered
Where a plant takes in carbon dioxide. It opens a according to roots and leaf level. Stores memory through a chemical
The inverted y experiment
Plants who were touched to simulate crowding invested their energy growing taller. Plants who weren’t touched grew out. They want space a part of the drive to survive I think must come frome an individuals need.