(GDA5)Growth and Development Years 1-2 Flashcards
What age can a child stack 5-6 blocks?
24MO or 2YO
When should stranger anxiety dissipate?(In Years)
2.5 to 3YO
What age: parallel play
24 MO
Toddlers gain what kg/year after 24 months to 36 months?
2 kg/year
What age: imitates houshold chores, dusting etc; begins parallel play
18 MO
What age: can jump down from chairs?
30-36 MO
What age does the child learn independence and the beginning of problem solving?(Months)
24 - 36 MO
What age: verbal language increasing steadily. Knows full name one color and holds up fingers to show age.
30-36 MO
What age: walking, including walking backward and up and down stairs one step at a time; kicking and throwing a ball; stacking 5 or 6 blocks; following two step or three word phrases; listening to stories and looking at pictures; imitating adults; particpiating in parallel play
24 MO
What age: can open doors by turning doorknobs, unscrew lids?(Months)
24 MO
What age is a child capable for pedaling a riding toy?
30-36 MO
What age is object permanene complete?
When does development end in a person’s life?
Toddlers grow how many inches between 24 and 36 months?
3 inches
What age does a person have a vocabulary of 4-6 words?
12-15 MO
What age can a person stack 2 blocks; enjoys being read to; drops toys for adult to recover (exploring sense of permanence)?
12-15 MO
What age is child able to use assimilation or chnge situation to fit thoughts?
24 MO
What age: 50 words; 2 words sentences such as “daddy go” “me come”
24 MO
What age: makes simple line or strokes for crosses with a pencil?
30-36 MO
Toddlers grow an average of how many inches between the ages of 12-24 MO?
4 inches
What age: no longer rotates a spoon to bring it to mouth?
18 MO
Toddlers gain what lbs/year after 24 months to 36 months?
4.4 lbs per year
What age range should a child be potty trained?
2-3 years
What age: can run and jump in place. Can walk up and down stairs holding onto a pereson’s hand or railing; typically places both feet on one step before advancing
18 MO
What age does a person walk along well, can seat self in chair; can creep upstairs?
What age are temper tantrums common?
What age does a person put small pells into small bottles. Scribble voluntarily with a pencil or crayon. HOlds a spoon well but may still turn it upside down on the way to mouth?
12-15 MO
What age: can pretend and use deferred imitation; object permanence is complete
18-24 MO
What age does a person have the vocbaulary of 4-6 words
12-15 MO
What age are children able to name body parts and familiar pictures?
How much milk should be provided to toddlers?
A maximum of 12-16 ounces per day
What age: walks up stairs alone still using both feet on same step at same time?
24 MO
What age are children capable for self-feeding using their own fingers to grab food?
What age do children being parallel play?
What age” spends time palying house; imitating parent’s actions; play is “rough housing” or active
30-36 MO
What age: child experiments by trial and error methods?
12 to 18 MO
What age: balancing on one foot; dressing self; pedaling a riding toy; controlling daytime bladder and bowel elimination; engaging in magical thinking; beginning cooperative play; using three or four word sentences; giving own first name and age?
What age: 7-20 words; uses jargoning names 1 body part?
18 MO
What are the stages of growth and development? Please include the common name for the age interval and the numerical value for the age interval.
Infancy to 1YO; 1YO-3YO(early childhood: toddler); 3YO-6YO(early childhood: preschool); 6YO-12YO(middle childhood: school age); 13YO-18YO(late childhood: adolescent)