Gastrointestinal Tract 5 - Liver and Biliary System Flashcards
Liver is the largest internal organ?
The liver contains how many lobes ? What kind of overall strucure does the liver have?
4 different lobes, hepatic lobule structure
Hepatic Lobule Structure
- Hexagonal structure with
- Central vein running through the centre
- Portal triads at each corner
Each of the royal triads is composed of:
- Hepatic artery
- Portal vein
- Bile duct
Cell types in the liver
1) Epithelial Cells
- Hepatocytes: ~70% of the cells in the liver
- Bile duct epithelium or cholangiocytes: 3-5%
2) Kupffer cells-macrophages
3) Endothelial cells-lining the sinusoids-”fenestrated”
Exocrine gland in the liver forms
Forms and secrets bile
Liver functions
Metabolism and storage of nutrients
- Liver matches supply to demand (e.g., storage of glucose as glycogen)
Deactivation and detoxification
- Drugs, hormones, waste products, toxicants
Production of circulating proteins
- e.g., blood coagulation factors, lipoproteins
Constituents of bile
- Bile acids-synthesized within the hepatocyte from cholesterol-amphipathic
- Cholesterol (slightly amphipathic)
- Salts (e.g., Na+, K+, and HCO3-) and water
- Phospholipids e.g., phosphatidyl choline-amphipathic
- Bile pigments e.g., bilirubin
- Trace metals
Pancreatic lipase is a water soluble enzyme and can only work at the surface of lipid droplets,
Large lipid droplets need to be made smaller for efficient access by lipase
Making large droplets of fat into smaller ones so lipase can have access
Emulsification requires
- Mechanical disruption to make lipid droplets smaller (GI motility)
- Emulsifying agent to prevent droplets from re-aggregating
- Amphipathic bile acids
- Phospholipids
Bile acids also form “mixed micelles” with
phospholipids and products of lipase digestion (free fatty acids and monoglycerides)
“micelle” is a soluble cluster of
amphipathic molecules with nonpolar groups in the middle and polar groups on the outer layer
Micelle function
- Micelles keep monoglycerides and fatty acids in small soluble aggregates
- Equilibrium between the micelle and free fatty acid and monoglycerides
- Free forms diffuse across the small intestine epithelium
- Micelles are like a “holding station” for small nonsoluble lipids
Which cells produce bile acids?