Gastroenterology Flashcards
Why are children very vulnerable to adverse effects of poor nutrition?
Low nutritional stores
High nutritional demands for growth
Rapid neuronal development
Acute illness or surgery
NICE guidelines infant feeding (4)
Exclusive breast feeding 1st 6 months
1st breast feed within first few hrs of life
Skilled proffesionals available
Recommended breast feeding for 1st 12months. Wean after 6
Advantages of breast feeding (6)
Decr GI infection Decr LRTI Decr OME Protective against NEC in prem babies Decr incidence of obesity, DM, HTN INcr relationship with mother
Complications breast feeding (8)
Hard to measure intake Harrd for >2 children births Hard in pre-term babies Hard to obtain sufficient milk Transmission - infection, drugs, nicotine/dx/alcohol Breast milk jaundice Vit K deficiency
Benefit of Colostrum
Incr proteinn + Immunoglobulin
Weaning off breast milk
Begin w/ purified foods
A few tsp when child is not hungry or tired
Gradually increased the no’
When can pasteurised cows milk been given on?
1 year
What is pasteurised milk deficient in?
Who are specialised formulas used for? (3)
Cows milk allergy/intolerance
Neonatal cholestatic liver disease
What is semi-hydrolysed milk used for?
Prophylactic use
Aim of reducing risk of cowsmilk protein allergy where there is FHx
Mild FTT on a growth chart
2 centiles
Severe FTT on a growth chart
3 centiles
Red flags FTT (3)
Decr wt + decr head length/head circumference
Developmental delay
Delayed puberty
Organic causes FTT (4)
Decr absorption - coeliac, CF, CMPA, post NEC
Catabolic state
Poor retention - vom, GORD
Cant use nutrients
Non-organic causes FTT (3)
Inadequate food
Psychosocial deprivation
Mx FTT (3)
HV assess eating + provide support
Paeds dietician
What is PYMS
Paeds equivalent of MUST
Step 1 - PYMS
Step 2 - PYMS
Score % decr W
Step 3 - PYMS
Assess recent change in diet/nutrtional support incl reduced intake
Step 4 - PYMS
Note risk of being undernourishedduring hospital admission
Step 5 - PYMS
Use Mx guidelines +/or local policy to develop care plan
Causes of malnutrition (5)
Poverty Neglect Restrictive diets Illness ED
Consequences of malnutrition (4)
Impaired immunity
Delayed wound healing
Incr morbidity/mortality
What is Anthropometry
Skinfold thickness of triceps
Features of Marasmus (3)
Wasted appearance
Decr middle arm circumference
Incr skinfold thickness
Features of Kwashiokor (8)
Generalised oedema Severe wasting Distended abdomen Hepatomegaly Angular stomatitis Diarrhoea Hypothermia Decr HR + BP
When does Kwashiokor occur?
After acute infection
What should an infant be eating @ 7-6m
Wider variety of foods, textures + tastes
What should an infant be eating @9-12months
3 meals a day + healthy snacks
What food groups should be avoided during weaning? (6)
Salt sugar Honey Shark, Marlin, Swordfish Raw eggs Whole nuts
> 91st centile
> 98th centile
Complications of being obese (9)
Ortho - slipped upper femoral epiphysis, Blounts Headaches Hypoventilation syndrome/OSA GB disease PCOS T2DM HTN Asthma Incr Ca risk - endometrial, breast, colonic
What is over-feeding?
Consuming more milk than required for growth + energy
Signs of over-feeding (8)
Incr W gain > 8 wet nappies /day Sloppy foul bowels Extreme flatulence Belching Milk regurg Irritability Sleep disturbance
Freq of Stool’s 1st week of life
Freq of stool 1st year of life
Causes of normal constipation (3)
Problems w/ toilet training
Causes of constipation (medical) (7)
Hirschprungs Anorectal abnormalities Hypothyroidism Hyerpcalcaemia Dehydration Anal fissure Anxiety/refusal
Red Flag Sx constipation (8)
Failure to pass meconium in 48hrs Constipation in first few w of life Ribbon stools FTT Gross abdo distension Abnorm L limb neurology/deformity Sacral dimple above natal cleft Perianal bruising + fissures
Mx simple constipation (4)
Mild laxatives
Incr fl intake
Encourage child to sit on loo after meal
Reward scheme
Mx longstanding constipation (4)
Disimpaction regime Movicol - osmotic Senna - stimulant Polyethylene glycol - maintenance Surgical if all above fails
When toilet trained children soil their clothes
What is the vast majority (80%) of Encopresis caused by?
Severe constipation + overflow
Functional encopresis
Soiling with no evidence of constipation or impaction
Causes of functional encopresis (5)
Early in toilet training EMotional Lack self confidence/embarrassment Manipulate the surrounding enviro IBS
Support available for soiling
Address childs behavoir + sit on toilet Rewards Tx underlying conditions Rx to paeds gastro Lots of info online + support
What is Hirschprungs
Absence of ganglion cells in mesenteric plexus
Appearance of bowel in Hirshprungs
Narrow contracted segment of bowel
What % of Hirshprungs is confined to the recto-sigmoid
What % of Hirshprungs involves the entire colon
Who is more likely to get Hirshprungs?
