Gastroenterology Flashcards
ST cold
- Forceful, strong and noisy hiccups History of cold food consumption
- Epigastric tightness and cold feeling No appetite
- Clear, profuse urination Loose stools
- Cold extremities
Pulses - Slow & tight
Tongue - Pale with a white coat that may be sticky
ST Fire
- High frequency hiccup
- Likes cold
- Large appetite
- Large cravings (alcohol, spicy foods)
- Thirsty
- Constipation
- Foul breath
- Concentrated urine
Pulses - Rapid, strong and maybe slippery
Tongue - Red tongue with a yellow sticky coat
LV Qi Stagnation
- Absent during sleep (emotional type)
- Hypochondriac pain
- Chest stiffness
Pulse - Wiry, tense
Tongue - Normal to light purple with a thin white coat
SP Yang Deficiency
- Hiccups are like SOB (very weak) - Constant hiccups
- Likes heat and pressure
- Bloating after eating
- Loose stools with undigested food Cold feeling
Pulses - Weak, slow & deep
Tongue - Pale, flabby tongue
ST Yin Deficiency
- Frequent hiccups
- Weak voice
- Dry mouth and throat
- Gastrointestinal Hiccup
- Thirst - Emaciation
- Night sweats
- 5 centre heat sensation Malar flush
- Constipation (pellet stools)
Pulse - Rapid and thready
Tongue - Red, small with little or no coat
Initial stages of dysphagia is caused by….
phelgm or LV Qi stagnatino
Initial stage
- Different degrees of swallowing problems especially solids
- “Food gets stuck”
- Emotional changes
- Chest pain with cutting pain or burning (heartburn)
- No problems swallowing liquid
- Nausea, vomiting, belching and hiccups
Pulses - Wiry
Tongue - Red with a normal or sticky coat
Middle stage of dysphagia is caused by…
Yin Deficiency
Middle stages
- Trouble swallowing solids and semi-solids
- Emotional changes
- Choking cough
- Constant chest pain
- Dysphagia
- Increased phlegm discharge (chocolate covered)
- Progressive loss of weight (emaciation)
- Constipation (pellet stools)
- Scanty urination
Pulses - Thready
Tongue - No coating (low Stomach Qi and Yin deficiency)
Advanced stages are caused by…
Yang deficiency
Advanced stages
- Terminal condition
- Full body edema
- Diarrhea with blood and mucous - SOB
- Cold extremities
- Abdominal distention
Pulses - Weak and slow
Tongue - Flabby and pale with no coat
Vomiting caused by irregular Food (food intolerance or poor quality)
- Belching
- Foul breath
- Feeling better after vomiting
- Abdominal distention and pain
- Diarrhea
- Better after flatus
Pulses - Strong, slippery
Tongue - Thick sticky white/yellow coat
Vomiting caused by phlegm dampness
- Eat in the morning, vomit in the evening
- Not noisy vomit
- Fatigue
- Pale face
- Watery vomit
- Palpitations
- Dizziness
- Abdominal distention
Pulses - Slippery, weak & soft
Tongue - Pale, flabby tongue
LV Qi Stagnation
- “Noisy Vomit” – loud sounds
- Dry vomit
- Mental irritation
- Stress
- Wandering pain
- Regurgitation
- Cardiovascular vomit (increased BP vomiting)
Pulses - Wiry and long
Tongue - Normal to red/light purple
Vomiting caused by external pathogenic influence
- Watery vomit and diarrhea
- Headache
- Fever
- Chills
- Projectile vomiting
Pulses - Superficial and rapid
Tongue - Red tongue with yellow coat
Abdominal distention excess type is usually caused by
Abdominal distension excess
- Persistence of distention and fullness in the abdomen
- Abdominal pain aggravated by pressure
- Belching
- Foul breath
- Dark yellow urine
- Constipation
- Maybe fever
- Vomiting
Pulse - Rolling, rapid and forceful
Tongue - Yellow, thick tongue coat
Abdominal distension deficiency type is usually caused by
Yang deficiency
Abdominal distension deficiency
