Gastro Flashcards
What is the difference between bleeding and perforated peptic ulcer
- Bleeding: Melena, Evidence of upper GI bleed
- Perf: Peritonitis, Distention, guarding, rigidity
Histology Coeliac Screen
- Intraepithelial Lymphocytosis
- Crypt Hyperplasia
- Villous Atrophy
Toxic Megacolon Dx
Bowel distention> 6cm Abdo X ray, thumb printing
What is Pellagra
Deficiency of B3: diarrhoea, dementia, dermatitis
Dx an d Treatment of Bile acid malabsorption
- Dx: SeHCAT
- Cholestryamine
Malignant association of Barrett’s Oesophagus
Pancoast Tumour
Malignancy in apex of lung: can cause hoarse voice due to compression of laryngeal nerve
Where does Ischaemiac Colitis most commonly occur, Dx on Xray
Splenic Flexure at borders of inferior mesenteric artery (L3)
- thumb printing
What do Iron studies show in anaemia of chronic disease and Iron deficiency anaemia
- Chronic: normocytic, reduced total iron binding capacity, raised or normal ferratin
- Iron deficiency: Low ferritin, TIBC raised
- TIBC also raised in pregnancy
What does the Child-Pugh score use?
Bili, Albumin, PTT, Encephalopathy, Ascites
What is Boerhaave and Plummer-Vinson syndrome
Boerhaave: severe vomiting leads to oesophageal rupture: pain and crepitus in epigastrium
Plummer Vinson: Dysphagia, Iron deficiency anaemia, glossitis
What blood picture can pancreatitis cause
Wilson’s disease blood picture:
- Caeruloplasmin decreased
- Serum copper decreased
- Increased urinary excretion copper
Primary sclerosis cholangitis complication
Malignant associations of hereditary non polyposis colorectal cancer
- Colon
- Endometrial
- Pancreatic