Community And psych Flashcards
How long do you adjust for pre-maturity?>
2 years
What are the 4 domains of development?
Gross motor
Fine motor/vision
Hearing and Language
Gross motor at 6 months
Sit with no support
Fine motor at 6 months
Pass block between hands
Language at 6 months
Single syllable
Social domain at 6 months
Feed self
Gross motor domain at 1 year
Stands independently
Fine motor domain at 1 year
Pincer grip
Hearing and language at 1 year
Responds to name
Says mama/dada
Social domain at 1 year
Drink from cup using 2 hands
Motor domain at 2 years
Fine motor delay at 2 years
Hearing and language delay at 2 years
2 word sentences
Social domain at 2 years
Remove a garment
Gross motor domain at 3 years
Fine motor domain at 3 years
Copy a vertical line
Language domain at 3 years
Speak as in 3-4 word sentences
Social domain at 3 years
Put on T-shirt
Gross motor domain at 4 years
Stands on each foot for 3s
Fine motor domain 4 years
Copy a cross
Language domain at 4 years
Can name 4 colours
Social domain at 4 years
Can dress independently
Gross motor domain at 5 years
Walks heel toe
Fine motor domain at 5 years
Draws person with 6 body parts
Language domain at 5 years
Speech all understandable
Can count up to 5
Social domain at 5 years
Plays board games
Can brush teeth
What is a limit age?
Ages by which developmental milestones should be achieved
If a child fails to meet the limit age, what should be the next steps?
Assessment, investigation + intervention
Gross motor - newborn
Limbs flexed
Symmetrical posture
Gross motor - 6-8 weeks
Raised head to 45’ in prone
Gross motor - 8-9 months
Gross motor - 10 months
Cruises around furniture
Gross motor domain 12 months
Walks unsteadily, broad gait, hands apart
Gross motor domain 15 months
Walks steadily
Limit ages - gross motor domain ±(4)
Head control = 4 months
Sits unsupported = 9 months
Stands = 12 months
Walks = 18months
Fine motor domain - 6 weeks
Follows moving object/face by turning head
Fine motor domain 4 months
Reaches out for toy
Fine motor domain - 4-6months
Palmar grasp
Fine motor domain - 7 months
Transfers toy from 1 hand to other
Limit ages fine motor domain (4)
Fix + follow = 3 months
Reach for object = 6 months
Transfers across = 9 months
Pincer grip = 12 months
When are primitive reflexes loss?
When postural reflexes develop
Sudden extension of head —> symmetrical extension, then flexion of arms
Flexion of fingers when an object is placed in the palm
Head turns to the stimulus when touched near the mouth
Stepping response
Stepping movements when held vertically are Dorsum of the feet touch a surface
Asymmetrical tonic neck reflex
Lying supine, the infant adopts an outstretched arm to the side to which the head if turned
Sucking reflex
Child sucks when nipple placed in their mouth
Labyrinthine righting
Head moves in opp direction to which the body is tilted
Postural support
When held upright, leg takes W + baby may push up
Lateral propping
In sitting, the arm extends on the side to which the child falls as a saving mechanism
When suspended face down, the baby’s arms extend as though to save themselves
Def abnormal motor development
Delay in acquisition of motor skills Balance problem Abnormal gait Asymmetry of hand use Involuntary movements Loss of motor skills (RARE)
When does abnormal motor development most commonly occur
Between 3m-2y
Causes of abnormal motor development (5)
Central deficit e.g. CP Congenital myopathy Primary umm disease SC lesions Global developmental delay
S+L domain - 3-4 months
Vocalises, coos and laughs
S+L domain 7-10 months
7 months - uses sounds indiscriminately
10 months - discriminately
Limit ages - S+L domain (3)
Polysyllabic babble = 7months
Constant babble = 10months
Joins words = 2 years
Causes of delay to S+L(5)
Hearing loss Global developmental delay Difficulty in speech prod from defect e.g. cleft palate Environmental deprivation Familial/normal variant
What can speech and language DISORDER be due to? (5)
Language comprehension Language expression Phonation + speech production Pragmatics ASD
What is a stammer?
FLow of speech disrupted by involuntary repetitions and prolongations of sounds, syllables, words or phases
+ invol silents phases
What is the main issue in stammer?
How do stammer pt mask repetition?
Prolongations + learned mechanisms
By what age do most stammers stop
Age 5
Contributing factors to stammer (3)
Other SALT issues
Interruption + competitions w/ sibling
E.g.s of speech impediments (6)
Stutter Lisping Mute Articulation issues Voice disorders Dysarthria
By what age is a global developmental delay usually evident by
2 years
What is a global developmental delay usually associated with
Cognitive difficulties
Social milestones - 6 weeks
Smiles responsively
Social milestones - 10-12 months
Wavesbye bye
PLays peek-a-boo
Limit ages social domain (5)
Smile - 8 weeks Stranger danger - 10 months Feeds self - 18 months Symbolic play - 2.5y Interactive play - 3.5y