Gastrointestinal system Flashcards
what do we need to be careful for when performing a colonoscopy?
V/S - vasovagal response ( ⬇️BP & HR)
What does aphthous stomatitis mean?
canker sores
what does candidiasis mean?
yeast/fungal infection (thrush)
2 nursing interventions/care for hiatal hernias?
- HOB ⬆️
- avoid HS snacking; no supine 1hr after eating
S/S of a hiatal hernia?
- none, if small
- heartburn, feeling full reflux, if large
5 foods to avoid when a hiatal hernia is present:
- spicy food
- chocolate
- coffee
- alcohol
- menthol
what does fundoplication mean?
part of the stomach wraps around the hernia
What does GERD mean?
gastroesophageal reflux disease
what is gastritis & the concern with it?
inflammation of stomach mucosa.
- That is will turn to an ulcer
4 S/S of gastritis?
- epigastric pain
- nausea
- anorexia
- heartburn
3 Tx for gastritis?
- antacids
- diet
- antibiotics (H.Pylori)
what is peptic ulcer disease? (WILL be cancerous)
pepsin, a type of acid is in the stomach causing erosion
Peptic ulcer disease is usually caused by a bacteria called _.______.
Barrett’s Disease is a peptic ulcer in the ________.
Gastric CA is often mistaken for _____ _____; it is the 2nd most common CA
peptic ulcers