[GDA35]Riding the Waves of Research Cognitive Vitality in Late Life 2014 Flashcards
Does the risk for cognitive decline decrease or increase with age?
It increases with age
What is the time in life we have the greatest number of dendrites in the brain? What particular location do we see this very large number of dendrites?
The ages 50-80 we have the greatest number of dendrites in the brain. The hippocampus is one particular location we see this relationship.
Can mental abilities be increase with aging?
Yes, in the absence of disease mental abilities can be increased with aging
Cerebral exercises cause what type of changes in the brain?
They build connections
What do mental exercises do for the brain?
They build a reserve capacity
What is the meaning of the nemonic CIA?(memory aids)
Concentrate, Imaging and Associate
The study of heritable changes in gene expression?
What type of food is known to increase the neuronal connections and contribute to neurogenesis?
anti-oxidant rich berries
Between the ages of 50-80, there is a large capacity for what particular properties of dendritic growth?(2 points)
There is an increase in number of dendrites and their longer
What is the current brain volume? How much did the brain volume increase in the past 100,000 years?
The current brain volume is know 1500 cc. The brain has grown 15 cc per year.
How does the use of the right and left hemispheres of the brain change with aging?
There is na increase activity of recruitment, the brain recruits the left hemisphere to work with the right hemisphere
What is the “new synergy” use of the brain?
It is a term used to represent how older adults are able to use the left and right hemispheres of the brain when aging and it is more than plasticity
What is a good precondition to improving our quality of life?
Fixing the brain is most likely to fix quality of life situations
What were the results from the research referred to as the “Active Study Group”?
It states that the 90-year-olds who are living today are way healthier than the 90-year-old in the past because
How does stress increase the risk for cognitive decline?
The production of cortisol causes the disruption of glucose, interference with neurotransmitters and release of free radicals which usually result in the death of neurons
Older people are much better at what type of things as they age?(2 points)
Problem solving and language
Do many people with a genetic marker for Alzheimer’s disease end up getting Alzheimer’s disease?
No; a genetic marker for Alzheimer’s isn’t a definite
Physical exercises causes what type of changes in the brain?
They causes an increase in neurotransmitters in the brain
The National Genome Institute, published what study in 2013?
It published a study on how different chemical tags had a significant impact on how tightly wound the DNA is going to be based on how particular chemicals interacted with histone proteins and how the different chemicals, like methyl groups, attached to the bases of DNA
Apolipoprotein E is mapped on what chromosome number? What are the different alleles?
Chromosome 19. There are three different alleles, ApoE2, ApoE3 and ApoE4
Mature adults use what part of the brain when telling their life stories?
They use the left and right hippocampus
How does calorie restriction play a role in the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease?
There is a relationship between the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and obesity
Considering trauma, there is a link between what type of injuries and the risk for Alzheimer’s disease?
There is an increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease when there is a greater increase in head-trauma
Good cognitive function results from what three factors?(3 points)
Acquired knowledge, protection against brain insults and a complex combination against brain insults
Why does it take longer to process information as an older person?
Dr. Michael Ramscar U. stated that we can say this is analogous to an older computer taking a long time to process information due to the fact that there is an overwhelming amount of used memory being used on that computer
Who’s at risk for decline?(5-9 points)
Smokers, alcoholics, stress-out, people who don’t sleep enough, the malnourishing, the emotionally unstable, low education level, poor language level in early-life and coach potatoes
The most important precondition for the improvement of self-confidence, self-esteem, self-efficacy is what?
Good functioning memory
What type of drugs do we know could generally help assist in the elimination of Alzheimer’s?
anti-inflammatory drugs
How does epigenetics assist to point out why some family members don’t have Alzheimer’s disease while other family members do have Alzheimer’s disease?
A cell’s DNA can be altered by the diet and lack of exposure to different chemical environments
What genetic connections have been made based on the role it has in Alzheimer’s disease? (2-3 points)
The role of the ApoE-4 gene, chromsome 21 connection to down syndrome and the role chrmosome 1 & 14 have in Alzheimer’s disease
A British study published what finding when it came to the incidence of dementia cases?
There was a decline in dementia as the population grew healthier and better educated
Young people have more activity in what part of the brain?
The left hemisphere
What allele of apolipoprotein E increase the risk of Alzheimer’s? By how much?
Apolipoprotein E4 increase the risk of Alzheimer’s by 4-6 times. Two copies increases the risk by 10-20 times. This is all late-onset
What type of exercise should be conducted to avoid Alzheimer’s disease?
Any type of cardiovascular exercise