Gastrointestinal Flashcards
What does vasopressin do to the splanchnic arteriolar bed? And watch should you watch out for?
Constricts the splanchnic arteriolar bed and decreases portal venous pressures
Watch out for chest pain and ST elevation
What does octreotide reduce?
It reduces splanchnic blood flow, gastric secretions, and GI motility
Osmotic laxatives, such as lactulose, prevents ammonia conversion, how?
Osmotic laxatives remove nitrogenous materials out of the gut to prevent ammonia conversion
What do beta blockers do to the mesenteric arterioles?
It constricts them reducing venous flow
What is a common cause of portal HTN secondary to liver disease?
Esophageal varices
What are the exocrine functions of the pancreas?
Secretion of bicarbonate to neutralize stomach acid ( H2O, Na, K, digestive enzymes such as trypsin, amylase and lipase)
Secretion is increased by the parasympathetic stimulation and ingestion of food
What are the endocrine functions of the pancreas?
Alpha cells secrete glucagon
Beta cells secrete insulin
Delta cells inhibit the secretion of glucagon and insulin
What is acute pancreatitis?
It is the diffuse inflammation, destruction and auto digestion of the pancreas from premature activation of exocrine enzymes.
It is not usually caused by an infection
What are pulmonary complications of acute pancreatitis?
atelectasis of LLL
Left sided pleural effusion
Bilateral crackles
What are signs and symptoms of acute pancreatitis?
- N/V, rigid abdomen, no rebound tenderness
- Elevated amylase ( peaks in 4 -24hrs, returns to normal in 4 days)
- Hypocalcemia (d/t calcium being used up for auto digestion which precipitates hypocalcemia leading to Trousseau’s sign, prolonged QT and sz)
- Elevated blood sugar
What is Trousseau’s sign?
During inflation of the blood pressure cuff the brachial artery is occluded. The absence of blood flow, the patient’s hypocalcemia and subsequent neuromuscular irritability will induce spasms of the muscles of the hand and forearm
Why is your blood sugar elevated in acute pancreatitis?
Because beta cells are injured thus unable to secrete insulin causing a rise in glucose, which could lead to HHS
How can you get a left pleural effusion or LLL atelectasis for acute pancreatitis?
Pancreatic inflammation and capillary leak block the pancreatic duct cause LLL atelectasis, diaphragmatic lifting and left pleural effusion
What two signs are indicative of hemorrhagic pancreatitis?
Cullen’s sign and Grey Turner’s sign
What is the treatment of acute pancreatitis?
Fluid replacement H2 Blockers to decrease gastric PH NGT suctioning Enter all tube feeding below the duodenum Monitor for plumonary complications