Downs syndrome
PS Hirshprung’s in neonatal period
Intestinal obstructoin
No mec passed in 24hrs
Abdo distention
Bile stained vom
PS Hirshprungs later in childhood
Chronic constipation
Abdo distention
Growth failure
O/E Hirshprungs
Rectum = narrow
Removal finger –> gush of stool
`Ix Hirshprungs
Suction rectal biopsy
Absence ganglion cells
Presence large ACH + nn trunks
Mx Hisrchprungs
Surg = anorectal pull through
Complications Hirshprungs
(mort = 10%0
What is gastroenteritis
Inflammation of the stomach and intestines
Causes GE (6)
ROTAVIRUS Norovirus Campy Shigella Salmonella E coli
RF GE (3)
Poor hygiene/sanitation
Poor food hygiene
PS GE (3)
Sudden onset vom/diarrhoea
Diagnostic indications GE
Temp >< 38 SOB RR Altered consciousness Bulging fontanelle Rash Blood/mucus stool Bilious vom Abdo pain
When would you send a stool sample for GE?
If suspect sepsis
Or blood/mucus in stools
General appearance: no dehydration vs dehydration vs shock
No - appears wells
Deh - appears unwell or deteriorating
Shock - appears unwell or deteriorating
Conscious level - no dehydration vs dehydration vs shock
No - alert + responsive
Clinical dehydr - altered responsiveness
Shock - decr level of consciousness
UO - no dehydration vs dehydration vs shock
No - normal
Dehydration - decreased
Shock - decreased
Skin colour - no dehydration vs dehydration vs shock
No - norm
Dehydr - norm
shock - pale/mottled
Extremitis no dehydration vs dehydration vs shock
No - warm
Dehydr - warm
Shock - cold
Eyes - no dehydration vs dehydration vs shock
No - norm
Dehydr - sunken
Shock - grossly sunken
Mucous membranes - no dehydration vs dehydration vs shock
No - moist
Dehydr - dry
Shock - dry
Heart rate - no dehydration vs dehydration vs shock
No - norm
Dehydr - tachyC
Shock - tachyc
Breathing - no dehydration vs dehydration vs shock
No - norm
Dehydr - tachypnoea
Shock - tachypnoea
Peripheral pulses - no dehydration vs dehydration vs shock
No - norm
Dehydr - norm
Shock - weak
CRT - no dehydration vs dehydration vs shock
No - norm
Dehydr - norm
Shock - prolonged
Skin turgor - no dehydration vs dehydration vs shock
No - norm
Dehydr - reduced
Shock -reduced
BP no dehydration vs dehydration vs shock
No - norm
Dehydr - Norm
Shock - HoTN
Mx of GE w/ no dehydration
Continue br feeding
Encourage fl intake
Discouarage fruit/fizzy drinks
ORS as supplemental fl
Mx of GE w/ Clinical dehydration
ORS - 50ml/kg over 4h + maintenance fl
Mx of GE with shock
Rapid infusion 0.9% saline
100ml/kg 1st 10kg, then 50 for next 10 then 20
Continue breast feeding if possible
Monitoring U+E
How long does diarrhoea last GE
stops by 2w
How long does vomiting last GE
3 days
What is post GE syndrome?
Watery discharge due to temporary lactose intolerance
Mx post GE syndrome
ORT 24hrs
Feed aversion
Small intestine Sx CMPA
ABdo pain
Why can CMPA occur in breast fed infants?
Because if mother ingests cows milk herself
Limit CMP
Hydrolysed formula
After weaning intro cows milk 6-12m (challenge)
What is the most common cause of persistent loose stools in pre-school children?
Toddlers diarrhoea
Features of toddlers diarrhoea
Pale + foul smelling
Presence of undigested veggies
Child = well + thriving
By what age does most of toddlers diarrhoea resovle by
What is GOR
Involuntary passage of gastric contents into oesophagus causing harm
Causes of GOR (7)
Inapprop relaxation LOS b/c functional immaturity Fluid diet + horizontal posture Hiatus hernia Incr gastric P gastric hypersecretion Allergy CNS disorders
Rec regurg/vom Choking Resp problems - cough, apnoea, wheeze, aspiration FTT Heart burn
Which conditions must you rule out for GOR? (5)
Hiatus hernia GE PS UTI CMPA
Positioning Thickened feeds Small/freq meals Avoid before sleep Avoid fatty foods/citrus Gaviscon/omeprazole/ Prokinetic - domperidone
Surgical Mx GOR
NIssen fundoplication
Complications of nissen fundoplication
Gas bloating syndrome