Gastric Surgery Flashcards
Obj: Know prinicples and basic surgical techniques of the stomach
Obj: know how to perform a gastrotomy
Obj: Know risk factors and pathophysiology of gastric dilation/volvulus (GDV)
Obj: know appropriate initial management of GDV
Obj: Know the surgical management for GDV
When is Stomach surgery indicated?
What is the overall procedure of gastric surgery?
What is a Gastrotomy? Indications?
What is the common history and PE of animals needing a gastrotomy?
What are the Pre-operative considerations for a Gastrotomy?
how are gastric incisions closed?
What is Gastric Dilation-Volvulus (GDV)?
What are the risk factors of GDV?
What are the signs of GDV?
How is a GDV patient stabilized?
What are the goals with surgery for GDV
What is a Gastropexy?
What are the alternatives to an incisional Gastorpexies to fix GDV?
What is the postoperative care for a GDV?
How can GDV be prevented?