- Abdominal distention relieved by pressure
- Borborygmi
- Loose stools
- Loss of appetite
- Lassitude
- Apathy
- Clear, profuse urine
Pulses - Slow and weak
Tongue - Pale with a white coat
Causes for Diarrhea - excess
retention of food
damp cold/ heat accumulation
LV Qi attacking the SP
causes for diarrhea - deficient
SP and ST deficiency
KD Yang deficiency
Retention of Food
- Abdominal pain relieved after bowel movements,
- borborygmi
- diarrhea with bad odors,
- epigastric pain with abdominal fullness and distention,
- belching,
- anorexia,
- halitosis
Tongue: Thick coating
Pulse: Slippery
Damp Cold Accumulation
- Watery diarrhea,
- abdominal pain worse from pressure,
- borborygmi,
- chills,
- absence of thirst,
- heaviness feeling
Tongue: Pale with a thick, sticky white coating
Pulse: Slow and slippery
Damp Heat accumulation
- Abdominal pain, loose stools with yellow mucous and a foul odor,
- burning sensation in the anus,
- tenesmus,
- dark, scanty urine,
- feverish sensation,
- increased frequency of stools,
- thirst
Tongue: Thick yellow and sticky coating
Pulse: Slippery (rolling) and rapid
LV Qi attacking the SP
- Diarrhea related to emotions,
- alternation with constipation belching abdominal distention,
- poor appetite,
- irritability
Tongue: Light red tongue sides or may be normal
Pulse: Wiry
SP and ST Deficiency
- Loose stools with undigested food,
- anorexia,
- poor appetite,
- epigastric distress after eating (stomach),
- fatigue,
- sallow complexion
Tongue: Pale with teeth marks
Pulse: Weak
KD Yang Deficiency
- Diarrhea at dawn, abdominal pain,
- borborygmi that is relieved by bowel movements,
- abdominal distention,
- cold limbs,
- weakness in the back and knees
Tongue: Pale tongue with a white coating, may be swollen
Pulse: Deep and weak
Constipation - heat type
- Very hard and dry stools
- Normal in quantity
- Sometimes blood in stool
- Abdominal distention (can feel stool in LLQ)
Pulses - Strong, slippery and rapid
Tongue - Red with a dry, yellow coat

Constipation - LU heat
High fever Thirst Cough Bronchitis Pneumonia
Constipation - ST heat
Bad breath
Red eyes
Constipation - Qi Stagnation
- Comes and goes
- Clinical depression
- Emotional changes Irritability
- Menstrual irregularity
Pulses - Wiry
Tongue - Thin coat that may be yellow
Constipation - deficiency types
Qi Deficiency
Blood Deficiency
Constipation - Qi Deficiency
- No energy to pass stool
- Lower abdominal distention
- Spontaneous sweating
- SOB,
- Fatigue
- Dizziness
- Loose stools
Pulses - Weak
Tongue - Pale
Constipation - Blood Deficiency
- Worrying
- Palpitations
- Poor memory
- Dry skin
- Scanty menses
Pulses - Thready and weak
Tongue - Small & pale
Constipation - cold type - Yang Deficiency / excess cold
- Difficulty in passing Weight gain
- Delayed menses
- Cold limbs
- Low back pain & Weak knees
- Smooth, delicate skin
- Thin hair, light eyebrows
Pulses - Deep and slow
Tongue - Pale and flabby
Herbs for Heat Type Constipation
Ma Zi Ren Wan
Moistens intestines, clears heat, tonifies blood, frees the stool 8 pills tid, po (max 12 pills)
Herbs for Cold type constipation
Da Huang Fu Zi Tang
Only for cold in the intestines where no deficiency exists
IBD are considered what type of condition?
Damp heat in the LI
- can also include SP/ST damp heat, LV/GB damp heat
- some consider it to be damp heat in the Middle Burner
Herbs for IBS
Xiao Yao San
(Spreads liver qi, harmonizes the spleen, nourishes blood)
Si Ni San
(Harmonizes the liver and restores yang)
Tong Xie Yao Fang
(Important Formula for Painful Diarrhea; Spreads liver qi and tonifies the spleen)